The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 839: Two Combat: Joint Magic

The voice of the Queen of Sand Worms was a bit overcast. Originally, most of his own strength was suppressed, and the power that he could use was too small.

The current self, although the strength has declined. But the strength of a body can be fully used. Facing a low-level professional, this is an absolute advantage, what else is terrible.

Even though, this is in the half plane of others. Even if she actually couldn't do anything to Lin Chuan, the big deal was just a violent beating.

But even so, it can also relieve the depression in my heart.

But the expected panic did not appear, Lin Chuan only removed the three of Shiryl. If there is a battle here, it is definitely not something the three of them can face now. So, first remove the three of you.

Then, Lin Chuan moved his hand, and a large number of frozen rings condensed. Around the sand worm queen, the small ice sand condensed, and then turned into a large ice hell.

Even with the power of the Queen Sand Worm and the mouthparts, the Ice Hell was crushed in a short period of time. It broke through, but Lin Chuan's strength fell one after another.

Frozen, ground thorns, surged one after another, surrounding the sand worm queen. None of these can stop the sand worm queen's footsteps, but Lin Chuan's footsteps will not stop. He stepped on Xuan'ao's footsteps, making the Queen of Sand Worm unable to see through. Some are dazzling, but the Tsar Queen is more, still relying on infrared to sense a person's heat to determine a person's location.

Several flutters, but all flutters were empty.

The Queen of Sand Worm is very strange, this is impossible! She yelled wildly in her heart, and she almost doubted whether she was the one who had a huge difference in level and had the advantage.

But she soon felt a powerful suppressing force, which was the suppression of the demiplane itself. This is the suppression of a world. Although this world is not too big, it still has more than 1,000 acres. After suppression, the power of the Queen of Sand Worm has declined a lot.

A figure came out of Lin Chuan's body, Lin Yang, the incarnation of an ancient god. At this time, it was already at the middle level of the golden rank, 123-level existence.

For the existence that was the pinnacle of the Golden Order before rebirth, Lin Yang was very handy to control the power of the Golden Order.

Numerous vines rose from the ground, binding the sand worm queen layer by layer. Some soil thorns rose up, and together with the vines, formed a cage.

These soil thorns change in shape, making them more like soil walls.

Moreover, the root system is also extracted from the vines, and these soil walls are connected through the root system. Slowly, it became a huge prison.

Union Magic: Civil Cage!

This is a combination of two magic arts. Although the number of magic arts is still small now, this kind of magical change, the combination of two magic arts can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. Is far greater than two!

Shiryl watched from the side, and Shiryl was startled when the figure appeared.

She could feel the connection between herself and this figure. It seems that part of his own strength comes from this figure.

My lord?

Shiryl guessed, but then shook her head again, how could the true **** come to the main material plane so easily?

During this period of study, Shiryl is like a sponge, absorbing massive amounts of knowledge. Theology is naturally the focus of it. In the future, it will be preaching. If you don’t understand theology, how can you preach?

"It should be an incarnation, or an existence like an enlightened spirit." Shiryl said in her heart, she still knows too little about the true god. Is it that simple to exist beyond the main material plane? It is impossible for theology to involve all aspects of the true God. This is not allowed by the true God.

Then, Shiryl's vision was opened by the magical skills that this figure performed. Divine magic, can actually be used like this? Two seemingly ordinary magic arts, combined, are so powerful?

One plus one is really greater than two.

Although among them, a divine art, or magic, was used by another person.

But the two people had a good understanding, and they combined the two spells at once. The cage, which was still crumbling, suddenly became stable. Even with the power of the Tsar Queen, it cannot be easily broken.

But the mouthparts of that bite are very sharp. Even if he was trapped, he couldn't stop the Queen of Sandworms. Sandworms are originally omnivorous. Eat everything, there is nothing to eat, even rocks can be eaten. The hollow under the Thorns Mountains was eaten bit by bit by the Insect Tribe for hundreds of years.

The Queen of Sand Worm eats quickly, and Lin Chuan and Lin Yang can quickly replenish them. Even the vines will further compress the space of the Sand Worm Queen, making her unable to move.

Your mouthparts are powerful and sharp. Even powerful equipment can be bitten off by you. But as long as you can't move your mouth, you have no room to move. What can you do if you have nothing to do?

The sand worm also has the power of the earth element. During this period, the sand worm queen is also trying to use her own power to break the cage in front of her. If you continue, you will plant sooner or later. This person's power is so powerful, he has been fighting for so long, and he has been consuming it before, is his magic really unlimited?

And this **** suppression, suppressing more than half of his own strength.

In addition, some elements such as wind appear in the air from time to time, suppressing his behavior. And the elements of this world are resisting themselves. The demiplane of others is indeed the highest authority. An outsider himself has not been granted authority and can only forcefully drive these elements.

But this must first confront the world, which makes one's power already compressed by half, and once again compressed a lot.

Damn it, where's his helper? A golden rank professional, why is the magical ability so outstanding? Faintly, the power also carries the power of the elements. Is this the obstacle to the level of the archmage?

Damn it, this strength is still rising. What the **** is this? My power has not been drawn! What's going on with him, it's just fighting, do you want to improve?

Could it be that this is the son of killing? Can you infinitely improve yourself in battle?

The tacit understanding of two people is like one person.

Wait, alone?

Queen Sand Worm looked at Lin Chuan and Lin Yang deeply, and found that between the two people, they really looked like one person. This is a clone?

It's over, the opponent's strength is not small, and compared with the current self, it is actually almost the same. The power of the element, the opponent also has it, it cannot form a crush!

It seems that the idea this time has no way to succeed?

I've really suffered a crime, do I have no hope of turning around?

No, I want to hurry up and practice, a huge tribe, countless shami, I want to break through as soon as possible, refining artifacts as soon as possible, or else I might be oppressed for a lifetime!

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