The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 979: Another confrontation with the Queen of Sandworms

"It's here. This underground cave, with nine bends and eighteen bends, is like a maze." Lin Chuan introduced as he walked, "This place, not long ago, a month ago, The worm came out of the ground, but it caused us a lot of trouble."

Legend of Gary listened, but suddenly stopped, turned to look at the other side, and said, "Is there... over there?"

Lin Chuan had to sigh that the legend is the legend, but the atmosphere there is very hidden, especially after the Wanxing Pavilion has been in operation for a period of time, some buildings have been built, and the magic array is drawn to cover the atmosphere.

But even so, the legend of Gary is still keenly aware, this is the legend!

Lin Chuan once felt the power of the legend, and the legend is really not a mortal.

Lin Chuan said, "There is an alien channel in that place. At first I set up a territory here because of this. It is a dark attribute alien, currently the parents of my battle partner Lilith. The unicorn sits over there."

Legend of Gary nodded, thought for a moment, looked at Joey behind, turned around, and said: "Then, you can let Joey go over and try."

Generally, this kind of small plane has restrictions on the level of entry. This kind of alien plane probably cannot enter the legend.

But since Lilith's parents are there, it means that there should be no problem with the level of the archmage.

Super-order monsters, generally, will be of this order after they reach adulthood.

Now that Lin'er has been born, he must be an adult.

Lin Chuan was overjoyed, he was still thinking how to speak. Now the legend of Gary speaks in person, so that he will not speak.

However, this is a matter of mutual benefit. Lin Chuan gains Joey's combat power, can attack the alien plane more quickly, and can also defend the alien plane more securely.

Lin Chuan would not forget that there was also a priest of the Black Death Cthulhu on the alien plane, who had done several things.

For Joey, this is also a good thing.

Lilith's father, Allen, was also able to accumulate the foundation because of the strategy in the dark alien plane, and he was promoted successfully last time.

Joey was also a little happy. Now the teacher's future is promising. As a closed disciple, she has been following the teacher.

Teachers also need to worry about their own future.

Originally I didn't know what to do. Although the Archmage was powerful, it was actually not indispensable to the current Wanxing Pavilion.

In the nearby temple, there are several powerful people. Those people, I'm afraid they are not much worse than the teacher.

Own positioning seems a bit dispensable.

But now, this has a different plane, and she can show her skills.

This is a rare opportunity for Joey.

Especially, there is a couple of unicorns over there. She knew the power of Super-Order Warcraft.

Moreover, the unicorn is a beast of the holy light system, very good at healing.

This is equivalent to having two powerful pastors around him. In such an environment, it is really impossible to ask for it.

The matter was settled, and both parties were satisfied.

As they said, they walked to the fork in the road. The cave on this side was also enlarged by sandworms, which was suitable for humans and elves to walk.

It didn't take long before a golden sandworm came to greet him.

The size of this reception is not low, with twelve golden sandworms in total.

Joey saw that each of them was not lower than himself. Perhaps it is fighting, if outside, Joey has many ways to defeat these sandworms. Even one-to-many is not a problem.

But underground, this place is too small, the magician's casting distance is limited, one to one, I'm afraid it will be a problem.

The matter of fighting is not about standing output. It depends on who has more magic skills and who has more magic power.

The environment, as well as the opponent, will affect all aspects of the battle.

"Lord Lord, and this legendary lord, please come here. Our queen is waiting at the palace." The golden sandworm saluted and asked.

He put Lin Chuan's name in front, and he didn't know what he thought.

Perhaps, I want to provoke the relationship between the two.

But it didn't matter, Lin Chuan would naturally not care, and Legend of Ge Li would most likely not. Even if it cares, there is no way.

Now, his most important thing is to quickly break through the realm.

All the way to the palace, I said it was a palace, but it was actually a big cave with some sandworms.

But speaking of it, not to mention the luxury of the elves, even the palaces of human beings do not know how much more luxury than here.

Fortunately, there is something more here than after Lin Chuan came here before.

Perhaps the sandworm is best at digging holes. There are some stone tables and chairs in this palace. Although it is still very rough, it finally has some civilization.

"Everyone, please sit down and try my specialty, Sha Mi."

The Queen of Sand Worm's voice sounded, but in fact, it was not the real Queen of Sand Worm speaking, but a way of mental resonance and mental power communication.

In addition to the sharp mouthparts of Sandworm, this mental power is also very powerful.

I saw a group of golden sand worms, using their mental power to carry some sand mites in. Some metal cups are still used, and it seems that they are also engraved with patterns, which are very complicated and seem to be elves.

"Please!" Lin Chuan didn't see anything outside, just as if he was the master, and greeted everyone.

Speaking of which, he is not an outsider.

When the Queen of Sand Worm wanted to get a master-servant contract, Lin Chuan's plan was to counter the Queen of Sand Worm.

Lin Chuan can also be regarded as the master of the Queen of Sand Worms, here, too.

The Queen Sand Worm stagnated, a little embarrassed into anger, and her mental power formed a storm that shook everyone.

Only around the legend of Ge Li, there was no wind and waves.

On Lin Chuan's side, although there was also a shock wave of spiritual power passing by, it is strange that when the spiritual power reaches Lin Chuan, it will be smoothed, and then it will be like a spring lake in spring, with slight waves.

But these subtle waves can't make much waves.

The Queen of the Sand Worm gave a startled, unexpectedly, and immediately increased her efforts.

Lin Chuan is sitting there with the Da Ma Jindao. No matter how hard the Queen of Sandworms increases, it is like a flat boat in the wind and waves. He always feels that the boat will capsize in the next moment, but it is always very stable. There are no signs.

The Legend of Geli snorted coldly, interrupting the imposing manner of Queen Tsar Worm.

Not to mention that he was originally able to come here today as a representative, and he wanted to subdue this sandworm queen to facilitate future development. These Sha Mis were also what the Legend of Ge Li wanted.

It was said that the Queen of Sand Worm had no vision, and circled her apprentices in, and the Legend of Geli couldn't bear it.

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