Pink Rose gave Lin Chuan a weird look. What does it mean to do its best, but isn't it one of them? Is this going to be a human trade?

But the words in the clouds and mist, Pink Rose simply couldn't understand. Because of the asymmetry of information, Lin Chuan knew nothing about Pink Rose.

So apart from knowing that they made a transaction, there is no way to know anything else.

Saint Edwin looked at Lin Chuan carefully, then smiled and nodded. Don't ask, why Pink Rose knows that the other party is smiling, it is really this joyful emotion that can already slightly affect the surrounding situation.

"Damn it, Edwin, it's you again!" Regina yelled loudly, with spite in her voice. Lin Chuan glanced at Saint Edwin, wondering what happened to Regina.

No, something unspeakable happened, right?

Saint Edwin glanced at Lin Chuan, his eyes a little threatening. Lin Chuan didn't know why he could see the face of Saint Edwin. Just now, Pink Rose has sent a message, saying that she can't see the other person's face, and her whole body is shrouded in faint radiance.

Originally, Lin Chuan just thought that this brilliance was covering a mysterious halo over Saint Edwin. As a result, no one can see it.

Saint Edwin stretched out his hand, and a ball of light fell. He handed the light group over: "If you absorb it, you will know how to call a special foreign **** to serve. Also, don't worry, the relationship between you and me is much deeper than you think. Maybe. It’s not an exaggeration to call you my child!"

After that, Saint Edwin took a step and left, seeing that his steps were not great and his speed was not fast. However, it didn't take long for Saint Edwin's figure to reach a far place.

"Regina, you are still not honest. What do you think is the main material plane? Is it easy for you to come? I am staring at you all the time, you can never succeed!"

Saint Edwin said lightly, everyone else, including the magicians of Dashengguan, was taken aback. Then there is Yixi, this is Edwin Saint! The most powerful demigod in Io, with Him, who else can invade the main material plane?

For the arrival of Saint Edwin, they all maintained a welcome attitude. As for what Saint Edwin did to Dashengguan a hundred years ago? That's for others, not for me, just save my life. I care about those people to die?

Joyle said: "It turned out to be this lord, he came so fast!"

The legend of Gary said: "It's no wonder that this demigod who is far away in the forest of the wild has arrived. It seems that he has ruined the good thing of eating more of this **** demon Regana."

He didn't know. In fact, Saint Edwin was just talking about it. He didn't even know Regana was here. In fact, it has been accidental several times.

But Edwin felt that this incident may not be accidental. This may also be deliberate by the world consciousness of the main material plane.

In the distance, Regina and Edwin had already begun to fight. Lin Chuan looked at the light group in his hand and slowly approached his sea of ​​consciousness.

As for Edwin hurting him? That should not be possible, not to mention the price to be paid to counter the world consciousness of the main material plane. And the other party needs to bother himself, and Lin Chuan can feel the other party's mood himself, there is no such maliciousness at all.

"Am I his child?" Lin Chuan had some doubts about the words of Saint Edwin.

The pink rose beside it seemed to have been struck by lightning. The player is only, how can he become a child of a demigod? Is the legend true? Is this a real world? And Lin Chuan, is this demigod who sneaked into the real world and gave birth to the child?

With a sound, the intelligence officer sent the information. This chat system is really convenient.

Pink Rose looked at the information carefully, it was Lin Chuan's real-world intelligence.

Lin Chuan was absorbing the light group. After he found that he had absorbed the light group, he had two options.

System: If you detect the existence of the divine, you have two options.

System: Option 1: Absorb the light group and absorb the divinity. You can get the information contained in it. In addition, you can be a part-time pastor, and you will also have divinity.

System: Option 2: Absorb the light group, not the divinity, you will absorb the information in the light group.

Lin Chuan was a little surprised, this turned out to be divine?

Divine cohesion is really very difficult. If it is not the gift of divine creatures, or the plundering of divine creatures. If you want to condense your own divinity, afraid that it will take ten or even a hundred years to condense a strand of divinity?

This is the final level of the pinnacle legend, divinity!

Of course, this ray of divinity definitely cannot help Pinnacle Legend to be promoted to Legend!

Lin Chuan originally thought that Saint Edwin wanted to preside over the spread of faith. This is the work that every demigod who has the ambition to be a **** wants to do. But because of the gods, demigods are not allowed to spread their faith at will.

Conferring gods needs the support of faith, which forms the opposition of demigods and gods.

But I have to say that because the demigods are no better than the gods, those who dare to spread their beliefs in private, dare not expose them. Because once exposed, it will be attacked by many churches, and basically no one can survive.

But there is a special thing in this, that is, the gods are willing to give a part of their faith to the demigods in their place of faith, and such faith is legal.

"So, has the Goddess of Life agreed to part of the faith? Why?"

Lin Chuan guessed, but because he knew too little about the gods, he couldn't judge what was the cause!

"But, Saint Edwin looks like he intends to put me in a more important position in the church? Child?"

Lin Chuan pondered and analyzed the pros and cons.

If you absorb divinity, you don't need to ask, it will definitely be good. For example, be familiar with divinity in advance, and have a certain stage of suppression of ordinary things. Be able to know some divine knowledge to prepare for the future deity.

But there are also downsides. It was difficult for him to upgrade, and he already has eight times the experience value penalty.

If he works part-time again, that means he will double again. Reached sixteen times the experience value penalty!

But Edwin Saint is his biggest backer at present. If he does not work as his pastor part-time, his position on the side of the Edwin Saints will decline in the future, which is good for oneself and bad for the territory.

"So, what am I going to do?" He thought, but thought that if he could get the divinity, it would actually be good for the demiplane.

The development of the demiplane actually provides him with something similar to experience value all the time.

"So, I choose...!"

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