Lin Chuan's heart shuddered, and he found himself unexpectedly. Lin Chuan remembered that before approaching here, although he didn't fully operate the Taiyin treasure mirror, he still used such a treasure.

Moreover, he still has the incarnation of an ancient god, and he was even cautiously discovered?

This is a female voice. Of course, the sandworm is not a human voice. If it is a female voice, it should be a female voice.

This should be a tribe similar to bees, with the queen bee as the highest leader.

In other words, the sand worm queen should be responsible for reproduction, and the fighting power of the sand worm queen should also be good, at least this mental power is very strong.

Lin Chuan was motionless and didn't dare to expose himself. It’s just a wry smile in my heart: "Maybe, this virgin hanging is about to be explained here."

That mental power never left, scanning everywhere. I came to the hiding place of Linchuan several times, but on the surface, it seemed that there was nothing. It's just that the mental power has been scanned several times, all around here, and paused.

The spiritual power said: "This little friend, I have no malice. Otherwise, when your territory was just established, I would have let the tribesmen completely destroy your territory."

This is very gentle, but how can Lin Chuan dare to believe it? This matter is not easy to handle, the opponent's strength is too strong. I am afraid that only those people around Ni Fuya can be sure to fight this sand bug queen. But think about the tribe of sandworms, under the queen, there must be countless generals and the like, and maybe there are such existences as the insecticide king. The mouthparts of these sandworms are very sharp, and they are born with the ability to burrow, and they can't fight and escape very quickly. Even the people around Ni Fuya could not deal with such a tribe.

"Little friend, you don't have to be so guarded against me. Since you came to the territory, I have noticed you. You have been fighting for a month inside this cave, destroying the dark runes, and entering that half plane Among them. The dark breath is blocked over there, which is good for me and my clan."

"You are my benefactor! I won't take action against you!"

"What's more, I can feel the breath of two true gods in your body, just that, I dare not offend!"

"You are the favored one of the true god, please believe me, I have no intentions!"

Two true gods, I am afraid that one is the goddess of life. There is also the breath of the ancient **** of the seasons.

The **** of the seasons is his incarnation. But outsiders definitely don't know, even if they feel the breath, they are afraid that someone is a favored one.

It is not ordinary to get the blessing of two true gods at the same time.

That mental power slowly narrowed its scope, turning around Lin Chuan's side, and finally locked Lin Chuan's position.

With a sigh, Lin Chuan knew what went wrong.

The torch in his hand provides himself with a light source, but it also generates heat. Although I blocked the light source, there was no way to block the heat.

Sandworm's eyes are small and have degenerated. In other words, sand worms do not see things with their eyes. It must be very sensitive to heat. This queen of sand worms should rely on this to feel it. Although most of the heat was blocked by myself, some of it leaked. Besides, there is the heat produced by the body.

For example, creatures such as snakes perceive heat, the so-called infrared, to determine orientation.

After dissipating the power of the Taiyin Treasure Mirror, Lin Chuan came out generously and asked, "I don't know if you have anything I can do for you?"

If such a strong man has nothing to do, how can he chat with himself? There is no time!

Besides, the dragon does not live with the snake, the tiger does not play with the cat, this strong man must have something to ask for, and he will speak in a good voice. Otherwise, a large number of sandworms will come out directly. Where can Lin Chuan make sense? Saint Edwin will not come out of this.

The voice was stunned for a moment, maybe it was because Lin Chuan was so sensitive that he discovered the clue so quickly. She was stunned, and finally smiled: "Yes, little friend. I do have something, I want to ask you."

"Please?" Lin Chuan asked strangely: "I'm just a small black iron step, what can I do? Your subordinates are stronger than me and everywhere. Not to mention the black iron step, even the white silver step. , Golden Rank, Archmage, there are many!"

Yes, because the incarnation is a golden level and an ancient **** template. So many Sandworms have been seen through their strength in Linchuan's eyesight. With such a powerful sandworm tribe, what else does it need to own?

Could it be some resources? Sandworms cannot go too far, so they need resources from other places, and need someone to turn around?

No, Sandworms may not need these.

Lin Chuan thought wildly, and Queen Sandworm said: "Specifically, you will know when you follow my messenger and come into my palace. Don't worry, I will not hurt you. You have the eyes of two true gods on your body. , There is a powerful demigod, I don’t even have the slightest idea of ​​offending him."

This is true, even if the goddess of life is aloft, in the upper plane, it will not be embarrassing with the Insect Tribe. But Saint Edwin is able to shoot. This is a real threat, and the Tsar Queen should not be fooled.

Soon, a golden sandworm squirmed over. This arthropod seemed to be slow, but in fact, the sandworm was very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, the sandworm arrived in front of Lin Chuan.

The body of this sandworm is very big, I am afraid it is not a waist circumference of six or seven meters, but during the exercise, the body of this sandworm is also slowly getting smaller, and finally stays one meter in size. But the length is still five or six meters.

"This elven friend, please come with me. The queen of my clan is waiting for you in the palace!"

Sandworm said, of course, they are not talking with their mouths, but communicating with mental power.

This is a sand worm that surpasses the level of the Archmage, and is much stronger than the strength of the Storm Horse King.

Lin Chuan's heart shuddered, the strength of this Sandworm tribe really should not be underestimated. How many such golden sandworms are there?

Thinking in his heart, Lin Chuan quickly followed Sandworm's pace and moved forward step by step.

Finally, walked to the sandworm's nest. Lin Chuan can see countless sandworms wriggling in it. People with intensive phobias may faint on the spot. Along the way, Lin Chuan found many nests, just like individual units, each with their own uses.

Among them, there are a lot of sand worms, pushing the black particles forward. This is the feces of sandworms, they are also collecting these. And the direction they are advancing is a planting unit. Inside, the moss that Lin Chuan has seen before grows very lush.

This should be the food source of sandworms!

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