The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 940: Reeves brought an acquaintance

Looking at Zhao Jiayu in front of him, Lin Chuan wanted to go directly to the destruction of humanity.

But Lin Chuan knew it couldn't, not to mention that this was in the game, even if it was killed once, Zhao Jiayu's soul would still escape and be reborn again.

At this stage, Io Continent is very tolerant to players. The price of rebirth is too small, just exercise it and you can make it up.

Even if there are hidden dangers that you don't know, that will be the future. Anyway, for now, there is nothing bad.

Although Lin Chuan faintly felt that after death and resurrection, there might be something wrong in the soul. But so far, Lin Chuan still has too little knowledge of the soul, and Lin Chuan still has no way to determine what is wrong.

Besides, this is an auction held by myself. Since I have said it, it is a neutral auction. Everyone can participate, at least during the auction, Lin Chuan must ensure the safety of these people in his own territory.

Then it is impossible to break his promise, otherwise Lin Chuan's reputation will not exist. In the future, who would dare to participate in auctions?

Even so, Lin Chuan couldn't smile if he asked Lin Chuan to smile.

Lin Chuan didn't come forward, just let Sister Yao come forward.

Sister Yao went to borrow money, and then let people take these people over.

Although it was a hostile guild, it opened the door to do business and people came, and there was no reason to open the door. Even if it benefits, people may be stronger, and there is no way to stop it.

Moreover, Sister Yao believed that her guild would rise faster.

Lin Chuan has too many things on his hands recently. After the auction is over, he will immediately start selecting people to go to the Southern Cross Forest. Then, the test of Netheril, the test of the third ring is coming. If you do not participate in the test, there is no way to learn the arcane arts of the third ring. Moreover, after the test of the third ring, Lin Chuan can still get a new map, and the people of the guild have basically reached the time for the leveling map of the Black Iron Step.

In addition, the Necropolis will be opened again.

Really, a lot of things.

"It's time to consider the trade-off!"

Lin Chuan secretly said, but these few months are very important things, and Lin Chuan must also consider it.

First of all, you must go to the Southern Cross Forest. Because this was promised to Ni Fuya, what Lin Chuan promised, spitting and nailing it, it will definitely be done.

Ni Fuya is very helpful to Lin Chuan and the territory.

Finally, Ni Fuya can be helped to a certain extent, and Lin Chuan is still willing to help.

Thinking of Ni Fuya's later depression in his memory, Lin Chuan still felt that if he could help Ni Fuya. It is a good thing to let her be herself temporarily.

Then, on the Netheril side, this is also to be done.

"However, this thing can be done at an opportunity. Anyway, I can send it to this place, but this is not in a hurry."

Lin Chuan thought: "On the other hand, it's the necromancer's tomb. That place is far away, in the glory highland. You must go nearby before you can pass in through the snake token. This place has to pass through the Fengling grassland. The Great Victory Pass, through the Northern Kingdom, to the Glory Heights. This is a bit too far, and it is quite different from the Southern Cross Forest.

Lin Chuan was a little bit distressed: "There are things that are very important to me in the tomb of the undead. It can be said that I must go to get that thing. In this way, I can balance the yin and yang and realize the elements of life earlier. In this way, my strength will rise faster. At that time, I will be able to completely get rid of other players."

Lin Chuan felt that those things in his memory were not reliable. The world consciousness of Io Continent didn't give itself so much time at all. He must speed up the time.

Twenty years?


If you really believe it, then you are a real fool.

Lin Chuan thought of his unhurried promotion in the past year. It was a crime.

The speed must be accelerated. Lin Chuan guessed that the fusion of the two worlds may accelerate.

"No, just let Zuo Lin in. He is also a genius, if he can get in."

Lin Chuan considered that, in fact, the most suitable one was Lin Yang, the incarnation of the ancient **** of Lin Chuan!

But Lin Chuan did not dare to expose the existence of Lin Yang. Among his own treasures, the mountain and river map can still be intercepted. If it is outside, once it is perceived by a demigod or a legend, it will be a little troublesome.

Lin Chuan was still thinking, and another kingfisher flew over.

Lin Chuan was a little weird: "Does Wimbledon or Brian want to persuade? But I have made it clear that I will definitely not pass on behalf of the Mage Union. I am a member of the temple, and I must be close to the temple. Magic. On the teacher’s union, even if there are good things, there are a lot of people ahead."

Lin Chuan would not be able to enter the core after joining Lin Chuan. If you want something good, you need to line up. Or, you need to take refuge in some people.

These are not acceptable to Lin Chuan.

It is impossible for him to leave the Star-Moon Kingdom and leave the territory. It has been in business for a long time, and if you go to Bracada, the development may not be as good as here.

No, to be sure, development is definitely not as good as here.

When thinking about it, Lin Chuan didn't froze either. Reach out and the kingfisher fell.

Perceiving the information inside, Lin Chuan was suddenly surprised: "It's not Wimbledon or Brian?"

Lin Chuan was also surprised, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Because there are more important things for him to do: "A big man is here! I don't know who it is?"

Lin Chuan muttered to himself that this letter was sent by Reeves, the commander of the Lin Jing Legion. This is likely to be the pinnacle of Xing Yao level, the big man in his mouth, at least should be at the level of the sun.

Lin Chuan never thought that there would be a boss of this level in his first auction. In the eyes of those who exist, these things that I took out are not good. At most, it is useful to their descendants, but they don't need to come by themselves, just send someone to participate.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan seized the time to talk to Sister Yao and the others, and waited at the entrance of the territory.

Such a big person, it is better to show respect. Even if Lin Chuan is not afraid, his growth will be fast, but the strong themselves need to be respected.

Soon, a few unicorns in the distance pulled the cart, and at a glance they knew that this was Reeves's, the peculiar luxury of the elf. Among other things, these unicorns are extraordinary.

"Reeves' status and status are higher than I imagined." Lin Chuan thought, feeling a few familiar auras.

One of them is naturally Reeves, and the other two are actually...

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