The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 841: You better be the last

Lin Chuan was not surprised at the decision of the Queen of Sandworms to refuse to become a believer and to become a pastor. If the Queen of Sand Worm is so easy to be fooled, then she won't be a master at the level of Sunshine. Who can become a master, who has a firm heart? In the words of myth and civilization, this means having a powerful Taoist heart.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree, take your time. A difficult level always takes a long time to penetrate to achieve the goal. It doesn't matter, just take it slow.

Lin Chuan was not angry at all for the refusal of the Sand Worm Queen. Instead, he said with a smile on his face: "Since the first one does not agree, there is only the second one. Please my lord’s pastor to come and treat you every day. With the cooperation of the two parties, the speed at which your seal can be lifted can be Three times faster."

The Queen of Sand Worm looked at Lin Chuan, and at first sight this person was not a good person. This smiling face looked like a villain. Is there a trap?

"What conditions do you have?" The Queen of Sand Worm asked cautiously.

Lin Chuan coughed slightly, and finally it was time to negotiate terms.

"Well, naturally, we can't do vain work either. This includes suppressing this artifact for you, the work, and the damage you did to my demiplane. All of these have to pay a price!"

Lin Chuan noodles didn't change their colors, and said all those things before. Every bit is charged. This is necessary. If you pay, you will be rewarded. This matter will not deviate from the camp.

After all, the good camp does not mean to pay blindly without any income. Equivalent exchange, to a certain extent, is the mainstream of Io.

The Queen of Sand Worm felt like a beeping dog, why did I almost fall into the realm of being absorbed by the artifact, don't you have any points in your heart? If it wasn't for you to extract my origins before, and to accelerate the decline of my strength, can I fall into that point?

Also, all the damage here, and your contribution, is your own will. I didn't ask you! Besides, there are a lot of Sha Mi left before? Before I opened one eye and closed one eye, let you take it away, I just acquiesced that it was a reward!

Well, the worm is under the eaves and has to bow his head.

"What do you want!" said the sand worm queen Weng Sheng.

Lin Chuan didn't care either. Anyway, he took advantage. Let him go with this tone.

"First of all, give each of the priests of my lord a high-quality insecticidal egg as their guardian monster! This is to thank them for treating you before, and next, the three of them will take turns. I'll treat you." Lin Chuan said.

The Queen of Sand Worm almost squirted out a mouthful of salt water, drowning Lin Chuan!

These three, the tallest one, are just the pinnacle of apprentices, and none of them has been promoted to bronze. The previous treatment is not said to be ineffective. It's just that the effect is a drop in the bucket. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it has it or not. It's just chicken ribs, it's a pity to discard it, and it's tasteless.

Unexpectedly, you actually lie in ambush here!

"Yes!" It's just three outstanding offspring, there are many in the tribe! The Queen of the Sand Worm thought bitterly, don't bow her head!

But first, there is second.

Lin Chuan said with a smile: "Secondly, I need a hundred cups of that kind of sand honey, golden color."

For Shiryl's three people, Lin Chuan naturally had plans. If it weren't for the guild's people to be called, Lin Chuan planned to call out all the three priests himself. Otherwise, how to benefit?

Although the master and servant contract was signed, it only took effect halfway. The opponent's strength is too strong, there is no way to use it. Then only use this method.

It is good, of course everyone will be divided.

If his eyes could kill people, Lin Chuan would have died thousands of times.

Even if Queen Sand Worm’s eyes were degraded, they were wide open at this time, staring at Lin Chuan with a resentful look, like a sharp blade, dazzling. Lin Chuan didn't care at all. Although he was not good at negotiating, before this overwhelming power, suppressing the other party's negotiations would be fine.

This is also the reason why Lin Chuan has not released the Sand Worm Queen. In the half plane, oneself has too many advantages. After letting go, I don't have so many advantages. Such a powerful opponent wants to drag into the half plane next time, but it is not that simple.

This kind of operation can be implemented only if the other party does not resist. But how could the Queen of Sand Worm not resist? Did you come in and die by yourself?

Even though her heart was frustrated, the Tsar Queen agreed.

But the tone is not so peaceful: "Yes. But this will take time, and it will be delivered after three months. After all, my Sha Mi has been used up in this half plane!"

This tone is full of irony. Why not, don't you have any points? It was stolen under my nose, don't I know?

Lin Chuan seemed to have cultivated an iron shield-like skin, and turned a blind eye to the sight of Queen Sand Worm. How can I know this kind of thing? It must have been stolen by some monster, or else it would have evaporated, which is definitely not mine. The wood spirit of my kind camp, or an ancient god, how can I do such a thing? The price is too low!

"Third..." As soon as Lin Chuan raised his finger, the Queen of Sand Worm looked glared, and she wished to fight immediately. Gritting his teeth, a crunching sound came out, almost grinding his teeth and said: "You had better be the last request. Otherwise, I would rather die with you than promise you so many conditions. You'd better Just enough, I am not completely incapable of resisting. Even if you are on the semi-plane, if I explode desperately, even if your semi-plane can be saved in the end, I don’t know how much else can be saved? How much? What are the future development prospects?"

The Queen of Sand Worm is like a barefoot. Now she is holding a bomb in her villa and asking: "Believe it or not, I just detonated the bomb, and see if your house can be kept? Don't mess with it. I, my family also has a nuclear bomb."

This is a bit of a rogue, the offensive and defensive positions are swapped. It was Lin Chuan who suppressed the opponent before, and now he used Lin Chuan's family property to threaten the opponent.

This is not impossible, although a sun-level monster should not use his life to exchange Lin Chuan's future. But who can tell? What if this sandworm queen becomes neurotic because of more than a hundred years of suppression, and does something stupid on an impulse? This is not impossible. There are still many lunatics on the continent of Io.

"The last one!" Lin Chuan said with a smile, but the look on his face was not as confident as before, but rather a little ridiculous: "The last one, definitely the last one!"

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