The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 904: Fall of the spider goddess

"This is?" Saint Edwin looked at the sky in shock at this time. Obviously, he also knew that the matter was big, but at this time?

Who the **** is it?

A star slips from the sky, this speed is not fast, or very slow.

A kingdom of God, I don't know how big it is, but it must be much larger than Lin Chuan's demiplane. It is unknown how many petitioners and saints are in it. It is obviously very difficult to move such a kingdom of God.

Moreover, beware of other true gods making trouble and intercepting them.

The ghost wolf demigod sneered and said, "So, Edwin, won't you go back? Do you want to continue to hide and seek with me?"

Edwin was shocked and speechless at this time, and the horrible changes were really amazing when the great world came.

Xingyue Kingdom, Antler Village.

Lin Chuan looked at the half-elf **** the opposite side. It had been a quarter of an hour. This girl Winnie could actually hold on without saying a word. Seeing that, it seems to be distracted. Lin Chuan also sighed, but he also had time. Anyway, he had entrusted Clang Rose and the others to inquire about the blackened spores.

Clang Rose and these people are all good players in the army, and they are also very effective in Io Continent. These people uphold the loyalty and orange juice of the Chinese army, and they will be very responsible for the commission they receive.

Lin Chuan didn't know, because he wanted to join Lin Chuan, he had to come up with some achievements, sonorous Rose and others worked harder than Lin Chuan imagined. Early in the morning, a few people were already divided into teams and set off in batches.

Now that the matter has been entrusted, Lin Chuan only needs to find a way to restrain the blackened spores. The spores he cultivated yesterday have been used up and are still being cultivated.

Lin Chuan took out a lot of anti-blast medicine, and was going to have a good talk with the head of the Reeves division, and asked him to send someone to spray the anti-blast medicine on the blackened trees. No matter what, if it can achieve a certain effect, just try it first. Just do what you want. As for the result, Lin Chuan can't control it.

Also, Lin Chuan also needs Reeves to send someone to help collect those blackened spores. As of yesterday, Lin Chuan did not dare to make this request casually because of no results. The friendship between Reeves and Reeves is personal, Lin Chuan would not put it on such trivial matters.

Now that I have a little achievement in exchange for a little help, it is logical.

Lin Chuan looked at Winnie and was about to speak, his time was also very tight. Tens of thousands of gold coins can be wasted here?

Suddenly, Lin Chuan was shocked and walked out of the house quickly.

Looking towards the sky, the sun just rising at this time could not illuminate the continent.

There was a starry sky during the day, and it was a dark starry sky.

"What's that?" Winnie said shivering. She had never seen such a vision, it was too scary, as if the end was coming.

Lin Chuan muttered to himself: "It's actually happening now. The true **** has fallen! The fairy goddess, the spider goddess, has already taken the first step in her evil?"

Yes, the stars falling downward in the sky are the kingdom of the spider goddess Rose. It would have been more than ten years before Goddess Rose fell into the abyss, from the upper plane to the lower plane, occupying an abyss and becoming an evil god. He is also an abyssal evil god, abyss lord, and spider goddess with dual identities.

The timeline once again confused Lin Chuan, and Rose's actions once again let him know that there is no way to treat those so-called "rebirth" memories as the truth except for the general trend. If you still use those memories as anchors foolishly, I am afraid that you will be overwhelmed by the enemy's play.

"Spider goddess?" Winnie repeated, she knew this goddess, this goddess was the wife of the elven god, not to mention that Lin Chuan also said that the elven goddess, this is the elven god, the elven war **** Corellon wife. They have also bred several heirs together. How could such a true God fall?

This shocked Winnie's worldview, values ​​and outlook on life!

"how is this possible!"

Winnie couldn't believe it, she asked in her heart. Speaking of which, she is also a believer, but she is not a very pious believer, but a shallow believer. But for Lin Chuan's words, she agreed. Because she felt the faint connection between herself and this formation, that was the connection between the believer and the true God.

Winnie could even feel that as long as she was more pious, she could sense this true god, and it was even possible to change her post as a pastor.

In the past, Winnie would definitely agree with ecstasy. But at this time, Winnie was very confused, and she didn't know what to do. Secretly, do you really want to believe in such an evil god, from the true god, from the orderly camp, to the abyss?

Winnie didn't know, but at this moment, her faith was hit. Originally gray with white lines of faith, the white quickly receded. Grey is covered with these lines of faith again, and even these lines of faith are faltering and may break at any time.

"Wake up!" Lin Chuan shouted, he was also shocked just now. But because I was prepared, I was also psychologically prepared for this situation. Besides, he is not a believer of that one, and there will be no more collapsed things happening at all.

Turning around, Lin Chuan saw the half-elf girl Winnie, sluggish and trembling. It looked like it was about to collapse. Only then did he know that this Winnie was a believer in the spider goddess. With regard to the previous judgment in her mind, Winnie's idea that it might have something to do with the blackened spore was more certain.

Even if it is Winnie, it definitely has a certain relationship.

But at this time, the half-elf girl's situation is definitely not good. This is a breakdown of her faith. If she can't wake up in time, her life will be abolished. After a mental breakdown, let alone being promoted, it would be difficult even to maintain the status of a professional.

Winnie just felt a thunder in her ears.

She opened her eyes in confusion and saw Lin Chuan who was looking at her in front. He didn't show any expressions, but Winnie knew that the sound just now came from this person.

She didn't have time to think about what ability Lin Chuan used. Winnie suddenly looked up to the sky, the kingdom of God that represented the spider goddess continued to decline. And faster and faster. This is depravity, a move to bring the kingdom of God to the abyss plane.

"How could this be?"

Although waking up from the collapse of faith, Winnie still couldn't accept this situation. This makes her wonder what she should do? Are all the things done before wrong? What will she do in the future?

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