At the same time, the 77th Underground World, near the Green Grass Tribe.

Feng Fox killed a beetle-like beast with a wind blade, and a sense of enlightenment emerged in his heart, and a mysterious state appeared on Feng Fox's body.

Stinger arranged for someone to dispose of the corpse of the beast. The materials that can be used are collected, and those that cannot be used must be disposed of.

If the corpse is not handled properly, hunters will soon be attracted.

Looking back, I saw the look of Fenghu.

The stinger asked: "How? This is?"

Qianxing shook his head: "I don't know, but I think it looks very similar to your previous state."

"before me?"

Stinger said in confusion, looking at Fenghu, his eyes lit up: "Does Fenghu also understand the elements?"

Before long, Fenghu opened his eyes, looked at the two men who were looking at him, and said, "Why? You are so close to me?"

Stinger rolled his eyes. They are all teammates of the team. Who doesn't know who?

There is no need to ask more questions about the stinger, and Fenghu himself said: "Yes, I understand the elements of wind."

Stinger immediately became happy: "If you count this, plus you, we have three comprehension elements. If you count the boss, we are more than half."

The poisonous thorn has no doubt that the clang rose can comprehend the elements, the clang rose's talent is very good, in reality, the clang rose discovered and reminded them.

Since they all understood the essentials, the sonorous Rose couldn't understand it without reason.

Stinger looked back at Qianxing and said, "You have to work harder. I think other people may also understand the essentials. It's just that everyone didn't say anything."

Qianxing nodded first, and then said puzzledly: "I understand it? Impossible? This element has never appeared on the forum. Other players shouldn't know it, right?"

Fenghu rolled his eyes, and all kinds of amorous feelings are here: "The Stinger refers to the other members of the guild. If you don't talk about others, the few on the left can definitely be understood."

Stinger nodded, and said in agreement: "Except for them, Yao and the third siblings are all geniuses, and they should be able to understand."

Qianxing said unconvincedly: "Just forget the few people on the left, Yao and the third siblings can understand? Are you kidding?"

Stinger was speechless: "Don't underestimate these three sisters and brothers, they are all geniuses. Sister Yao will not talk about it. The arrangements for hosting such a big guild are very smooth. Yao Tongtong and Yao Chenchen are two sisters and brothers. , Is also a genius. It is said that young people are better than those college graduates. And you saw it in the last arena competition. Although they did not enter the finals, their ability to fight is not low. Next Once, if there is another competition like this, the ranking will definitely go forward."

Qianxing twisted his eyebrows, but didn't say much.

Certainly still unconvinced in his heart, Stinger shook his head without saying much.

They still have to complete their tasks in this underground world, but staying nearby is boring.

So spread out and complete some hunts. The corpses of the monsters, even the magic core, are also valuable.

At this time, Hutchinson completed the task on the primary material plane and returned to the Forest of Green Fields.

For this mission, he also took a lot of private missions out, and some good places should be given to those lords who kissed him.

Every time the territory is good, there are naturally not so good.

Then, the slightly better territory is naturally allocated to the pro-self line.

Those who don't deal with themselves will naturally gnaw hard bones.

For example, Youdu, which looks large in size and rich in minerals, is a huge bonus.

Unfortunately, if you know the specific situation inside, you will know that this is a huge pit.

This time, Hutchinson successfully dumped You Du to Lin Chuan, not only letting out a sigh of relief, but also giving an excuse to those lords who did not kiss him.

You see, the hardest bone to gnaw, isn't we taking it down?

So, the next level, do you have any problems with biting it down?

Hutchinson was very happy to think of those people who wanted to talk but couldn't.

Not long after, a pastor came over and saw Hutchinson saying, "Hutchinson, Elder Colbert asked you to come over."

Hutchinson immediately became happy. He is a direct descendant of Colbert's demigod, so there is a backstage in the temple.

If not, Hutchinson's talent is good, but there is no talent in the elves. Why does he get the most deflection?

It's nothing more than Hutchinson's backing to the Colbert demigod, the number one follower of the Edwin Saint. As a direct descendant of the Colbert demigod, what happened to him?

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Hutchinson had just finished a major event, and he was happy in his heart. He forgot to ask anyone, how is Colbert's demigod feeling?

But Hutchinson is not worried, he is the most beloved descendant of Colbert demigod, and Colbert demigod smiles every time he sees him.

This time, there will be no exception.

Hutchinson, full of confidence, went straight to the place of Colbert's demigod. He didn't even knock on the door and pushed in.

This is a way of showing closeness. Since Colbert is summoned by a demigod, he is definitely not practicing and there is no interruption.

But today, it seems that the situation is different. As soon as Hutchinson entered, he saw a pastor of the opposition faction standing inside.

Seeing Hutchinson coming, the man sneered.

After bowing to the demigod of Colbert, the man said, "Since the elders already know, then I will leave first."

When the man left, passing by Hutchinson, he seemed to burst into a sneer.

This made Hutchinson very angry, and immediately shouted to stop the person.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Hutchinson realized that he was speechless.

An aura enveloped him. There was no one in it except the Demigod Colbert, so there was only this ancestor.

But why are you ancestors like this?

Hutchinson's heart is full of questions: "Ancestors, you must have been deceived. I have always been your pride! How can you listen to other people's slander, treat me like this?"

For a long time, after the priest had left, Hutchinson realized that Colbert's demigod aura had disappeared.

Hutchinson staggered and almost fell to the ground, panting, unable to speak at all.

"Are you confused, why should I punish you?"

After waiting for a long time, Hutchinson actually only waited for such a sentence.

What comfort, what to backer for yourself, what to support yourself, nothing.

There is only one cold sentence, why should I punish you?

"Ancestor!" Hutchinson raised his head aggrieved, but saw a cold face.


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