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This is an elf, if Lin Chuan were here, he would find that this was his acquaintance.


"Huh, say I have no merit? You, a small descendant, can you have more merit than me?"

Hutchinson clenched his fists, his nails breaking his palms.

"I'll take a look, in the days to come, who has the higher merits!"

After Hutchinson finished speaking, he turned around and walked in one direction, with firmness in his eyes, and some, crazy!

After he left, several figures appeared again in the shadows.

But these figures did not seem to be in the same group. They looked at each other with enquiry and hostility in their eyes.

Before long, many disappeared.

Perhaps in each other's hearts, they are also wondering what the identity of each other is.

However, on this battlefield, the spies of various forces are there, and it is difficult to confirm the identity.

In the blink of an eye, these people disappeared again, as if there was nothing here just now, and no one had been here before.

After a while, an elf appeared with a veil on his face, making it difficult to see his face.

Seeing this scene, the elf did nothing but shook his head and said in a faint voice: "These people are all here. It seems that this place seems to be the center of the whirlpool. Who was the elf at the beginning? It looks like an aboriginal, but why do you care about Linchuan?"

After a pause, the elf thought for a while, then said: "Isn't Lin Chuan the chairman of Wanxing Pavilion? It seems that I can make a deal with the other party. This information, the other party should be interested, right? For the time being, this news doesn’t have much dry goods. If you want to sell the price, you can’t sell much."

Nodded, the elf said: "Then keep tracking, and wait until you get the dry goods, and then you can trade."

As he said, the elf laughed: "Unexpectedly, even if you come to relax, you can discover this kind of good information. Intelligence is equal to wealth!"

Then, the elf jumped up, jumped onto the trunk, hidden among the branches and leaves, and disappeared.

Lin Chuan doesn't know the situation here, now he is in Wildebeest Town.

"We have all taken over the governance of Wildebeest Town, so naturally we have to do our best."

Lin Chuan said to Yao Tongtong on the side: "By the way, do you have a clue about your part-time job?"

Yao Tongtong nodded: "Of course I have. I have sensed it, and I can succeed immediately."

As a younger brother, Yao Chenchen has succeeded in part-time jobs, and it has also brought Yao Chenchen a bonus to his combat effectiveness.

As a sister, naturally I also have to work part-time.

The shaman alone is amazing.

But she doesn't know much about the shaman's spells, so she needs to understand it herself.

In addition, the shaman's combat effectiveness is still not strong enough, she needs more combat effectiveness.

The Io continent is getting less and less peaceful, how long can it be peaceful?

Yao Tongtong is not willing to face danger, he has no ability to resist.

If she can, she still wants to be strong and protect herself, if she has the ability, it is best to protect her sister and younger brother.

This is what Yao Tongtong said in his heart when the third sibling of the family was forced to flee.

She never wanted to be the kind of powerless little girl who could only be protected by others, but she had no choice but to watch helplessly.

Lin Chuan smiled inwardly, he naturally knew that the object of Yao Tongtong's daily prayers was not in his own landscape.

The incarnation of the ancient **** Lin Yang is the object of Yao Tongtong's prayer.

Pray to other true gods, there will be some hidden dangers in the end.

It just so happens that oneself can also bestow divine arts, and also needs the power of faith, there is no better choice than this.

Lin Chuan is walking in this Jiao Ma town, planting some sunflowers continuously.

For the necromantic magic, there is no better way than the holy light magic.

Perhaps no one has so many of those precious magic plants.

Even if it is possessed, demigods such as Edwin Saint, and Pope Brandon of Thorns may have them.

However, no one wants to use it here.

Only in the hands of Lin Chuan, there are a large number of plants of the Holy Light, which are not very valuable and can multiply.

Sunflower is used here, that is the best.

Not only Lin Chuan, Wanxing Pavilion, affiliated guilds, and vice-professional guilds, as long as they have the ability of a botanist, they are all planting here.

This is a long task that takes a long time to complete.

In this environment, the lifespan of sunflowers is also greatly reduced, and the magic of the necromancer has been eroding the vitality of sunflowers.

This was originally a way to neutralize the magic of the dead, and to manage the environment, it could not be done overnight.

Fortunately, Taring helped to multiply sunflower seeds without Lin Chuan worrying about himself.

Now there is another ancient wisdom tree with the pinnacle of legend in the semiplane. Normally, Lin Chuan would not use this old wisdom tree.

The ancient tree of wisdom is the core of the demiplane. To fully operate the demiplane, it is necessary to broaden the demiplane and develop the demiplane.

Once used, it can easily affect the entire process.

Other things are not important, the development of the demiplane will provide Lin Chuan with some rules of operation, which is very useful for the development of the archmage afterwards.

These days, Lin Chuan had just sorted out the gains he had made before, thoroughly sorting out the body with the elements, and then he could be promoted to the Great Master.

They were passive before, and Lin Chuan didn't dare to just pass by.

When you are at a low level, you must lay a good foundation before you can be promoted later.

Only when the foundation is laid, the promotion will be solid in the future.

Lin Chuan looked at Yao Tongtong and wanted to laugh.

In fact, all of this is in my own eyes. He also has to put pressure on him. The pastor is not that easy to find office.

"But the heat is almost there, it's too difficult, and it's easy to scare some people away."

Lin Chuan thought to himself that even though the beliefs of a large group of players would not be very religious, they would also have less input.

Moreover, the fourth natural disaster, if used well, there is still room for manipulation.

After finishing these, Lin Chuan and Yao Tongtong took the teleportation array back to Yuebi Valley.

Wildebeest Town has also built a temple, which is the pastor sent by Saint Edwin.

It's not of Colbert's demigod family, nor of other people, but a family directly managed by Edwin Saints.

These people have not taken too much care of Lin Chuan's views, nor will they deliberately target them.

These people are the so-called neutral group.

Yao Tongtong asked quietly: "Big brother, these people, won't they target us?"

The previous Hutchinson, but Yao Tongtong was a little angry, of course, he must beware of such things.

If there are many aborigines who are hostile to Wanxing Pavilion, then the guild will be in trouble in the future.

Lin Chuan shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, they are all neutral. They won't be against us!"

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