The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 995: Dialogue at Rose Mansion

Here, the Xuanyuan family decided to help Lin Chuan a lot, especially in the Supreme Forest.

Lin Chuan's base camp is in the Star-Moon Kingdom, and there is no power on the side of the Supreme Forest.

Of course, the base camp of the Xuanyuan Family is not in the Supreme Forest, but in Bracada. However, this place is the junction of Fengling Grassland and Bracada, not far from the Supreme Forest.

Most of the Xuanyuan Family's power was placed in Bracada, but there were also some small teams on the Supreme Forest.

Although the power is nothing, it is better than Lin Chuan who has no foundation.

Over there, Rose Mansion is also discussing this matter.

As for before, I ridiculed Lin Chuan, it was normal operation.

Thorn Ying Rose said with a pouting mouth: "Lin Chuan doesn't know if it's a **** luck, but he has risen so many levels in one day!"

Thorn Shadow Rose has had some subtle opinions on Lin Chuan since she was defeated by Licai without any hesitation and no mercy in the Arena Competition last time.

Pink Rose shook her head slightly, and she didn't think anything about Thorn Shadow Rose. It's just such a playful, cute.

However, Lin Chuan is not to blame for this matter.

The arena competition is originally fair and just. It doesn't make sense for people to treat you differently because you are a girl, right?

This is not a competitive attitude.

Blue Rose said: "Sister Yao said that the reason Lin Chuan has risen so fast is entirely because of the grace given by the goddess of life."

Pink Rose wrinkled her nose and said, "God's grace? Divine grace is so powerful?"

Divine grace is of course strong, divine power is a lot of power higher than magic power. This thing is equivalent to something like a panacea, and everything can be transformed.

This is equivalent to things like gold, no matter what age, you can buy things.

Or, just like element crystal nuclei, you can exchange gold coins at will, of course.

Blue Rose reached out and put her hair behind her ears, and said, "Well, it seems that God's grace is indeed very powerful. In this way, do you still remember the three promises that the Dark Girl said when she quit the Elf God System? "

The pink rose nodded, the matter was so big, in the entire Io continent, except for some hidden places, no one might have not heard those three declarations.

The blue rose nodded and said: "In this case, we should put our energy on this in the next step. While we are still not aware of it, we should quickly make a windfall."

Pink Rose has never done something similar, and said with some worry: "But, this declaration shouldn't be so easy to do, right? Otherwise, how come we have never heard of other people's grace again?"

Blue Rose sighed and said, "I said the president, can you not be so simple?"

"What's wrong with me?" The pink rose touched the back of her head? When was she innocent?

The blue rose said earnestly: "If someone gets the grace of God and gets such a great benefit, will he preach it everywhere?"

The pink rose touched her nose and said to herself: "Why not? I have seen people show off the benefits they have gained, and many people have benefited!"

Well, there are indeed some people who like to show off.

But that is a minority after all, and people have gained enough benefits, and the follow-up benefits are not much. This is how it was released.

As for the others, where are so many fools?

But the blue rose also knew that the pink rose's mouth was hard, and didn't say much.

The blue rose thought for a while and said, "However, next, let's think more about how it can help Wanxing Pavilion."

"Why!" Thorn Ying Rose asked rhetorically.

Blue Rose is a little tired, and usually teases a sentence or two, this is no problem.

But at the critical moment, don't let her be so tired, okay?

Blue Rose said: "When we get along with Wanxing Pavilion, we have always belonged to the one being helped. We rarely help Wanxing Pavilion. This way of getting along is not a long-term way. If we are girls by virtue of ourselves Because of the factors, we just count on others to help us for thousands of years, then we will become vassals of others. Or, we can only integrate into the Wanxing Pavilion. This is not our original intention to establish the guild, I think you are not willing to do this Right?"

The original intention of the establishment of the Rose Mansion was that a group of girls got together and wanted to be self-reliant. If you rely on other men, what is the difference between betraying your hue?

Therefore, as soon as the blue rose said it, the thorn shadow rose closed his mouth and said no more.

The Blue Rose is right. If you only hope for the help of others, what else can you do to establish a guild?

Lin Chuan didn't know at this time, because of him, two guilds were worried.

Both Blue Rose and Xuanyuan Shenghen are very good managers. Although they are not in the same place, they have noticed the same loophole at the same time.

If you don't want to be a vassal of others, you must work hard to improve yourself!

At this time, Lin Chuan's divine grace had disappeared, but he was a devout believer who was promoted because of his identification with the road. In fact, there are very few beliefs provided. If Lin Chuan is not the descendant, he is the player. I'm afraid there is no such benefit.

Being able to persist until now is already the reason why the goddess prefers it so much.

But at this time, the number of life elements was not much, he had just controlled the life elements, wrapped this element, and began to pry the power of the death element and rotate!

To solve these two different elemental forces, the only way is to rotate, to achieve a state where there is me in you and you in me, and the rotation is immortal and endless.

This is the only way Lin Chuan can think of so far.

There is no other way.

But the power of the death factor is too much compared to the life factor.

Therefore, Lin Chuan will directly mobilize the power of the death element when the level reaches 80 to break the bottleneck between black iron and silver, and consume a part of the power of the death element.

But even so, relative to the life element, the power of the death element is still too much.

This is like splashing water droplets into the oil pan, and the whole pan is fried.

But the method is thought of, but it is not so easy to realize it.

This is like a new chef, watching being cooked is very pleasing to the eye, it seems very simple.

But when he started it himself, he made a dark cooking.

But at this time, Lin Chuan couldn't stop, because once he stopped, the vital elements would be swallowed.

This is equivalent to the previous effort, all in vain. Not to mention wasted time, there is energy and supernatural power.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Chuan made a decision.

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