"Those who are in a good line and who have not contributed enough can make an IOU. Within one year, no interest will be charged. After one year, within three years, five percent will be charged, and after three years, within five years, they will be charged. Twenty percent!"

Qian Duoduo said loudly, 900 points of contribution, actually not much.

More than 1,000 gold coins, if you really take root in the Wanxing Pavilion and are willing to do a task, it may be a bit short if you don't say it for a year.

But basically you can earn it in three years, even if your strength is weaker, as long as you are willing to learn a secondary profession and be willing to work.

As for what can't be done in three years, that's very rare, but five years, that's absolutely possible.

Don't think that it is easy for Lin Chuan and others to earn gold coins. This is a question of strength and background.

It's not that simple for ordinary players to earn coins.

Vice-professionals are not so easy, Lin Chuan's alchemy method is second to none among players!

Among the aborigines, they are definitely outstanding.

Many high-level aborigines may not be as skilled as Lin Chuan in their deputy occupations.

When Qian Duoduo said that, many people in the team felt relieved.

Among other things, the people who are affiliated with the public households don't have so many contribution points.

And the contribution points are not gold coins. The difficulty of earning gold coins may be simpler.

Contribution points can be exchanged for gold coins, but gold coins cannot be exchanged for contribution points.

There are a lot of good things in Wanxing Pavilion's warehouse. If they can be exchanged for some gold coins, that is a very simple matter.

Not to mention the players, even some aborigines are very willing to exchange.

For example, some ten fruit wines, and some alchemy potions refined by Lin Chuan!

Alchemy potions are also poisonous, which is a bit similar to what Lin Chuan had heard in his previous life, that medicine is three-point poison.

Even if it is not poisonous, drug resistance will develop, and the effect of the medicine will slowly decrease.

Except for the medicines for treatment, most of the medicines dropped relatively quickly.

The higher the purity and the better the quality of the medicine, the lower the resistance.

Unfortunately, there is no way to exchange gold coins for contribution.

Otherwise, those players who have a connection with the guild alliance can take advantage of this and obtain a large amount of materials from the Wanxing Pavilion.

However, the method of contribution makes those insiders, even if they want good things, they must first do things for Wanxing Pavilion and help Wanxing Pavilion accumulate benefits before they can get contribution points and exchange things.

This is a very good way. Although there is no way to put an end to spies, it is also to protect yourself to the greatest extent.

"How many contribution points do you have?"

"I'm just over a hundred!"

"If the year is not over, interest will be charged!"

"Then shall we exchange it?"

"You are stupid. With this good equipment, if we can be promoted to the purple epic equipment, perhaps we can easily earn contribution points. Why not change it?"

"Furthermore, this may be our only way to obtain high-level equipment, do you want to give up?"

These players who were originally scattered people all have their own ideas.

No one is a fool. Such an opportunity to obtain evolvable equipment is very rare.

Don't think that there are a lot of more than 1,000 gold coins. Yes, there are indeed a lot of more than 1,000 gold coins. You can buy a lot of things.

But for an evolvable piece of equipment, these more than a thousand gold coins are not even enough for materials.

In the past, this kind of evolvable equipment has never been sold at a low price.

The cherished degree of the yellow umbrella is very high, of course, it is slightly less cherished than the equipment that uses other methods to evolve.

The plague doesn't happen all the time, but right now, isn't it the best opportunity?

Moreover, there are many smart people, and many people have their eyes turned, and Lin Chuan knows what they want to do.

In fact, Lin Chuan did it himself.

Thinking of the melaninized spores that he had collected into the mountain and river map, Lin Chuan planned to raise some melaninized spores in captivity to provide his own yellow umbrella evolution.

As for the body, it absorbs more power.

With so many players who have received the avatar of the Yellow Umbrella, every person, every time they absorb a part of the blackened spores, a part of the power will be transmitted to the body.

It can be said that the time of ontology evolution is definitely much faster than others.

The level and quality of the yellow umbrella itself is also one of the biggest reasons that restrict the evolution of the clone.

However, many clones are also beneficial. When everyone evolves, they will give the yellow umbrella body some evolutionary raw materials.

In this way, it is equivalent to using countless people to help evolve.

Lin Chuan no longer absorbed the melaninized spores, but focused on the differentiation of clones.

As more and more people receive the plague yellow umbrella clone, every second, more and more power is drawn from the plague.

Lin Chuan could already start making a clone of the Yellow Umbrella at any time, as long as his magical power supply could keep up.

Lin Chuan's own magical power recovery speed is not slow, plus this is in the territory, enjoying the recovery bonus of the territory's strategic treasures, this consumption is nothing at all.

On the contrary, it is a consumption of mental power, which is a bit big.

Making the yellow umbrella clone does not seem to have Lin Chuan's thing, just provide magic power.

But positioning, to let the yellow umbrella body lower the power, which itself also needs to consume power, the bulk is mental power!

In one night, Lin Chuan made hundreds of yellow umbrella clones.

However, these numbers are still too small compared to the population of Wanxing Pavilion, the deputy professional guild, and the affiliated guild.

Wanxing Pavilion only has dozens of people, which is simple.

What's more, there are still many people who are still fighting in the underground world, and they don't need it.

Hundreds of people in the vice-professional guild, although part of them were divided, are also in the underground world.

Originally, the number is enough, but the players in the affiliated guild have to be taken care of?

So a large part of it was given to the deputy professional guild. Lin Chuan will not forget the contributions of the elders of the guild, so he naturally has to treat him favorably.

Those newcomers can also enjoy the benefits, but the benefits are naturally not as good as the elderly.

In the morning, Lin Chuan had eaten and had to go offline to eat and practice.

Then go to sleep and refresh yourself.

When it goes online, start making the clone of the yellow umbrella again.

And then, Lin Chuan didn't directly deal with those players, and placed it directly in the guild's warehouse.

Those players, if they get permission, take the slips and go to the guild warehouse to exchange them.

In this way, it also saves some of Lin Chuan's energy.

There were also some yellow umbrellas on the side of the temple, but they all provided some benefits.

Lin Chuan doesn't need gold coins, they are all good seeds.

The believers of the goddess of life all work part-time as botanists.

Although not everyone will be distracted in this career, but most will collect some good seeds.

This is also related to the fact that elves like plants. Some good plant seeds are of good quality, and some people like to collect them.

After this transaction, Lin Chuan also obtained several good seeds.

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