The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 854: Elementary Constitution Potion

Primary Life Potion: Potion

Quality: Orange Legend

Explanation: Taking this medicine can restore a huge amount of blood;

Explanation: Taking this medicine can restore a huge amount of vitality;

Explanation: Taking this medicine has a smaller chance of breaking through the barrier. Long-term use can slowly reduce the strength of the bottleneck.

Requirements for use: bronze

The effect has changed from a large amount to a huge amount. The requirements for use have not changed, and it is still bronze. This means that a bottle of medicine can basically restore almost all the blood and lost vitality.

Of course, this almost refers to those ordinary geniuses.

Compared to the three thousand descendants, it would be reduced by an order of magnitude.

For Lin Chuan, two orders of magnitude have to be reduced.

For Lin Chuan, this potion that can replenish a huge amount of bronze and other ranks is just a small amount for him. And he has raised a major level, and this magnitude has to be lowered by another level, that is, a trace.

Micro is the meaning of trivial and insignificant. In other words, this bottle of medicine is actually insignificant for Lin Chuan.

But for the majority of players, it is very huge.

Later, Lin Chuan experimented with a new formula, which is actually a variant of life medicine.

Elementary Constitution Potion: Potion

Quality: Purple Epic

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your physical fitness by 3;

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your blood limit by 200;

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your life origin by 3;

Requirements for use: apprentice

Very powerful potion, which comes based on physique. Of these three effects, one is better than the other, the physique is good, and the blood is naturally high. Both the first effect and the second effect are helpful to the upper limit of Qi and blood.

But the third effect, the origin of life, players may not pay attention to, but the aborigines must be crazy.

This origin of life is a very important attribute. There is no data to show, nor can it be detected, but it is real.

Lin Chuan took a bottle by himself and could feel that his body became healthier. Although the potion indicated that the origin was increased by 3, Lin Chuan didn't know how much this 3 was. It just feels that compared with my previous state, there is not much improvement.

But this is because Lin Chuan's own life origin is very huge, and for an ordinary player, there may be many changes.

Lin Chuan didn't stop either, refining a large amount of this medicine at once. It is a pity that this kind of medicine cannot be produced in large quantities at once, only bottle by bottle. As a result, this alchemy circle appears to be somewhat lacking.

However, this kind of medicine itself is a very high-end medicine, which is used for auction, not for general sale.

In the end, Lin Chuan refined 50 bottles of this medicine.

Among them, there were a few flashes of inspiration, refining higher quality ones.

Elementary Constitution Potion: Potion

Quality: Orange Legend

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your physical fitness by 10;

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your blood limit by 500;

Explanation: Taking this medicine will increase your life origin by 10;

Requirements for use: bronze

The effect of the promotion is quite a lot, and the upper limit of Qi and blood has also been raised a lot. For an average player, a few thousand points of vitality increased by 500, which is a lot. Taking a few more bottles is equivalent to adding a self.

Of course, this is also drug resistant.

Lin Chuan probably took it, but the same quality medicine can only be taken three times. And the second time the effect is halved, and the third time the effect is halved again. By the fourth time, there was almost no effect.

"Therefore, there is a limit on the number of times this medicine can be used."

This is what it should be, there are limits to everything. There is no possibility to be unlimited, but one way to improve infinitely. Heavenly Dao consciousness, that is, the origin of the world would not agree.

Obviously, there is no absolute perfect species. Even if the true gods are above them, don't they have many demons and demons on the lower planes as opponents?

Of course, to some extent, the true **** is also the public enemy of the lower planes.

Lin Chuan's attributes have increased again by a small part, and Lin Chuan can think that when he meets the Shengshi Ice Emperor in the evening, his face will probably not be too good.

Originally it was one level higher, more than a dozen levels, and the template was also much higher. He also has the special effect of suppressing everyone below the demigod. Together, these effects are enough to eat a pot of Binghuang in the Prosperous Age.

When the time was almost up, Lin Chuan stopped alchemy and let the tree of wisdom control the alchemy circle to continue refining the batch-produced and consumed various potions. These are some medicines that are available in the guild shop. It is currently the most important commodity for the guild to earn gold coins.

Of course, there are some delicious food. In Wanxing Pavilion and affiliated guilds, there are many players who practice cooking skills. These players use Yuebiling's special golden thread fish to make a lot of delicious food. Not only does it taste good, but it also has various additional effects.

Most of them are temporary effects, which have a duration.

But there are also some good products that can increase the upper limit of attributes. These are the products produced by a flash of inspiration, and the quantity is extremely rare. Most of them were digested inside Wanxing Pavilion. Of course, the members of Wanxing Pavilion also paid a lot of gang contribution, either in gold coins or federal credit points.

Anyway, the atmosphere inside Wanxing Pavilion is still very good. There is no strong buying or selling, it is fair trade. Of course, these people's sales and territories have to collect a portion of the tax. The raw materials come from the territory!

Time was almost up, Lin Chuan didn't leave the half plane, and went straight into the arena.

Yao Tongtong stands in the arena in the territory, which is a newly built building in the territory.

Yao Tongtong stretched his head and looked around, and said anxiously: "Why isn't the big brother coming? This competition is about to begin. Should we give up the championship?"

Alongside, Shiryl three people stood aside. They have already played well with Yao Tongtong, and have already revealed some of their intentions to join the territory.

Sister Yao came out and saw Yao Tongtong still standing here, and asked a little strangely: "Tongtong, what are you doing?"

Yao Tongtong said anxiously: "Waiting for my big brother, he didn't reply to me."

Sister Yao said: "The president is in the arena, maybe you haven't seen it. You can take Shiryl in and have a look. This is the first time that the president's match is allowed to watch. It is very popular. !"

Yao Tongtong just remembered that this time, as long as there is a magic net, he can enter at any time. Lin Chuan can participate in activities without coming to the arena.

"Really, I won't say anything in advance." Then Yao Tongtong took Shiryl and the three people and walked in quickly.

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