Just like this, Lin Chuan just came out of the necromancer's tomb without having time to rest or making supplies, so he set off.

However, Lin Chuan carried the map of mountains and rivers with him, and there should not be too much supply in it, and there is no need to supply it. In addition, there are food, medicine, etc. in the demiplane, which is equivalent to carrying a base with you. Where do you need any supplies?

For a moment, the place where the sandworm passes by is always bumpy. Many holes were re-covered by mud. But some still exist.

When he walked into that passage, Lin Chuan discovered that some caves appeared at the end of the tunnel. There was no lantern grass, no light, and it was dark. Lin Chuan has dim vision, but in this complete darkness, things can't be done.

However, this didn't bother Lin Chuan, as soon as he touched his hand, a torch appeared in his hand. A thought will light the torch. Under the light of the torch, the dark cave was faintly visible.

This cave is not short, it should be about three meters long. Lin Chuan held the torch and walked into the cave. He was going to see what was at the end. Perhaps it is a nest of sandworms? This is not impossible.

But when he walked in, Lin Chuan found that this cave was twisted and turned, and it didn't take long to find one. There are also many fork roads, some are not low in height, some are only one meter high, and even less than one meter.

The sand worm is an arthropod, and it still has to arch up when it moves. The body is about one meter in length, and logically speaking, these holes must be at least one meter in diameter.

"Perhaps, there are some juvenile sandworms?" Lin Chuan considered that if the body is about one meter in adulthood, then the juvenile, less than one meter, is also acceptable.

"From the scene, it seems that there is more than one sandworm here. If there is only one, how many years will it take to make it out?"

Above this head, there is a mountain range of thorns, countless thorns, even the dragon will not fall. Below, there is also a rock, and there is no way to make a hole easily. But under the sandworm's mouthparts, it seems that the rocks are not so strong anymore.

Lin Chuan's heart moved: "This sandworm is still very useful. At least, you can dig a hole under this mountain and dig up all the thorny mountains. At that time, Yuebi Valley will have a huge area within the mountain. It is like a dwarf. Under Ironforge’s country, it is said that there are also vast underground buildings."

Along the way, Lin Chuan noticed that there were some black particles on the ground. He squatted down, ready to pinch with his hands. But at the last moment when his hand touched the particles, Lin Chuan stopped.

"This, it seems to be the feces of sandworms?"

Lin Chuan was a little grateful, if this were direct contact, it would be really disgusting. Although the feces did not smell very irritating, but thinking about touching the feces with my hands, I am afraid I can't eat for a few days.

I got up and walked further, there was some glimmer on the ground.

"Is it moss?" Lin Chuan said. He found that the places where these moss appeared were those with more black particles.

"It seems that the dung of sand worms gave birth to these mosses. But where did these moss come from?"

No matter what it is, there must be seeds to take root and sprout, right? Even if it is a moss, it is a fungal plant, and it needs a strain to grow, right?

Even if you don't need sunlight, you also need nutrients.

These feces provide nutrients, and then take root on the ground to absorb underground water and trace elements. This nutrient is not lacking. At least not too short. But this seed?

"Perhaps, these things were brought by sandworms?"

Lin Chuan guessed in his heart that because he had never been in contact with sandworms, Lin Chuan didn't know if it was true.

"Well, is it the end?"

Lin Chuan went all the way, and soon discovered that this passage reached the end, and then there was a solid rock. Reaching out and knocking, the stone made a dull sound, but it disappeared without a trace.

This is a dead end, a passage for sandworms, and it is not always hit to the end.

There was no alternative, Lin Chuan had to exit this passage and continue to find another one to move forward.

There are a lot of these passages, and there are many forks. Those who are relatively short and Lin Chuan can't get in, forget it. Those tall, those that Lin Chuan can pass, are naturally recorded. Every time a passage is reached, when it reaches the end and can no longer continue, Lin Chuan will ask Taling to mark the passage.

"Fortunately, there is Taring, which can help draw the map. Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have lost my way just by relying on the one provided by the system."

Lin Chuan was also fortunate that he still had Taring to help. The thing that this kind of magician needs most in the later stage is an all-round support. Whether it is calculating the magic model or helping to calculate other things, it is a very powerful aid.

However, there are too many passages here, and Lin Chuan has been searching for several days, but he still hasn't found any clues.

Instead, on the side of the guild, Sandworms raided several times. But because of defense, as long as it is not a one-shot kill, you can escape. Then, Wanxing Pavilion will send masters over here to fight off the sand worms.

This kind of sandworm is also very witty and will not fight to death. Once unable to win the opponent, the stalemate is a little longer, then it will retreat. It seems that wisdom will not be low.

And as long as the wisdom is not low, you can communicate.

Lin Chuan had some plans in mind. If the guild could add a guardian beast, everyone would get a sandworm. Although it will also spend more resources to cultivate. But the help for players is still great.

"The current situation is that I don't know how many sand worms there are. Also, whether the sand worms are smart enough to communicate effectively."

Lin Chuan muttered to himself, and soon, Lin Chuan said with a mockery of himself: "I don't even know where the sandworm’s nest is, whether it can be like Star Point Elk, and signing this contract with the guild. ! Actually, I have begun to dream about how to use it after signing the contract. It is really, so high! Besides, people may not agree to sign a contract with us!"

This contract can only succeed if both parties are willing. Forcing is no way to succeed. Lin Chuan considered a lot, but did not consider whether Sandworm’s wisdom can effectively communicate, and whether others are willing to sign a contract is a question!

For many races, it is difficult to sign a contract.

For example, the owl beast, you can't see it, even if you see it, it is not an elven race, not a naturally friendly person, let alone a contract, it is difficult to say a few words!

"Huh, it seems to be found?"

Two days later, Lin Chuan found no more than a thousand passages, and only then seemed to find some traces.

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