Chapter 47

After Su Zhiwen approached Chu Tian, ​​she had calmed down a lot.

Chu Tian is the protagonist, and the protagonist has God’s favor, Laozi’s favor.

If he wanted to kill Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian might escape death due to various chances and coincidences, or even a blessing in disguise and some adventure.

Theoretically speaking, with Su Zhiwen’s current combat power of 320, killing Chutian, who has a combat power of only 85, is as easy as crushing an ant to death.

But Su Zhiwen did not do this, because Chutian is a different ant. The kind of ant that is covered by the protagonist’s halo can’t be crushed, and he may even bite back. Do you feel uncomfortable?

This is why Su Zhiwen has always dealt with the protagonist only by suppressing, rather than risking to kill.

Otherwise, wouldn’t Lin Qi have all the grass growing out of the grave?

If it weren’t for Chu Tian’s behavior tonight that Su Zhiwen had been completely angered, Su Zhiwen would not have planned to chase Chu Tian and flee like this.

This is of no benefit to him, and he may even overturn if he is not careful.

If Su Zhiwen wants to catch up with Chu Tian, ​​it will only happen in a flash.

But Su Zhiwen didn’t do this. He deliberately slowed down, only a little faster than Chu Tian, ​​and slowly forced Chu Tian to the outskirts.

The surrounding buildings began to decrease, and the light gradually faded.

Su Zhiwen broke out at full speed until there was no trace of people, and instantly appeared in front of Chu Tian.

When he was far away from the city and saw the inaccessible thorny forest, Chu Tian finally showed joy on his face.

He was confident that only when he entered the jungle, it was not so easy for the people behind him to catch up with him.

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is very skinny.

When Su Zhiwen appeared in front of him, Chu Tian’s pupils contracted, and fear arose in his heart for the second time.

The first time was his first time on the battlefield. Faced with the rain of bullets and the scene of flying flesh and blood, his soul couldn’t help trembling in fear.

And this time, after the confidence was severely trampled on.

Yes, that person is too strong, and the speed is too fast, so fast that he can’t observe it with the naked eye.

The man hadn’t tried his best to catch up before, just playing around with him.

The self-confidence he had built over the years collapsed.

I used to think that I was already the top group of people in the world, and the world was so big that he could go anywhere.

From now on, how ignorant he is!

“You’re going to keep running!” Su Zhiwen looked at Chu Tian with a joking expression.

In the dark night, Chu Tian did not recognize Su Zhiwen, he did not have Su Zhiwen’s perspective ability.

Even if Su Zhiwen did not change his figure, Chu Tian never thought that the person in front of him was Su Zhiwen. The difference was too great.

One is the rich second-generation young man, and the other is a master who frightens him. How can they be connected?

“Who are you? Why are you staring at me?” Chu Tian didn’t run away. He knew that he could not run, so he might as well delay for a while and look for opportunities.

“Who am I? Hahaha” Su Zhiwen laughed as if he heard a big joke, “You come to kill me and ask who am I?”


Hearing Su Zhiwen’s words, Chu Tian’s eyes widened, and he let out an incredible exclamation.

“I wanted to have fun with you, and get some woolen stuff. I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant of exaltation, so you dare to attack me first!”

Chu Tian didn’t understand Su Zhiwen’s words about scalping wool. He was still in shock, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

“Kill you, it may not kill you, don’t kill you, you must be unwilling to do something secretly, what should I do?” Su Zhiwen seemed to be annoyed secretly, and he seemed to be asking Chu Tian. .

Chu Tian finally reacted, it was a critical moment of life and death, and he couldn’t tolerate his distraction.

Regardless of whether the person in front of him is Su Zhiwen or not, there is no existence he can deal with.

Seeing Chu Tian fully guarded, Su Zhiwen scanned the surroundings and confirmed that there was no one within a few hundred meters.

Going to Chutian, “Why don’t you do this, make you a fool, do you think it’s okay?”

With that, Su Zhiwen stretched out his hand.

Hearing Su Zhiwen’s words, Chu Tian’s pupils shrank for a while, but Su Zhiwen’s hand was already on his head before he could move.

Chu Tian’s instinct told him that if he could not move, he would die if he moved!

But if he doesn’t move, he will still die!

How to do……

In the next moment, Chu Tian completely lost consciousness.

Su Zhiwen didn’t kill him, but used a combination of medical skills and true qi to turn him into an idiot.

[Ding, the host turns the protagonist Chutian into an idiot, and successfully abolishes a protagonist, rewards the villain with a value of 3000, and the villain points 20]

When prompted by the system, Su Zhiwen secretly regretted that the benefits of abolishing the protagonist at one time and suppressing the protagonist again and again are too far apart.

But Su Zhiwen will not regret it, Chutian is too dangerous, and keeping it is always a scourge.

Although he is not afraid of Chu Tian, ​​he still has his family.

There is no shortage of protagonists in this world. If one is abolished, isn’t there another one? The loss can still be made up.

“Hey…hey…milk (softly)…I want to eat milk.” Chu Tian’s voice became a little silly, childish.

Su Zhiwen didn’t expect that things were going so smoothly and no accidents happened.

Nor did a master suddenly jump out and shout for mercy.

Su Zhiwen was quite surprised.

Su Zhiwen hurried to home quickly, leaving Chu Tian alone and letting him fend for himself.

However, Su Zhiwen always felt that Chu Tian should not die so easily, even if he became a fool, he still had heaven to protect him!

The fact is also true. Half an hour after Su Zhiwen left, two figures suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Chu Tian, ​​who was lying on the ground and shivering.

“Brother, this is the man of destiny you are talking about. Is your magic weapon reliable?” The young woman’s nice voice sounded, but it was full of doubts.

The man who was called to be a senior nodded with a serious face, “Yes, it is him. My magic weapon was uploaded by the ancestors. Each of his masters has the merits of Conglong.”

The men and women who were traveling with him were all waist-long hair and ancient-style robes. They were not like modern people at all, but had traveled from ancient times.

Hearing what the brother said, the young woman couldn’t help but believe it. After all, the brother’s words are well-documented, and his ancestors were indeed followers of those famous and powerful people.

“But, he seems to be a fool.”

But Chu Tian’s stupidity at this time, she really can’t draw an equal sign between Chu Tian and those strong, let alone those strong, even with talents of the same age can not be compared.

“What’s the matter with the idiot? My ancestors also encountered something even more outstanding after the idiot became more capable.”

When talking about his ancestors, the man seemed extremely proud.

“It’s hard to meet a man of destiny, no matter whether he is stupid or not, I will take it back and talk about it.”

“Okay.” The young woman nodded, and it was not good for them to come back empty-handed.

The man stood up Chu Tian, ​​took out a golden token with the size of a palm, and threw it into the air.

The token became bigger in the wind, and it was as big as a boat in an instant. A man and a woman jumped onto the token.

Then broke away.

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