The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 809: Anger's sudden speech

Lin Chuan's words made everyone stagnate. Louis was even blocked and didn't know what to say. His face was bloodshot and his face was purple. If he didn't know, he thought he was poisoned!

This is simply not enough. But there is nothing wrong with the words. There is no way to deal with the internal affairs of one's own forces, so what are you still fighting for?

Soon, everyone did not speak, their own people gathered together, and soon some large and small organizations formed.

Lin Chuan, representing the Kingdom of Stars and Moon, also attracted some people. Although Evita is also an elf, she is not a member of the Star-Moon Kingdom, so she won't be here. In fact, there are not many people sent by many forces this time, but there are hundreds of forces here!

Everyone saw that if they were in line, people who were ranked after more than a hundred, didn't know when they were going to be queued, and some people suddenly became unhappy.

"Don't Lin Chuan have a semi-plane? Use which one to put all of us away, then let Lin Chuan go down to the second floor, and then release us!"

I don't know who shouted, it's not that you haven't thought about this, but in this half plane, there is a man's lair. Others don't believe that Lin Chuan has not deployed any defenses inside. Entering there is tantamount to handing his life to Lin Chuan's hands. Everyone is a genius, who wants to do this?

Angel suddenly said: "Our ghost wolf group has a soul contract, as long as it is signed, it cannot be violated. Otherwise, the soul will be eaten back, and there will be no hope of advancement."

He said something thoughtlessly, although he didn't mention Linchuan's half plane, but the meaning was very obvious. Just let Lin Chuan install them with half planes, and then release them on the next floor. But they must sign a soul contract and not hurt them.

What I thought was beautiful, Lin Chuan sneered. This Angel actually jumped out again, it seems that next time, I will find him to settle the account.

Anger suddenly felt a wave of malice, which made him feel creepy. Looking at Lin Chuan in surprise, this maliciousness must come from Lin Chuan.

Tu Ya looked at Angel, wondering why he wanted to do this, is it purely disgusting for Lin Chuan? He believed that Lin Chuan would never agree to use his demiplane.

But there are more than a thousand people here, and even the six-armed snake demon at the peak of the Golden Tier can be killed, let alone a Lin Chuan? There must be a solution.

At the moment, Morea shouted: "Yes, Lin Chuan, you have a demiplane, you can perfectly spare this confusion and bring us all down."

This person was pitted by Lin Chuan once before, although he was quite brave in the previous battle. But obviously, waiting here!

Lin Chuan smiled and said, "However, I do have a half-plane, and I can take you all down."

Angel smiled, his plan was successful. When you enter the demiplane, the coordinates of the demiplane are ready. When the time comes, do some small actions, and naturally there will be seniors in the organization to do the following things.

Morea laughed too, and Lin Chuan gave in. Forcing Lin Chuan, let Lin Chuan give in, and let Angel enter. Although Morea didn't know what Angel was going to do, it was definitely not a good thing. If it is bad for Lin Chuan, Morea is happy.

But Lin Chuan closed his smile and said, "But, why should I help you in? Why should I help?"

Morea's smile stagnated, are you afraid to fight against so many of us? Aren't we afraid that we will attack in groups? Even if you can summon angels, so many people can't beat you?

Tuya said: "Then you don't plan to go down? Or, because of Saint Edwin and the goddess of life as a powerful divine power, you plan to enter as soon as possible, regardless of the people behind us? But Xingyue People of the kingdom, you can't leave it alone, right?"

There are also three elves, two priests, and one druid on the Star Moon Kingdom. According to the principle of rotation, they are afraid that they will not be able to enter the next level in a short time. Although this layer is useful for the Black Iron Step, there are not many treasures. These people want to sprint towards the silver tier, they must enter the next level, in order to seize the treasure of the silver tier. In this way, they can also quickly improve their strength at the Silver level.

Obviously, Tuya is also proficient in people's hearts. Although these people know that Lin Chuan is the lowest level, but the strongest, it is only natural to be the first to enter. But they don't think so. People are self-interested. Their idea is that Lin Chuan's demiplane can take no other people, but can take them in.

"Lin Chuan, your half plane..."

A pastor said, before he finished speaking, he was only halfway through, and he was interrupted by Lin Chuan: "Impossible, the half plane is my lair, unless you are willing to make the Styx Oath. Any way, including but not limited to words, pictures, spiritual power, and even being searched for souls, etc., will be known about my demiplane. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to let you enter the demiplane."

Even Old John and the others, in fact, did not understand the situation of the demiplane. Ordinary people like them can't go anywhere except the small area marked by Linchuan. Including Shiryl, actually didn't figure out all the half planes.

How could Lin Chuan let an outsider know?

The priest's face was stagnant, and he closed his mouth somewhat sadly. He can understand in his heart, but understanding does not mean accepting. All belong to the same church, why do you treat him this way? He comes from the Balzart family and is the most promising seed player for the younger generation of the Balzart family. He usually stays high, but Lin Chuan rejected it. Moreover, the oath was so harsh that he dared not agree. In case someone seizes the opportunity in the future and reveals it a little bit, wouldn't he be annihilated?

Lin Chuan also secretly said: "It's really a fool, but Angel and Tuya's plan can't be seen."

But this matter is really tricky, but Lin Chuan is not afraid. Lin Chuan smiled and said, "I'm about to break the mirror. I'm not in a hurry on the second floor. I'm willing to be the last one to go in. As for the half plane, if you are willing to take the Stygian Oath and give sufficient compensation, I will also Don't mind sending you down. But if you want to rely on a few words, just want to force me to retreat, that can't be!"

Lin Chuan exploded with momentum and immediately suppressed Angel and others. Everyone felt the momentum on his body, which was also stagnant. This power is indeed very powerful, and it is not far from the Black Iron Step. Obviously when he first came in, he was far away from the Black Iron Steps!

There are many monsters here, and the sunflowers Lin Chuan planted before are still continuously providing him with the experience of upgrading. In addition, the angel squad summoned by Lin Chuan was also there, and it did not return to the Borderless Celestial Realm, and it could also provide some experience points.

At this point, he is about to be level 49.

For a while, the scene fell silent.

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