The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 977: The legendary Ceylon black tea

Although there were plans to suppress the underground sandworm tribe, there was a sandworm tribe in the empty territory before, but there was no way to use it.

This is definitely a very big waste, mainly because Lin Chuan and others are not strong enough, even if they want to develop, they don't have that strength.

Now, with the addition of the Legendary Archmage of Gary, he has absolute certainty to suppress the Sand Worm Tribe.

A legend, even if he can't make a full shot, will definitely be stronger than a Xiri!

What's more, this Xiri was also restricted from shooting, unable to explode with all his strength.

As for the other sandworms, a pinnacle legend is naturally caught.

Lin Chuan didn't think that Legend of Geli would reject this, not to mention that he had already become an offering, this was considered to be part of Legend of Geli.

And this is the first time that Legend of Geli has joined the territory, and Legend of Geli has no possibility to refuse.

Besides, the honey produced by this sandworm is also a very good raw material.

In particular, it is very useful for the current legend of Geli.

Originally, Lin Chuan included this in the list dedicated to the Legend of Gaili, and Lin Chuan did not worry that the Legend of Gaili would reject it.

After discussing with Sister Yao, Lin Chuan asked her to draw up a list.

This is the list from the Supreme Forest. It is convenient for Lin Chuan to do the task alone, but sometimes it is not easy for Lin Chuan to do tasks such as collecting intelligence and monitoring.

Still have to organize a team to go there, besides, Lin Chuan agreed to Princess Ni Fuya to represent her. It is necessary to do a little better. It is not enough to go by alone.

Offline, daily practice, and taking care of Lin Xueer.

Lin Xueer's response to today's massage was particularly severe.

"Now it seems that Xue'er's soul will be able to adapt to the body soon, and she should be able to wake up soon." Lin Chuan was a little excited, and the various performances all meant that Lin Xue'er was afraid that she would soon be able to wake up. I can wake up.

Staying in Io Continent will cause a certain degree of assimilation to the player's soul.

Why do players go offline every once in a while? One is the damage to the soul and the consumption of mental power, which need to be supplemented and restored.

Another reason is to resume this process of assimilation.

The player may not be conscious, but the body's own recovery mechanism will make the player feel exhausted and need to go offline to rest.

The next morning, Lin Chuan swallowed Donglai Ziqi again and felt that the zhenqi in his body had basically been liquefied. This was a further expression of his cultivation.

After going online, Lin Chuan took out some things, grilled fish and yogurt, while eating, and video with Lin Xueer.

"Brother, are you satisfied with the gift I gave you last time?" Lin Xueer asked with a smile, eyes full of doubt and expectation.

Lin Chuan nodded and said, "I'm very satisfied, and I have been very helpful to my brother. This time, you should have seen it in the guild. My brother just auctioned the Qingyuan ten fruit wine and harvested a lot of gold coins. By the way, do you have any gold coins to use? Do you want my brother to mail some to you?"

With that said, Lin Chuan had already taken out his portable mailbox and mailed some gold coins to Lin Xueer.

For Lin Chuan, there are really a lot of gold coins now, enough for his own use. On the guild's side, if it's okay, they don't need many gold coins.

If you want to use it, the point given to Lin Xueer is simply inconspicuous.

Besides, the guild is already relatively healthy, and there is no need for Lin Chuan to inject a large amount of funds again.

Lin Xueer nodded: "Enough, I have a lot of gold coins. I collect materials from monsters myself, and help the grandfather run errands here, and got a lot of gold coins. I still want to ask my brother, do you want gold coins!"

Regardless of whether Lin Xueer had gold coins, they were mailed anyway, and Lin Chuan would not take them back.

After saying a few more words, Lin Chuan asked, "Xue'er, have you felt anything abnormal in your body recently?"

Lin Xueer shook her head doubtfully: "No, what's the exception?"

She paused and thought for a while: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

Lin Chuan: "This is how you feel about the body on Lvyuanxing. I recently gave you a massage. I feel that your body has recovered a lot and the traction on the soul has been much greater. I think you should be able to wake up recently. "

"Really?" Lin Xueer asked in surprise. Although she wanted to stay on Yongju Island, she would help her brother.

But if she could wake up in reality, Lin Xueer would not refuse.

Lin Chuan nodded, and said to Lin Xueer: "You have often sensed your own body recently and tried to get offline. Maybe that day, you will be able to wake up. This should be soon."

Xiaojie's estimate is also very recent, not too far away.

But for the soul, it is really difficult to estimate the time.

It can only be said that it is possible at any time recently. Of course, if you are unlucky, this time may never be reached.

It's about the soul, no one dares to pack a ticket.

After talking for a while, Lin Xueer found an excuse to do the task.

In fact, Lin Chuan knew that Lin Xueer was afraid of delaying her affairs, so although she wanted to chat with herself, she still hung up the video.

Lin Chuan shook his head, set his mind, and ate the last bite of the grilled fish into his stomach, and drank the last drop of yogurt.

Lin Chuan was only going to find Legend of Geli. When he got there, Legend of Geli seemed to have expected Lin Chuan to come, and was already waiting.

"Please, Lord Lord, I drank your tea yesterday and try my tea today. This is Ceylon black tea from Brakada. Try it."

Lin Chuan picked up the black tea and took a sip.

He smiled and said: "It is indeed a very good Ceylon black tea. I tasted it once before. It was drunk from Brian, the Viscount Brady. The Ceylon black tea in his hand is obviously not as good as yours. And his level of tea making is not as good as yours."

The legend of Gary laughed. He originally belonged to the Northern Kingdom, and he naturally knew something about the Northern Kingdom.

Brian is the head of the Wizards’ Guild in Viscount Brady.

Of course, this kind of little person, the reason why the legend of Geli knows, is entirely because of his teacher. That is also a strong man!

"Hahaha, this is not my tea, this is my disciple Joey's craftsmanship, not bad?"

After a pause, the Legend of Gary continued: "Brian? This is also a character who is unprofitable and can't afford to be early. He has a crush on you, Lord Lord, and wants to win you over?"

Lin Chuan didn't expect that the Legend of Gehry also knew such a small person as Brian.

Of course, for Lin Chuan now, the other party is definitely not a small person. But for the legend of Geli, the other party is not a small person, so what is it?

"He wants me to represent the Northern Kingdom branch of the Wizards Guild to participate in the selection of new talents this time in the Wizards Guild!"

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