Lin Chuan eased his steps and moved forward quietly.

At this time, he didn't dare to make any big moves. If he alarmed mice and cockroaches, he might have alarmed the people talking inside.

Lin Chuan also discovered that the environment here seems to have undergone some transformation, without the filthiness outside.

It looks pretty clean here, and there are some magic circles on the walls to purify the air.

Even Lin Chuan could smell some unpredictable fragrances.

"How is it, is there no result yet?"

"No, you have to give me time. It is not easy to find that person."

Lin Chuan moved in his heart, looking for someone? Isn't it looking for me?

Prior to this, he disrupted the actions of the ghost wolf group and even took away most of the smuggled items.

Most of the rest was taken away by Saint Edwin.

In short, Lin Chuan didn't believe that Saint Edwin would let the ghost wolf demigod take things away when he had an advantage.

Obviously, Tamara and the others, who were eager to flee, couldn't have the opportunity to go back to transport their things.

"I know you are embarrassed, but that adult won't listen to you explain it like this!"

"You don't have to use that adult to press me down, and I am not someone who has no background and no backstage, and just pushes out the top bag." This is Matilda's voice. Lin Chuan has heard it through the golden spider several times, absolutely You can't go wrong.

At this moment, she seemed to be discussing a person with someone, this was the voice of a man.

Lin Chuan guessed that this person was mostly himself. It just happened that the time was stuck here, the ghost wolf demigod was afraid that he hated himself at this moment, and wished he would die immediately.

There seems to be some sense of collapse, and both sides are shirking responsibility.

But Lin Chuan feels that if the other party really wants to test himself, he only needs to pay a certain price.

There are some doubts about what the situation is.

After a while, the man’s voice sounded again: "Okay, you continue to look for it. I will explain it clearly to the adult, but you have to hurry up. When there is a problem, we will cooperate. , I'm afraid it will end here!"

This sentence seemed to comfort Matilda, but in fact it was another threat.

But Matilda seemed to hesitate a bit, and finally said: "I will try my best. I will find what he stole as soon as possible."

Lin Chuan was startled, it seemed that he was really looking for himself, was it one of those moonglow grasses? Or is it because of that moonstone?

These are relatively important materials, and the other party can be forgiven for finding them back.

The total value of this batch of goods is really huge.

But Lin Chuan knew that he didn't get the most essential ones, and he just collected them in the order from his position.

It now seems that the most valuable batch of things should be in the remaining dozen boxes.

"I'm afraid they were all put away by Saint Edwin."

But Lin Chuan couldn't say anything. He had a chance, but he didn't grasp it.

There is always a feeling that one hundred million is placed in front of him, but the money grows wings and flies.

There is some heartache!

Matilda’s voice sounded again: “However, I’ve tried my best. If I still can’t get it back. Whatever the consequences, you will figure it out. Anyway, I will report the truth. You and me are working together, not we are begging you , You also have a place to ask us!"

After speaking, she snorted coldly, as if talking unpleasantly, she was about to leave.

Lin Chuan quickly turned aside, he had seen a depression here before.

Although the walls are very dirty, this is not the time to consider these.

Who knows if Matilda will vent in the passage when she is angry.

When the time comes, he just hides his body, and when touched by the opponent's power, he will still show his deeds.

Matilda was very angry, but she didn't notice anything, just left quickly from the side.

I'm afraid I am afraid that I will leave the house and be discovered by others.

Over there, the man talking to Matilda had no voice, and Lin Chuan didn't know if he had left. Without hearing the movement of leaving, Lin Chuan stayed in the depression temporarily and did not go out.

A quarter of an hour later, a man's voice came: "Strange, I clearly felt a little mouse, why hasn't there been any movement?"

Lin Chuan was shocked, could he still be discovered by others?

It is not impossible, his own practice is good, and it can restrain fluctuations.

The Taiyin Mirror is also good, it can be invisible, and it can also hide the fluctuations of magical power.

But after all, his level is too low, and there are still some gaps between these aborigines.

In addition, because I didn't like these smells, I used some magic skills.

Although it is not magic, the movement of magic power represents the fluctuation of magic power.

But here, except for some dirt, there was no such odor, and Lin Chuan did not stop the fluctuation of that magical power.

After a while, a strong wind came, carrying dozens of wind blade techniques, and one of them even blew past the bridge of Lin Chuan's nose.

Lin Chuan kept this posture, motionless.

The other party was so cautious that he went back and forth without saying, but also used magic to attack to see if someone was hiding it.

"Forget it, now it seems that there should be no one. Am I too nervous? Xingyue Pass is not our territory after all!"

The man muttered to himself, and then the sound of leaving footsteps sounded.

Lin Chuan thought, isn't this man really an elf? So it seems that it should be a member of the ghost wolf group.

But who does the other party work with?

In their conversations, they all used the pronoun of that adult, and no specific name was involved.

So Lin Chuan couldn't tell who it was from the words he heard.

He was not in a hurry to go out, although the harsh environment made him very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before that person went and returned.

Lin Chuan saw a man's face through the gap cut by the wind blade technique just now.

He thought that it was so. This man was so suspicious that he went back and forth before and used a range of magic.

Sure enough, the self-talking just now was actually for me?

Generally speaking, after going through the situation just now, I heard the other party saying that I want to leave. And put all this on himself, saying that he was suspicious.

Most people believe that they will come out urgently after they leave.

Either leave, or check the situation where they just stayed.

Who knows, this person will go and come back again?

It's really too cautious!

Lin Chuan was also thankful that he was not in a hurry, otherwise he was really caught.

The opponent's level is very high. If it weren't for his martial arts and wonderful treasures, I'm afraid it would be easy to be found and caught, right?

The person left again. Lin Chuan waited for about half an hour, only to see that the person had never come back before he came out of the depression.

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