But Lin Chuan hadn't refined the medicine for life extension before, and it was not urgently needed. Lin Chuan thought about it and stopped alchemy. Instead, on the tree of wisdom, Taling controls the alchemy circle to continue refining the rejuvenating cream.

Out of the space, Lin Chuan threw the rejuvenating cream to Dominic and said, "You can try it."

Dominic took it and didn't doubt anything. From this rejuvenation balm, he could feel a strong life force, because Lin Chuan had added the water of life in it. This is a peculiar product of the elves, and it needs the tree of life to produce it. Even the wind spirit elves were deprived of the right to own the tree of life, and other races did not dare to fight with the elves. So this has become a unique product of the elves.

I dug some rejuvenating cream with my hand and applied it to the wound on my body. Dominic took a cold breath, and Evita walked over and asked: "What? This ointment is useless?"

Dominic shook his head: "Not only useful, but very useful!"

"Then what are you doing by taking cold breath?" Evita rolled her eyes, with a variety of styles.

Dominic smirked: "Because it's comfortable, this ointment is cool, and it feels very comfortable when applied to the body."

Evita got the answer, stretched out her hand and pointed at Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan chuckled, took out another copy to Evita, and said, "A gold coin, Chenghui!"

Healing can be given, because the magic power is quickly restored, without having to pay for it yourself. As for sunflowers, there are seeds anyway, and Lin Chuan also has some ideas about the world. Lin Chuan wanted to try to see if he could completely transform the attributes of this world into a world of holy light or life system, or into a normal world. This can be regarded as a kind of salvation for the world.

The dark side has been doing it all the time, but Lin Chuan will not dislike how many of his experimental subjects are? But this is destined to be a very long-lasting job and needs to be done slowly.

Evita rolled her eyes, pointed to Dominique and said, "Why doesn't he want money?"

Lin Chuan said of course: "He is an experiment, let you see the effect. Otherwise, how would you ask me for the medicine? I just charge a cost price, but the water of life is added to it. A gold coin, even the cost. You can’t take it back, you can’t let me put money in it? Besides, you geniuses, still lack a gold coin? Rejuvenation cream is provided at the cost, effective treatment of trauma, come if needed."

Lin Chuan said that the refining of the alchemy circle is still very fast. At this time, there are no less than dozens of rejuvenation ointments in his hands, and they are still being produced. This is a money-making machine, as long as Lin Chuan completes one refining, the alchemy circle can basically be copied.

A gold coin is really not much, Evita is just a little uncomfortable, she is still a beauty, and actually has to collect money. And Dominic with a beard doesn't need it? Is this someone who likes men? Evita said inwardly, but still gave a gold coin and received a rejuvenation cream. Although she was well preserved, she also suffered serious injuries. In this dangerous place, everyone is okay now that when everyone is separated, it will be dangerous.

Before that, he should heal the injury quickly and recover.

After applying the rejuvenation cream, the scars disappeared quickly. This is the power of the magic world. In reality, some treatments still need to be taken slowly. When there is a mysterious effect and the mighty power belongs to itself, the scars can be easily removed.

Lin Chuan is also considering that when he can refine the psychoactive medicine, he can try to refine some, take it out and give it to his sister. It is better to cure the sister thoroughly, if it can not be assimilated, or not to be assimilated.

Others also came over to buy, a gold coin is really not expensive. Although for ordinary players, a gold coin is very expensive. But for these geniuses, the crystal nucleus can be obtained, a gold coin? Is that money?

Soon, Lin Chuan earned hundreds of gold coins.

Lin Chuan smiled secretly in his heart: "The money came very quickly. War money is really easy. If it was before the war, it would be better to sell!"

The cost of these rejuvenation creams does not actually require a gold coin. About ten silver coins will reach the sky. The water of life is added, but one drop of the water of life can refine one hundred parts of this rejuvenation cream. Moreover, the quality of this water of life is still the lowest, and a drop of water of life is about one gold coin. Of course, this is the internal price. If other races want to buy it, it is not at this price.

The elves control the water of life and act as a product for sale every year, not knowing how much money they make. This thing is a by-product of the tree of life. It is not something that the tree of life actively does. It is formed by passively absorbing the surrounding elements and the idle power of some plants.

What is truly precious is the fountain of life condensed inside the tree of life. Those things are all strategic materials, and the elves rarely sell them out. Of course, the Nine Realms Tree can also condense inside, and Lin Chuan also owns this thing. But it's just a low-quality rejuvenation cream, not necessary.

Many people think it is very good after using it. They all asked one after another: "One gold coin, one copy. I wonder if I can buy more?"

The question was Tuya, the orc was very shrewd. Although Lin Chuan still made money at this price, he obviously didn't make much. At least compared to other medicines, it was a cost-effective wound medicine.

Lin Chuan was also happy to sell, and immediately said: "The purchase is limited to 10 copies per person! Next month, I will hold an auction in Yuebi Valley. This will be the auction product. During the period, there will be magic restoration potions, promotion potions, Melting potions and life-extending potions are sold. If you have ideas, you can come and participate."

Lin Chuan also took the opportunity to place an advertisement, and these people didn't like the magic recovery potion. If you have money, you can buy it elsewhere. But promotion potions, molten potions and life extension potions, are very precious. Among them, life prolonging medicine is the most precious.

Angel asked immediately, "Which kind of life-extending potion is it? What is the effect?"

Lin Chuan knew that many professionals had taken life-prolonging medicines. If the same medicines were used, it would have no effect.

Immediately, Lin Chuan smiled and said: "It is not the potions that have appeared before, but a brand new life-prolonging potion I found somewhere in the ruins, Green Water. The effect is temporarily kept secret, if you need it, you can Come."

Green Water is the name Lin Chuan took himself. This is actually the formula of the medicine he inferred based on the Necromancer, so he dare not determine the effect of the medicine. So there is no way to explain the effect of the medicine, so it can only be kept secret.

Angel asked again: "No matter what forces? Can the ghost wolf group come?"

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