The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 820: Semi-finals with his own

There will be two games in the semi-finals.

In the previous eighth finals, four were directly decided. Lin Chuan didn't care about which four they were, but he had always won all the time, and he had one place directly.

Just now, the system indicated that the semi-finals were about to begin, prompting him to enter the arena.

This is also this time, because the activity came suddenly. The system also considers that many people have no way to reach the arena, so as long as there is a magic net link, they can enter.

Next time, if you cannot enter the arena in time, enter the arena. Or carry props that can be linked to the magic net to enter the arena. Then it's just a matter of abstention.

Lin Chuan entered and chose to enter the semifinals.

This time, there will be two games in the semi-finals. It's just one game per person. The winner and the winner of another match will decide one or two places. The loser will compete for three or four places.

A box appeared in front of him, and it seemed that a lottery was about to be made to determine the opponent.

Lin Chuan reached in and fetched a card.

"Number 1? This time, is it matched by numbers?"

Lin Chuan was a little strange, and then he received a system prompt.

System: After the draw is completed, you will play the semi-finals with the opponent of the 4th card. The winner enters the final. The semi-finals will start in five minutes, so please be prepared!

Lin Chuan suddenly, that was the case. This time the semi-final is not in rounds. But think about it, it's acceptable. If it is a round system, you must compare three times, and then use the number of wins to determine the ranking. In that case, it is likely to be completed all at once.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan saw the words on the left in the guild channel.

Left side: "I got number 4, saying that I was playing against the player with card number 1. I don’t know which number the guild leader drew. If I meet the guild leader, I don’t think it will be better. Blacks over 50 The guild leader of Tie Tien, at this time, is there anyone who can defeat it?"

Ji Rufeng: "Don't be depressed, the president is still in the Necropolis. Maybe they haven't come to the lottery. At that time, no one will draw on the 4th. Maybe you just made it?"

Yao Tongtong: "Brother Ji Rufeng, if you think about it this way, if your elder brother misses it. By that time, our guild will miss the championship!"

Yao Chenchen: "Even though I can do it, Big Brother actually doesn't need this championship. But if Big Brother didn't come to draw, then the championship would be given to someone else, our guild would lose a lot!"

Lin Yuan: "When you say this, it feels as if Zuo Lin is not as good as the Prosperous Ice Emperor and Ivanov!"

When Lin Chuan saw this, he already knew a lot. First of all, the candidate to enter the semi-finals is himself, with Shengshi Ice Emperor and Ivanov on the left. Did Luo Qiu miss the game? Or is it that Luo Qiu has a powerful owl beast, but he still lost to the Shengshi Ice Emperor and Ivanov? These two people really deserved to be the few who occupied the front of the battle list before rebirth.

Also, this time the battle, it seems, is about to meet the people in his guild in advance.

Lin Chuan sent a message: "It seems that you have to think ahead in Zuo Lin, and choose one of the two candidates to play the next match with the Ice Emperor or Ivanov."

Lin Chuan suddenly spoke, and the guild immediately became lively.

Yao Tongtong: "Big Brother, when are you coming back?"

Yao Chenchen: "Brother, we have the upper hand on the dark side. When will you come back?"

Zuo Lin smiled bitterly: "It seems that my opponent is the president of you? It seems that I will experience another failure!"

Ji Rufeng: "It doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success! Failure, failure, you get used to it!"

With words, the time is up.

When the scene changed, the face of Zuo Lin on the opposite side with a wry smile was close at hand.

However, Zuo Lin still said: "Although I know that you can't defeat the president, I still hope that I can play a game as much as I can.

Lin Chuan nodded: "Just treat it as a stab, don't hesitate, just do what you want!"

While talking, the countdown ended. When the battle started, Lin Chuan did not rush forward. Anyway, it was a cut, let Zuo Lin move first.

Zuo Lin said: "President, then I will start first."

After speaking, Zuo Lin began to cast his magic, and the Frozen Ring took the lead. This was to slow down his actions.

But the power of Lin Chuan is very pure, plus the special effect of suppressing the professional under the demigod. This is the effect brought by the ancient **** rune, and the effect is very good. Moreover, this effect can be increased. As long as Lin Yang's strength continues to increase and the Nine Realm Tree of the body continues to grow, this effect will sooner or later rise to the true god.

But Zuo Lin was not depressed at all, he seemed to have known the effect a long time ago. The ice magic is constantly released. Although the effect is not very good, this is for Lin Chuan. If another opponent comes, I am afraid it will not be the case.

Zuo Lin also occasionally performed some other magic. At the same time, he will use wind magic to accelerate his own speed and limit Lin Chuan's speed and position. Speaking of it, this is really like a textbook-like magic show. Zuo Lin's knowledge of magic is really deep. Thinking of before rebirth, Zuo Lin was not a player in the luxury cabin because he didn't have so many opportunities, but he still caught up with the players in the luxury cabin, and he bit the tail of the first echelon.

This time, Lin Chuan had the opportunity and many ideas provided by Lin Chuan. In addition, Lin Chuan is also a magician, showing a lot of magician skills to Zuolin. Zuo Lin's knowledge of magic is really much better than before rebirth.

This can be seen from the victory over layers of opponents from the left side and entering the semifinals.

This is the only player who is not in the premium cabin!

Of course, neither is Lin Chuan. But in fact, they are no different from the players in the luxury cabin, and even stronger than the players in the luxury cabin.

The luxury cabin is just a tool to arrive early. It's not that players in the premium cabin can get any benefits. Just come early and get the template, which is a very good benefit!

Although Lin Chuan didn't use the luxury cabin, it was because of his knowledge of magic and Io continent. Arrived on the Io continent ahead of time, and obtained benefits even more luxurious than the luxury cabin.

Zuo Lin has formed his own fighting style, restricting the opponent, improving himself, and then slowly attacking the opponent with magic. This is not the violent attack of the Five Fireballs, it seems to be a defensive counterattack mode. Very suitable for the left side, provided that the opponent is not Lin Chuan.

After a long while, Zuo Lin put down his hands sullenly and smiled bitterly: "President, you are too far ahead of us. None of these routines and magic works for you. So, this time, I still failed!"

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