Chapter 217 Fighting Power Ceiling

Although Lao Yang was joking, Chen Shengtian did not dare to take it as a joke. He thought that Lao Yang was expressing dissatisfaction, and scolded his daughter aloud: “Little Rou, how do you say it? Old Yang finally came here, why are you doing this? Not polite?”

Immediately turned his head and smiled at Lao Yang: “Lao Yang, I can’t help but don’t take it to heart.”

Old Yang waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t care, and said, “Hey, Xiao Chen, don’t be nervous, I’m not that stingy yet.”

After taking a closer look at Chen Yurou, Mr. Yang said with emotion: “Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye your child is so old.”

“Yes, when the child is older, he is beginning to be disobedient.” Chen Shengtian seemed to think of the past, and followed with emotion.

It’s just that he didn’t remember how long he was interrupted by Chen Yurou’s complaining voice, “Dad, why am I not obedient?”

Chen Shengtian said in a huff: “You are the most obedient. If you are obedient, why don’t you let Yifeng live in? If he protects you, dad can rest assured!”

“Who wants him to protect? He can’t protect himself well, so what else would he say to protect me?”

Chen Yurou went back without hesitation. The key is that neither Chen Shengtian nor Yang Yifeng could refute it.

Old Yang laughed and said, “Haha, in the matter between the children, you can just let the flow happen if you are an adult.”

Chen Shengtian’s intentions, he saw clearly, nothing more than to match Yang Yifeng and Chen Yurou, but this kind of thing, an old man of him knows that it depends on fate, the more he does, the easier it is to make mistakes. Chen Shengtian actually still can’t see through.

Old Yang looked amiable, and still talking to her, Chen Yurou didn’t say any more complaints, and sat on the sofa muffled.

For a while, the atmosphere eased a little, and Chen Shengtian, Yang Yifeng, and Old Yang also had a good chat.

Approaching noon, Mr. Yang proposed to leave.

Chen Shengtian was very surprised and said, “Lao Yang is leaving now? It’s not easy to come once, why not stay a few more days and let me entertain you.”

Old Yang shook his head and refused, “No, I’m used to idle clouds and wild cranes. I like quietness. Although the big city is good, it doesn’t suit me.”

Yang Yifeng also knew that his master was more casual, and he didn’t say anything to keep him.

When he heard that Master was about to leave, he suddenly remembered what he had promised Su Zhiwen before. After hesitating for a while, he scratched his head and said, “Master, Zhiwen told me before that he wanted to worship you as a teacher. I promised him. Say when I saw you and ask your opinion, what do you think?”

“Your friend?” For Su Zhiwen, Mr. Yang is very impressed. After all, he is one of the few people who can not see through. He can see that Su Zhiwen is not a simple character, but his mind is extremely deep. The apprentice is stupid and can’t tell.

But this does not mean that he will be afraid of Su Zhiwen. Since he is a friend recognized by the apprentice and will not harm him, there is no need to guard against it.

“Let him come over, let’s say okay first, I won’t accept the apprentice anymore. It’s no problem to teach him one and a half tricks.”

In Yang Lao’s heart, he has only one apprentice, and that is Yang Yifeng. Apart from him, he does not intend to accept apprentices. In fact, in a strict sense, Yang Yifeng was brought up by him alone, not as an apprentice, and more like a grandson. .

“Okay, I’ll call him here.” Yang Yifeng was overjoyed when he heard that the master was willing to call Su Zhiwen. This sentence is enough, enough to give Su Zhiwen an explanation.

With that said, Yang Yifeng took out his cell phone and started a call.

Ten minutes later, Su Zhiwen drove to Chen Yurou’s house.

“Awen, why are you here?” Chen Yurou was the first to meet Su Zhiwen.

Seeing Chen Yurou’s surprised look, Su Zhiwen smiled back and said, “Yifeng is looking for something to do with me.”

“Oh.” Su Zhiwen didn’t actually come to her, Chen Yurou was disappointed and her mouth slumped.

“Zhiwen, you are here,” Yang Yifeng’s eyes flashed sadly, but he was soon covered up by him, smiling: “Although my master does not want to accept you as a disciple, he agreed to teach you a few tricks.”

“Oh? That feeling is good.” Su Zhiwen’s eyes flashed a little. He just said casually before, and he never thought about going to a teacher. He didn’t expect Yang Yifeng to be so caring, which made him feel a little guilty!

However, he will not stop Yang Yifeng’s footsteps.

Su Zhiwen looked at the old man beside Yang Yifeng, bowed and saluted, and said, “Old Yang, the younger generation is polite.”

Old Yang accepted the gift frankly and nodded: “Yes, you have a good root, but it’s a bit late. After the best age for cultivation, let’s say, what do you want to learn? As long as I can teach, I can teach you.”

“Uh, is there a secret to becoming a fairy?” Su Zhiwen raised her head slightly and asked.

“Cough cough” Old Yang almost couldn’t stand firm. After coughing twice, he didn’t have a good breath: “You want to be beautiful, I want to have a secret book of becoming a fairy, I will become a fairy long ago!”

Su Zhiwen knew that he was not exaggerating what he said. The first time he saw him, Su Zhiwen checked his property panel.

[Protagonist camp: Yang Chengfeng

Combat power: 2500

Technique: Yulong Jue


The combat power of 2500, far surpassing the peak of heaven and the great master of martial arts, has already touched the ceiling of the secular world.

If Yang Lao and Yang Yifeng’s Yulong tactics are like Xiaoyao Jing, with follow-up techniques, it will only be a matter of time before they become immortals.

It is a pity that there is no if, no chance, he can only be stuck to death, and will never be able to take that step. As the protagonist, Yang Yifeng may still have a chance.

Su Zhiwen is thick-skinned, he doesn’t know what politeness means, “Well, just look at it, don’t be too bad.”

“Okay, you kid really isn’t greedy, take this!” Old Yang doesn’t remember how long he hasn’t been popular. If it weren’t for Su Zhiwen’s friend of his apprentice and the relationship is good, he would never give Su Zhiwen anything. .

After pulling out a booklet from his arms and throwing it to Su Zhiwen, Boss Yang reminded him coldly, “I’m just an apprentice like Xiaofeng, you’d better not put your thoughts on him, otherwise, no matter what you hide. How far I can find you.”

“Understand.” Su Zhiwen’s heart was open. How could he not hear that Yang Lao was warning him, but he was not afraid, and he never thought of killing Yang Yifeng.

Besides, even if he wanted to, he might not be able to do it!

Others may not be clear, but he knows very well that if he wants to kill the protagonist with the aura of immortality, it may be possible in his dream.

Old Yang nodded. Although he didn’t say it clearly, he knew that Su Zhiwen could understand what he was saying, “It’s fine if you understand.”

Yang Yifeng really didn’t understand it very much. What do you mean, Su Zhiwen would still harm him? impossible!

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