Chapter 25 The Protagonist’s New Action

Today is the weekend, Su Zhiwen did not get up early, but stayed in bed for a while.

However, at about nine o’clock, Su Zhiwen got up.

Because the detective agency sent a message saying that Lin Qi had left Jinhai City and went to Fulin Town.

Su Zhiwen searched Fulin Town on the Internet, and most of the information that popped up was related to jade.

Su Zhiwen could not sit still.

In places rich in jade, gambling on stone must be indispensable.

Thinking of Lin Qi possessing the perspective ability, wouldn’t he make a lot of money if he went there?

More than that, maybe it will make friends with nobles or heroines or something.

Su Zhiwen didn’t dare to think about it any more, and immediately changed his clothes and went out, and by the way called his dad.

Want to intercept the protagonist’s chances, what is Su Zhiwen’s advantage?

Of course there is money! As long as Lin Qi can go one step ahead of time and go to the gambling ground to buy all the valuable stones, there will be nothing for Lin Qi.

You can kill him with money!

As the villain’s father, Su Dahai is also very good, and without asking the reason, he transferred 30 million to Su Zhiwen and asked him if he was enough.

“Drive faster, as fast as you can.” Su Zhiwen kept urging the driver Xiao Wang.

Rolls-Royce rushed all the way to the gambling gambling ground in Fulin Town.

Half an hour later, Rolls-Royce stopped at a factory door.

At this time, several luxury cars had been parked in the parking lot next to the factory.

The receptionist who was patrolling the factory heard the sound of the car and walked out and saw that it was a Rolls Royce.

Take a few steps quickly and greet him warmly.

Su Zhiwen got out of the car with a calm expression and nodded to the two entertainers who came by.

After that, he walked straight into the factory, followed by Xiao Wang, the driver.

“Whose factory is this?” Su Zhiwen asked the guide who led the way.

The hospitality also asked Su Zhiwen to answer questions.

After understanding, this factory is under the name of the Chen Group, and is a direct source of the Chen Group, but it will also sell some rough stones to other companies or enterprises.

Of course, the rough stones sold are actually leftovers picked by others.

If you eat your own meat, you have to give other people a chance to drink soup. Monopoly is a must!

Chen Group Su Zhiwen knows that it is also a large enterprise in Jinhai City, mainly engaged in the business of jade jewelry.

Compared to Su’s Jinhai Group? Heh, not at all!

This factory of the Chen Group is not only a base for producing jade raw materials for the group, but also a trading market.

Most of the people who come here are small bosses who do jade business and some enthusiasts who bet on stone.

After Su Zhiwen walked into the factory with the receptionist, he saw many people picking rough stones, most of them were the so-called ‘masters’ found by the bosses.

Few bosses end up personally.

There are also some people around the cutting table to see if the stone of their choice has risen.

Su Zhiwen smiled, did not join in the fun, but went to the shelf where the rough stones were placed.

Su Zhiwen just took a look, then pointed to a few pieces of jade and said, “This piece, this piece, and this piece, bring me all.”

That incredibly random movement made me stunned by the entertainment.

But he quickly realized that this is a big business, and he needs to live and serve him well.

I am happy to help Su Zhiwen load the goods. He has a commission for the rough sold. Can he be unhappy?

Su Zhiwen walked between the shelves, pointing casually.

Xiao Wang, the driver and bodyguard, guarded closely behind him.

The host pushed the trolley and loaded piece after piece of rough stone into it.

When Su Zhiwen finally stopped, the trolley was already full.

And on the shelves, there are still 70% of the rough stones, all rubbish!

Su Zhiwen didn’t plan to cut here. After all, all of them can be shipped. It is too eye-catching to open.

Let the receptionist arrange a car for him to go to Jinhai Group.

After all, it is useless for him to take these things, he can only take them to the warehouse to make ashes!

Had it not been for the chance of the protagonist, he would never have looked at these stones.

After scraping the jade, Su Zhiwen was going to find a lounge to rest, waiting for Lin Qi to arrive.

It’s just that he heard a familiar voice as soon as he came up with this idea.

Lin Qi, is it already here?

Two shelves away from Su Zhiwen.

Lin Qi looked at it for a long time, and felt very depressed, because he had already looked at three shelves, and there was not a single green rough stone.

This made him wonder if his perspective ability had failed.

Just not far from him, there was a middle-aged man in her forties and a woman in her twenties.

Middle-aged people pick and choose on the shelves, looking like they are very professional.

But Lin Qi focused all his attention on that woman.

The woman draped her smooth long hair behind her, her icy skin and jade face, and a pair of exquisite jade pendants hung from her earlobes, shining in the light.

An OL professional suit, decent and natural.

Dressed as a professional woman.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, Lin Qi throbbed naturally.

But it didn’t find the right opportunity to get close.

“Mr Mu, based on my experience of betting on stone for more than ten years, this rough stone will definitely rise!”

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly pointed to a rough stone and said excitedly.

The woman’s name is Mu Yunbing. She is the owner of a jewelry store. Obviously she trusts middle-aged people very much.

“Well, then choose this one.”

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Qi was overjoyed. Isn’t this a chance?

“Wait a minute,” he said immediately: “Madam, this is a piece of waste rock, it is impossible to increase.”

When the two heard this, they turned their heads and looked at Lin Qi, and saw that there was no one else around them, knowing that they were speaking from his mouth.

Mu Yunbing’s face was suspicious, but the middle-aged man was directly angry and said, “You little baby, what do you know?”

In the eyes of middle-aged people, Lin Qi is too young. Can it be compared with his more than ten years of experience?

It’s just a little trick that the young man is impetuous and wants to show his face in front of the beauties.

His eyes were thief Jill Jing, and he could see Lin Qi’s intentions at a glance.

Let alone Lin Qi, he is already in his forties, isn’t he also deliberately showing off his skills in front of such a stunning Mu Yunbing?

“Although I’m young, you can’t deny that I have real talents.” Lin Qi didn’t know that he had been regarded as a fellow of the same way by the middle-aged, and he was like a raccoon.

I’m very strong, just a self-confident look that you don’t know.

“It’s you?” The middle-aged looked at him contemptuously, and asked with interest: “Then you are telling me, why do you think this rough stone is a waste stone?”

The middle-aged man put his arms around his chest, waiting for Lin Qi’s following, ‘I want to see, what flowers can you tell me! ’

“Intuition!” Lin Qi said indifferently.

Of course Lin Qi didn’t understand anything, and he didn’t need to understand. With the perspective ability, he only needs to look at it to know if there is jade in the rough stone.

The middle-aged people were also taken aback when they heard this. What kind of answer is this?

“Puff” Mu Yunbing couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words. She found that this little guy who was suspected of being a high school student was very interesting.

The middle-aged man was already in a rage at this time, he actually let a little baby play with him?

However, his quality told him that he was too bad to be angry with a young man, so he spoke to drive Lin Qi away.

“Young man, don’t talk nonsense here if you don’t understand, go on the side, don’t delay Mr. Mu’s business.”

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