Lin Yang chuckled. Although he wanted to get that piece of treasure, he wouldn't care if there was no chance. There are many treasures, but not all of them can be taken as one's own. If you don't act decisively, this succubus will run away again, maybe it will be able to escape. At that time, it will be trouble.

It doesn't matter if the main material plane ushered in the invasion of hell, Lin Chuan himself has not yet risen. At that time, facing the catastrophe of the main material plane, that will be the real catastrophe.

Put away the corpse of the succubus, the corpse of this high-level demon, the whole body is full of treasures, and blood is a good material for alchemy. Bones are a good material for forging equipment. There are good things all over the body.

Moreover, Lin Yang still tried to find out whether he could extract the storage space in the succubus body and take out the contents. The disc treasure is obviously a good thing. Lin Chuan's current flashing technique is only a few meters in range. If he uses the magical feat that is extremely effective in spells, it can reach about ten meters. In the case of explosive potential, it is tens of meters. But this disc treasure, it seems that the distance that can be transmitted is not short, and there are many times. The cooling is not particularly long, this is a very good treasure.

Lin Yang originally wanted to try it out immediately, but with a move in his heart, he took some parts of the devil and dropped it casually. Then turn to that node. A little light flashed on the staff. Lin Yang immediately plunged into the light spot. Same as the last time, Lin Chuan passed the light spot and went to the next floor smoothly.

The same furnishings, the same buildings. It is simply repetitive, perhaps to give people a sense of confusion. On this level, Lin Yang didn't dare to walk around at will, these were all golden rank monsters.

"Sure enough, the third level requires the strength of the golden rank. Those people at most reach the second level. I have enough time to investigate. But if this level is not there yet, it's a bit bad!"

Lin Yang thought about it, but after thinking about it carefully, he was already a golden rank in his previous life, although he was not ranked in the three thousand ranks. But he is also a small master, and the information he contacts is also of golden rank. As for the Archmage, at that time, no one had broken through. So, logically speaking, that thing should be on this level.

The power of the Taiyin Treasure Mirror covers this body all the time. Even if Lin Yang is a golden rank or the incarnation of an ancient god, he dare not let the monster feel his whereabouts at will.

One or two golden-rank monsters is not a problem, but there are probably thousands of monsters at this level. Once it is known, the world consciousness will add to the flames, and the monsters will continue to come over, and it is quite cool to upgrade. Unfortunately, even if he doesn't fight, he still has a steady stream of experience. It just can't be passed to Lin Chuan, otherwise Lin Chuan's level can also rise quickly.

Hidden his divinity, Lin Yang walked carefully, even though he had some precious treasures, Lin Yang did not collect them.

"The strength of the monsters at this level has improved a lot, and it is not time to entangle with these monsters. Although there is plenty of time, it is best to get it quickly and improve your strength."

Lin Yang thought that it was time to go out, and he had been here for more than ten days. There are also things to be dealt with in the territory, and the future of Shiryl's three should also be arranged in a timely manner.

At the same time, the murals on this floor, as well as the mysterious locks, should also be written down. Even if it is temporarily not used, the arrangement of the mystery lock is also a good reference for one's own magic circle knowledge.

The first floor, since the separation before, everyone once again looked inside the passage. The outside world is full of bones, but obviously, if you want to enter the next level, you won't be outside.

"Obviously, the entrance to the next floor is definitely in these murals." Evita said, looking at Lin Chuan next to her, she deliberately looked for it not long ago, but she had an intuition that this person might know something.

Lin Chuan looked at the Evita next to him, and had to say that no matter what race it was, the perception of a woman was always terrifying. Regardless of whether it is a speculation on the node, or a choice for those who can help.

Lin Chuan nodded and looked at these murals. Although the node has been found, Lin Chuan still wants to watch these murals again. Perhaps, there are some clues that have not been found. It's not just about Misuo, but also about the old man.

The identity of this old man is very important. Lin Chuan has a faint feeling that he might deal with this old man in the future, or at least get involved. Lin Chuan was shocked, this is not a casual guess. This is an early warning. But if the old man were completely extinguished, Lin Chuan would not feel that way.

"So..." Lin Chuan thought: "Sure enough, at this level, you will definitely not die so easily. There will definitely be a second hand, although I don't know why this old man's arrangement has been so long. There was no movement, but at this moment, it suddenly appeared."

Wait, Lin Chuan thought: "Perhaps, it wasn't there before. The skin bag Yi Hongchou was holding might not have spread out now. I will ask how Yi Hongchou got it later. Maybe, The old man’s arrangements are more than these, but after a long time, someone may deliberately ruin these arrangements. These messages are intercepted again, so that people can’t know the news.”

Thinking carefully, Lin Chuan felt that he was involved in a huge vortex, perhaps there was an abyss in front of him. But it is absolutely impossible for Lin Chuan to withdraw. The resources in this place are precious, and it is impossible for Lin Chuan to give up just this.

Lin Chuan even thought that the birth of the necromancer this time seems to be related to the devil prince and many demigods, and even a few true gods. This is an event that spread across the entire continent. As a member of the Star-Moon Kingdom, he was destined to be unable to get rid of this matter. Saint Edwin had to send tokens in person, which illustrates this problem.

"It's a catastrophe, and it's also an opportunity. You can't avoid it, but you must actively invest. If you want to break the game, you must enter the game first. If you are not strong enough, naturally you can only play chess pieces first."

For this, Lin Chuan is not unwilling. Yes, just practice quickly and strive to have the power to overturn the expectations as soon as possible. When the time comes from a chess piece to a chess player, it is time to break the game.

Lin Chuan looked at the mural but did not go to see Evita. This is a beautiful woman, but Lin Chuan is not a person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. Besides, there may be another catastrophe on the other side. For the time being, there is no need to learn more.

"I have determined that the node is in these murals. And I also found the location of the node!"

"Oh? Then why not hurry over?"


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