I've been depressed for a long time, and I want to relax, nothing more than a few.

Drinking and eating meat, money and sex, or gambling.

Obviously what Tamara said this time included these three.

And the most important one is the middle one.

He actually put Lin Chuan into this reward, let alone waiting for Lin Chuan to take the road and flee.

Because time is urgent this time, there is no need to worry about being discovered, he just stirred up the tent and rushed out.

This appearance was immediately seen by the guards outside.

At the moment, several people are bright, most of them are female adventurers.

This kind of adventurer, who licks blood all the year round, hangs his head on his waist, and may die at any time. The jokes are also very skillful, and the wine is also delicious.

Lin Chuan's appearance is elven, and some immortal cultivators' temperament are added, this time, a few female adventurers adore it.

There are even a few male adventurers who are also moved.

They don't mind changing their tastes occasionally, their eyes suddenly look like wolves.

This time, Lin Chuan can be given to the disgusting.

Looking at those photos before, I saw that Zhao Jiayu was possessed by the little dog Stupid Erlang, and there were some playful banter.

But at this time, when he met himself, he couldn't calm down.

Bastard, if I get caught, you must go to the mine to dig out for hundreds of years.

At the moment, Lin Chuan also restrained his emotions, and he could feel it, following his anger. There was a thought that made him want to stop, and made him angrily want to rush back and face the people in battle.

"this is?"

Lin Chuan woke up immediately, he was affected by magic.

System: You are affected by psychic magic hints, and your mood swings increase.

Sure enough, these people are worthy of adventurers with rich combat experience. In fact, those words just now seem to be redundant.

But it was to arouse his anger, so that this kind of spiritual magic had an effect.

Among these people, there are magicians of the spirit department.

This is very rare among magicians.

First of all, the mental power must be naturally strong. Then, being strong is not enough, and these mental powers are also naturally active.

After Lin Chuan was reborn, his mental power was indeed strong.

But he didn't know if he was active enough, and he never tried. Because I didn't meet the mentor of the spiritual magician.

This is an elite profession, the combat effectiveness may not be strong. But used to interfere, used to assist, it is absolutely powerful.

To say that the auxiliary is strong does not mean that his combat effectiveness is weak.

Next, an invisible lash came, and Lin Chuan suddenly snorted. He felt the burning of mental power, a pain that seemed to come from the soul, which was very deep.

Spirit flogging?

This is an exercise of spiritual power, which can be learned by high-ranking priests.

The principle is transformed from the mental flogging of the spiritual magician.

Lin Chuan's eyes were solemn, all previous battles, including the plot mission, were too simple.

Perhaps, in the Hardmode copy, those bosses are slightly more powerful.

But at this time, facing these people, attacking together from all walks of life, there is actually some more difficult feeling than those bosses.

No matter how difficult the boss is, it is still fixed in the copy, waiting for the player to open it.

These adventurers are all desperadoes. But he won't stand in place and wait.

At this moment, three arrows came in the shape of a fringe.

Lin Chuan just took a step back, throwing out the magic in his hand, and throwing out a few miniature fireballs, followed by another ice archery technique.

The timing of these people's cooperation is very accurate, and their vision is also tricky.

The arrow's attack was not to hurt the enemy, but to make Lin Chuan back.

The subsequent Frost Arrow technique was not for damage, but because of the slow effect on Frost Arrow.

Most of the ice magic has the effect of delaying the enemy.

This is also the reason why Zuo Lin developed ice magic.

Then, another khaki magic came.

Slowness, and it doesn't seem to be a magician's magic.

A magician's slow technique can only be learned at least at the level of black iron.

Of course, some geniuses can be learned in advance.

Just like Lin Chuan and the left side, you can learn the ice ring technique first in the apprenticeship stage.

"Is this a shaman?" Lin Chuan felt inwardly. Judging from the news exposed by the ghost wolf group before rebirth, this is a pan-continental organization.

But what is exposed is just some humans.

But it is basically impossible for humans to take up the profession of shaman, this is exclusive to orcs.

It's as if there are few other races to work as botanists.

Lin Chuan backed up to the side of the tent, and stepped on to the tent.

Then there was another acceleration. Before the next wave of magic came, he overcame a big tree.

"Oops, he has equipment that removes magic effects. He is not affected by Frost Archery and Slowness!"

In fact, it is not that Lin Chuan was not affected by the effect, but his template canceled part of the magic effect, and he also had the effect of suppressing enemies below the demigod by half.

In addition, coupled with the protection of the gate of the landscape, the magic resistance of the Nine Realms Tree itself is also good.

Based on the above reasons, Lin Chuan was almost immune to the effect just now.

At the moment, Lin Chuan quickly fled.

On the way, he saw Chen Dazhuang lying on the ground, now unconscious.

Lin Chuan looked at the enemy who was catching up immediately, and knew that he did not have so much time to rescue Chen Dazhuang.

But for Chen Dazhuang, he didn't have the slightest guilt.

Anyway, he had warned the other party beforehand, and had already told him the serious consequences.

Chen Dazhuang didn't listen to himself, and went his own way. Maybe it's not afraid, I don't know the famous ghost wolf group.

So, what are the consequences, he doesn't care about it anymore.

Arrows keep coming. The archer in this place has good skills, but his hand speed is also good.

But because it was in the forest, Lin Chuan could just avoid it by himself. In addition, the tree can actively help, and the archer is destined to be in vain.

In the process of escaping, Lin Chuan took out the notes Edwin handed him, sinking his mind.

This notebook also has a hidden effect, that is, it can contact Edwin Saint.

At the beginning, Lin Chuan didn't notice it either.

But after several breakthroughs, especially when he was in the land of rules that time, his soul sensitivity greatly increased. Vaguely discovered this function.

In fact, the last time Lin Chuan left the place of rules, at the place of Bishop Minerva, he felt what Saint Edwin had come before.

The reason why it didn't break was just a tacit understanding.

"Master Edwin!"

Lin Chuan contacted that at this time, Edwin was standing outside his home tree in the Forest of the Wild, frowning.

"what happened?"

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