The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1490: Pest Yellow Umbrella Refining

It's not just him, all the legendary powerhouses who practice the plague on Io Continent can feel it.

what exactly is it?

"Like a natural enemy?"

Although there is a cure for the plague on Io, there are no natural enemies to restrain it.

This leaves a lot of people practicing the plague.

It's just that the path of cultivating the plague will harm people, first of all, self.

In the process, if you fail to persist, you will simply die.

Anyone who survives, although it cannot be said to be the strong, is difficult to deal with, but it is certain.

This time the outbreak of blackened spores caused panic in many countries.

There is still no solution.

There are also some countries that have legends about the path of a shameful plague, but they have no way to deal with the blackened spores.

It can be restricted in a small area to inhibit the spread of melaninized spores.

But they have no way to stop it.

So they knew that this blackened spore might be born and very difficult.

Or, it was researched by a strong man who is stronger than them.

And above the legend, there are only demigods!

But the plague of the demigods, although they have no way to solve it, they can also research something.

But this blackened spore they have researched some things, but they can feel that there are many things that they have not been able to research.

Even, that is beyond their understanding.

A terrifying thought came out of their hearts, but they dare not say a word.

That one is very powerful.

Even if they left the Io Continent, there was no way to punish them in the upper planes.

He is the most authoritative existence in studying the plague.

The plague usually goes with the curse, and the curse of that person is also extraordinary.

Even if they are separated from the Boundless Heaven Realm and the main material plane, if they are willing to use some means, they can be punished.

They also want to use this blackened spore, if they can go to the next level, break the boundary between the mortal and the extraordinary, and ignite the sacred fire.

They can also become eternal and immortal demigods!

But at this moment, there is a kind of panic in their hearts!

Not just them, but there are also several such existences in Wujie Tianjie, and there is some panic in their hearts.

Among them, in a hidden corner, a woman in tattered clothes suddenly sat up.

She was originally lying down, dressed in tattered clothes, and at first glance, she felt that she was picking up trash somewhere, or an old man picking up waste.

Maybe the next moment, she will die suddenly.

But at this moment, she sat up, that speed was very fast.

Moreover, it seems that there is still a powerful force in her.

No, it seems that her power is so powerful that when people see it, they can't help panic!

Or, to use Him to describe it will be more accurate.

"What the **** is it? Even I feel dangerous, and it's a feeling of palpitations?" He muttered to himself, and quickly issued an oracle.

"Find that thing and destroy it!"

Bradrick opened his eyes and showed a surprised and even terrifying look.

"What is it? Even my lord feels dangerous?"

"No, it's not danger, but destruction, the end?"

At this moment, Lin Chuan's last rune was inscribed, and the treasure took shape.

"Finally done!"

Lin Chuan laughed. Although he spent a lot of effort and money in refining this treasure, these are not problems.

In the process of refining, he consumed a lot of mental power, which made him a little tired at the moment.

But seeing this treasure taking shape, Lin Chuan still laughed.

"Huangtian has paid off, and finally succeeded."

At this time, the spread of blackened spores outside was already a disaster.

Even if he is extraordinary, he can't produce so much food.

The food shortage has begun to spread, and a large number of people will die.

As soon as his mind moved, the umbrella floated over, and Lin Chuan took the plague yellow umbrella in his hand and checked it.

Plague Yellow Umbrella: Purple Epic

Special effect: restrain the plague;

Special effect: absorb the plague and make up for one's own foundation;

Special effects: projection can be differentiated, the projection has the main function, and the effect depends on the nature of the carrying object;

Special effects: can grow;

Not an artifact, but with the power of an artifact.

Moreover, this thing can grow, as long as there is enough plague to absorb, the future of this thing is very bright.

Lin Chuan sighed: "It seems that my strength is not as strong as I imagined!"

Lin Chuan wouldn't think that he could refine a divine tool by refining it casually.

This thing is different from the Four Seasons Rune, that thing seems to make up for some of the rules of Io, so it was rewarded by Io's world consciousness. The essence of that thing was originally not a divine tool, but was blessed by the world before it became a divine tool.

Although this treasure is good now, Lin Chuan's strength is still low, the materials used are not good enough, and it hasn't reached the level of immortality.

The purple epic is already a very powerful treasure.

But the most important thing about this thing is that it can grow, and it can absorb the plague and accumulate the roots.

As long as the plague is enough, it can grow infinitely.

Lin Chuan smiled bitterly: "This is to make me become the enemy of the Mother of Plague completely, absorb the other party's background, and complete you."

Of course, Lin Chuan only dared to think about this sentence in his heart, saying it was absolutely impossible.

Everyone who is chanted will be known.

The power of the Mother of Plague, as long as someone recites his divine name, if it does not exceed his strength too much, the other party will immediately know it.

Therefore, Lin Chuan would not say the name of the gods, it was seeking death.

Putting the yellow umbrella away, Lin Chuan could feel the connection between himself and the umbrella.

This is a treasure he refined, and it is naturally refined by him, and it belongs to him.

Lin Chuan came out of the half plane and walked towards the temple.

"This thing is of no use to me now. And I can't face the next danger. So, I should find someone who can bear the danger."

Lin Chuan has self-knowledge, this thing is obviously urgently needed by the intelligent creatures of Io Continent.

If Lin Chuan took it out, he could still accumulate a wave of feats, which was admired by countless people, and even beliefs were possible.

But Lin Chuan couldn't take it out, his strength was the peak of the Golden Rank.

Even if it was the incarnation of the ancient god, it was now the archmage, Li Xing Yao, there was still a certain gap.

In the face of some ordinary stars, Lin Chuan used the incarnation of the ancient gods to escape and even defeat the opponent.

But facing a demigod, or even a true god, it is definitely looking for death.

Therefore, a tall man is still needed to block it!

Lin Chuan said mockingly: "When the sky falls, you still have to stand tall."

He walked to the temple, entered inside, and said to the priest in the temple: "I will borrow the teleportation array, and Saint Edwin will be summoned."

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