With the black lines on Lin Chuan's face, his feelings haven't changed yet, he actually thought it was a game. But it is also, a world, such a breaking news, except for Sister Yao, people who originally knew some vaguely, and have been under the influence of Lin Chuan since then, others may not be so easy to accept.

However, a lot of money quickly reacted: "Such a big world should not be a game. I also had some doubts before, such a big world, so real, so many races, and real-time influences. How much is this? Only a powerful photobrain can simulate and run? I originally thought that a photobrain group as large as a planet can run such a game. Only now I know that it turns out to be a real world."

There is no shortage of sighs in these words. It can be said that the federal government has concealed the news too thoroughly. Except for those powerful families who can talk to the federal government, everyone else may just have some concealed speculations, but the truth of the matter is probably not Will think of. This is actually a real world.

Of course, the federal government has not determined this fact. It can be said that the three people here may be the first three people to know.

Lin Chuan said: "Above the golden level, to break through to the level of the archmage, one must understand one thing, that is the element! This is the power system for the level of the archmage and above to be cultivated. And this is the one I said. way!"

Element, golden rank or higher, archmage!

Sister Yao was a little shocked, and she stuttered: "Yes, President, you, should you not?"

Lin Chuan nodded, be regarded as acknowledging this matter. He said: "By chance, I realized this kind of power. This breakthrough was also because the power of this element was consumed to break through the bottleneck."


This is another breaking news, which means that Lin Chuan will not have a bottleneck before the Arch Mage. As long as you use the elements, you can break through the bottleneck! Others may be stuck at this bottleneck, but Lin Chuan has unlocked it in advance. This is another huge breakthrough!

Lin Chuan counted: "However, if possible, don't use elemental power to break through!"

"Why? Is there any hidden danger?"

"The hidden danger is not enough, but the power of the elements is difficult to condense. I have gathered the power of the elements that can break through the bottleneck for more than ten days. This power is very precious, even if I can condense it again later, But after all, it’s a waste of time. If you can complete a task, you can break through the bottleneck, so don’t waste the elements. Besides, completing a task is also one of the ways to build a good relationship with the indigenous people. It may be used in the future, why Don't complete the task?"

Lin Chuan made sister Yao nod. This is indeed a problem.

Lin Chuan also said: "When you are still promoted, if you can, you must try your best to make breakthroughs. The higher you go, the more promotion you will get. This will help increase your aptitude and increase your chances of enlightenment. It is also for everyone to understand the elements. Strength can help. But you also need to consider the issue of time. If you really can’t go any further, you still have to stop. Try to absorb the promotion, and you still have to judge the situation and make your own decisions."

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the two, Lin Chuan smiled and said, "The more the tower of promotion goes up, there will be a barrier that hinders you from going up. It is transparent, and it is a test to check your aptitude, strength and willpower. If you can handle it. To get to the next level!"

Sister Yao suddenly took the information down. When everyone in Wanxing Pavilion breaks through, they must mention it. This information is also very important when laying the foundation.

Lin Chuan smiled again: "Okay, back to the topic. Let's go back to the auction. The aborigines must have certain ideas for potions that increase the upper limit of vitality, and the players, let alone. But this is only the first type. Potions. The second potion I want to provide is the Molten potion, which is a potion that increases the affinity of the fire element. For the magician, especially for the five fireball teaching who is determined to specialize in the fire element For the people, it is a very important medicine that cannot be changed."

Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up: "Temporary or permanent?"

This is indeed a kind of potion that magicians need very much. If it is operated well, it can definitely detonate some people's emotions to buy. The ability to increase elemental affinity means that it can increase the upper limit of magic power and increase elemental damage. This is a very precious medicine.

Lin Chuan nodded: "Both of them. There is a limit on the number of times to take. After three times, it can only be a temporary effect. By the way, this is also a very important material for the dwarves. I met in the Necropolis. When the dwarves come, they will also come to this auction. This potion will definitely be theirs!"

dwarf? Qian Duoduo pondered in his heart, and asked, "Is it because of building?"

As we all know, dwarves also have magicians, and many of them are proficient in fire. But the most dwarves are blacksmiths and blacksmiths. Since it is something that dwarves must get, it should be related to crafting.

Lin Chuan: "Yes, this molten potion has another effect, which is to lower the melting point of the ores, making them easier to melt, and easier to be used as equipment!"

Qian Duoduo knew it, and nodded, this kind of medicine is indeed the finale. Especially for the current Yue Biling, the high-level combat power is not enough, and the level can't be reached. This kind of medicine is even more good. Can attract many more high-level characters. It's just relative, the pressure on security is also greater.

Qian Duoduo and Sister Yao are a little worried, but this is not the time to talk about this.

Qian Duoduo looked up and asked, "Anything else?"

These two medicines are already very good things, and I believe they can attract many people. But it still seems a little thin. It would be even better if there were one or two more.

Lin Chuan nodded without disappointing expectations, and continued: "There is one last one. Life Extension Medicine!"

If you learn that Io is a real world, you might not care if you have a lot of money. Life extension medicine is only, who needs it? It's nothing more than a game, even if it's dead, it doesn't matter, isn't it resurrected?

As for how long to live? It's okay, they are all dead in reality, can they still live in the game?

But now, Qian Duoduo knows that this is a very useful medicine. At this stage, players may not take it seriously, but the aborigines will take it very seriously.

"How many? What is the effect? ​​Which one does it conflict with the existing ones?"

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