Chapter 60

“Huh?” Mu Yunbing was also dumbfounded. Although she didn’t know why Su Zhiwen was so sure, she still subconsciously chose to believe it.

Because she took part of it to the factory for cutting and processing, all of it was cut up, and none of it was waste rock.

Mu Yunbing hurriedly asked the employees to exchange for another piece. It was a violet. Even if Ye Feng could afford it, she would not sell it!

This time the female employee was very reliable. Su Zhiwen was very satisfied after seeing the color.

After receiving the rough stone, Su Zhiwen said to Ye Feng: “Since you are here to buy jade, it means that you are quite knowledgeable. You can make a profit if you take away 600,000 yuan for this stone. If you don’t buy it, hehe.”

Ye Feng swallowed. Before, he thought that Mu Yunbing could talk about it. He didn’t expect that Su Zhiwen was the one who was absolutely dominant. Mu Yunbing still had to look at his face.

“Why should I believe you?” Even though Su Zhiwen is very strong, just taking a stone and saying it’s worth 600,000 is worth 600,000? Isn’t this a strong buying and selling!

Even if it’s worth six hundred thousand, he doesn’t have it!

“Don’t you believe it?” Su Zhiwen chuckled, and then patted the rough stone with his hands. In fact, he used his true energy to shake the stone wrapped outside into debris.

The crumbs were scattered all over the ground, but no one cared about how the ground was. Instead, they stared at Su Zhiwen’s hand unblinkingly.

“Fuck! What did I see, crushing rocks with bare hands? What kind of trick is this?”

“Niu Pian, I also want to learn! This f*ck pretends to be a magical skill!”

“Cut! A group of fools, this look is prepared in advance, so it’s just a mystery.”

“Hey, I said if you made a mistake about the point, that stone seems to have been shipped!”

“It’s a glutinous jade! Or a fine glutinous species! Buddy, buy it for 600,000 yuan, and you will make a lot of money!” There are many knowledgeable people among the onlookers.

“Is it really profitable?” Some people who didn’t understand at all hurriedly asked the people around them, “How much is this piece worth?”

“I don’t dare to say that, if it is finished, it will definitely not be one million!”

“This…isn’t the boss’s brother stupid, knowing that he is worth 600,000 yuan?”

“Shhh, keep your voice down! Don’t let him hear it. Didn’t you see that he was forcing the little brother to buy? Six hundred thousand for you, can you afford it?”

“I really can’t afford it.”


“How? Do you believe it now? Buy or not?” Su Zhiwen was sure that Ye Feng could afford it, but the price might be a bit high.

Since it is a consumption system, in addition to a limited amount, it should be overdraftable, right? Otherwise, what’s the cost?

“I…” Ye Feng’s face flushed, buy it, the quota is not enough, don’t buy it, Su Zhiwen can’t just let him go.

Moreover, Su Zhiwen has an extraordinary identity at the first glance, so he dare not buy it.

On the surface, Ye Feng was hesitating, but in fact, he was frantically asking for help from his system.

In the end, the system gave him a temporary quota, at the cost of five years of reduced life span.

“I’ll buy it!” Ye Feng said these two words grievingly, but secretly vowed in his heart that he wanted revenge.

He has a system. Level 1 will increase by 100,000 per day, level 2 by one million, level 3 by 10 million, and level 4 by 100 million…

One day, he can kill Su Zhiwen with money!

Hate consumed 600,000, and Ye Feng was bleeding in his heart, but it was his five-year lifespan in exchange for it!

This coin should not be installed today.

“Walk slowly, please come again next time.” Su Zhiwen smiled and waved.

Ye Feng didn’t want to come again, this place is now his nightmare, unless he saves enough capital in the future, otherwise he will never come again.

Of course Su Zhiwen must laugh, because he has gained another wave of villain value.

[Ding, the host destroys the protagonist Ye Feng’s costume and forced him to face the plot, bullying and forcing him to lose five years of life, rewards the villain with a value of 1000, and the villain’s point is 10][Ding, the host has caused a great psychological shadow on the protagonist Ye Feng, and will not dare to come back to Yayu Xuan in the future, to disintegrate the plot that Ye Feng and the heroine Mu Yunbing are close to, and reward the villain with a value of 500]

“Zhiwen, would it be too good to do this?” Mu Yunbing still had a good impression of Ye Feng, and she felt that Su Zhiwen’s behavior was a bit too much.

It’s a bit bullish.

“What’s wrong? I’m giving him money!” Su Zhiwen smiled meaningfully, “Sister Mu, isn’t it the first time he has come to your store?”

“Well, he also came two days ago, what’s the matter?” Mu Yunbing was a little unsure.

‘Is that so? It seems that Ye Feng just got Gold Finger within a few days. Thinking like this in her heart, Su Zhiwen chuckled: “You never thought about why he runs here every day? You probably haven’t seen any customer who likes jade come here every day, right?”

“This…I never thought about it.” Mu Yunbing had never seen such a guest.

Su Zhiwen joked, “Because Sister Mu, you are so beautiful, he came for you!”

“What nonsense? How beautiful am I?” Mu Yunbing blushed a little, and she knew that she was outstanding, but a woman still had to be reserved.

“I don’t think Ye Feng looks like a bad person, and he didn’t do anything bad to me. Even if he is interested in me, it’s okay, right?”

Although Mu Yunbing has no good feelings for Ye Feng, if Su Zhiwen didn’t intervene and develop according to the original plot, Ye Feng would come to spread money every day after tomorrow. Maybe it won’t take long for Mu Yunbing to have a good feeling for Ye Feng. ?

Even, let Ye Feng embrace the beauty?

Su Zhiwen didn’t want the plot to develop in this direction, so he not only wanted to whole Leaf Feng, but also poured dirty water on him.

“Can you tell if Ye Feng is a bad person? Sister Mu, do you think he looks like a rich man with Ye Feng’s clothes?”

“This…maybe people are relatively low-key?” Mu Yunbing recalled Ye Feng’s dress, which was indeed not worn by the rich, but she still believed in her first feeling.

Seeing that Mu Yunbing had been shaken, Su Zhiwen continued to coax: “I heard someone say that Ye Feng’s job is to deliver food, and the delivery person can still enter the jade shop every day? Can I easily take out hundreds of thousands?”

Su Zhiwen then pretended to say to himself, “I didn’t expect to make money from delivering food. When my college entrance examination was over, I would also go to experience life as a delivery worker.”

Hearing Su Zhiwen’s words, Mu Yunbing couldn’t help but start to doubt Ye Feng. She came to Jinhai City to work hard when she was seventeen, and she knew better than anyone else about the contributions and rewards of the work at the bottom.

If Ye Feng is really a takeaway, it is impossible to have so much money, then where does his money come from?

steal? cheat? Still grab?

If Ye Feng’s money were all illegally obtained, then Ye Feng would be too bad to use the illegally obtained for consumption in her store. If the Dongchuang incident happened, the money would become stolen money, and she would not earn anything, and she would still have to lose. money.

Moreover, Ye Feng still has ideas about her, what else can’t she do if someone spends all his illegal money at ease?

Thinking of this, Mu Yunbing was a little regretful and afraid.

“Zhiwen, do you know something?” Mu Yunbing now regards Su Zhiwen as the backbone.

Since Su Zhiwen can think of this, it shows that he still has a way.

“I don’t know much, but I’m sure his money comes from unknown sources. In this situation, Sister Mu still doesn’t know what to do?”

Mu Yunbing is not stupid either, she still doesn’t understand what Su Zhiwen means at this time?

“Yes, report, report him, so we might be able to recover the loss.”

Seeing that Mu Yunbing had completely believed her words, and even made up a lot of it on her own, Su Zhiwen’s mouth evoked a wicked smile.

main character? See if I can kill you!

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