"Got it!" Everyone agreed.

They didn't ask why it was in the territory of the Star-Moon Kingdom.

This should be the case. There are ways to solve it. Naturally, the blackened spores in the country should be solved first.

As for other kingdoms, these demigods are not fools. Knowing that this time things are not so simple, if you help others to solve it casually, it is not helping others, but harming yourself.

These plague outbreaks, if you have the ability to solve the plague in your own territory. At best, it will be hated by the plague mother, but if the plague mother is to get revenge, it will not.

Saint Edwin, as the continent's first demigod, still suppresses the priest of the plague mother.

Those people dare not come to Xingyue Kingdom to make a ghost, are they afraid of being killed by the first demigod?

As for the plagues in other places, I'll talk about it then.

They wouldn't take the initiative to help anyway, but there was only one demigod whose eyes flickered, but calm quickly returned.

Because the speed is too fast, even people who pay special attention will not find it.

Besides, nobody will pay attention to this in advance.

Everyone left and arranged for people to start acting as soon as possible.

The Xingyue Kingdom is everyone's kingdom, and the Xingyue Kingdom's accidents and losses are also everyone's.

And once the civilians lose too much, these nobles also need to pay for compensation.

The leaders are also the wealth of the lords. If they lose too much, who will pay them taxes in the coming year?

Xingyue Kingdom is a huge government, but everyone is elves and believes in the same deity.

Besides, there is also the suppression of Edwin Saints. As a spiritual leader, no one will disobey the orders of Edwin Saints.

The Demigod Colbert returned to the temple, thought about it, and went to find Saint Edwin.

"What? Do you have any questions?" Saint Edwin asked.

Colbert nodded demigodly, and asked doubtfully: "The inside of the kingdom can be solved. But outside of the kingdom?"

He was very afraid that Saint Edwin would disregard all the plagues.

Everyone knows that this is the one who is collecting faith and has not moved for thousands of years. This time it is the other's big move.

It's just that the action this time was a bit big, it was hard to believe.

Sweeping the entire continent, such a big action makes people feel panic!

Saint Edwin shook his head: "No. I will naturally not ignore it. This matter is indeed very big, and it even involves the upper planes. If those kingdoms did not speak in person, they would come in person in the name of a demigod. Request. I won't make it."

As for the elves below, there is no order from Saint Edwin, and they will not make any move at all.

Lin Chuan's side, even if it is a shot, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

This continent is too big and needs too many yellow umbrellas.

The spread of the blackened spores is very fast.

Although it looks slow in one direction, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it seems slow.

The entire continent, countless places, spread in all directions at the same time, and the speed is definitely something that people will feel scared when they see it!

The spread of the plague is really scary.

The Demigod Colbert wanted to ask more. Saint Edwin reached out and stopped him: "Forget it, don't ask more. These things are not something we should consider. In fact, I have already taken action, which is considered offended. One. As for other places, if they are willing, if I don’t make a move, I won’t actually change that one’s view of me. Even if I don’t make a move, that one will not be soft when necessary. of."

Conferred gods, but faced with obstacles from the gods.

Saint Edwin had already considered this before he took the shot.

Even if there is no such thing, the mother of plague does not take action, his process of conferring gods will definitely not be peaceful!

In my heart, Saint Edwin flashed some cold currents.

"These are all forced by you!"

Colbert nodded half-heartedly and didn't ask any more.

After a pause, the Demigod Colbert asked again: "Where is the Dark Kingdom?"

This plague spread across the entire continent, and the Dark Underworld Kingdom is also in it.

Saint Edwin thought for a while, and said, "Don't care there. Anyway, most of the plants over there are infested by the magic of the necromancer. Anyway, they have to be replanted. If that's the case, just ignore it. Let's take care of it when we occupy the space."

Colbert demigod thought about it, too.

Regardless of that, the food shortage in the Dark Kingdom must be more serious.

When the two countries are at war, food must be very important.

Although most of the Dark Nether Kingdom relies on undead creatures, the undead creatures don't need to eat.

However, there are still many people in the Dark Underworld Kingdom, plus those who manipulate the undead creatures, still have to eat.

If there is a shortage of food, they will not be able to resist for long!

In this way, it was a good thing for the Xingyue Kingdom.

Where the two countries are at war, the military is also watching this scene, all with internal considerations.

The elves are also very worried, but more distressed.

Plants, that is the favorite environment of elves.

The homes of the elves are surrounded by trees. Moreover, the plants are infested by blackened spores, which is definitely a reduction in food production!

"How to do?"

"At home, I don't know what happened!"

"The family members don't know if they are afraid?"

The homes of elves live in trees.

When the blackened spores came, the elves in the house would definitely panic.

Then, the question of food comes to mind.

But because the elves have a large number of druids and botanists, the elves don't have that much idea about whether they will go hungry.

The human on the opposite side was a little happy at first.

Without trees, the elves' defense and offense will be affected.

The influence of this front line may not be big, because the territory is all human, which is not good for the elves.

If something goes wrong on the Xingyue Kingdom, something goes wrong with their lair, they still have to guard against others' attacks!

There is a wind spirit grassland in the northern kingdom as a buffer, as long as the wind spirit spirits do not die, the Star Moon Kingdom is fine.

But to the southwest, relying on the Griffin Heart Kingdom.

If this had a chance, the Griffin Heart Kingdom might have to bite a piece of flesh from the Star Moon Kingdom.

Then, humans thought that plants were eaten by melaninized spores.

Then the grain production will be reduced.

The Dark Nether Kingdom originally had no production, and most of them had to be purchased from other countries, and those who needed to climb mountains and wading water needed to bypass the blockade of elves.

There was not much food in the country, but in this situation, there is almost no harvest.

If the grain production of other countries is reduced, the amount of food sold to the Dark Kingdom will be reduced, and even the Dark Kingdom will refuse to trade.

These soldiers may not think so much, but they know that they are afraid that they will be short of food in the future.

This time, I was really scared at both ends.

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