This seems to have some contradictions. If the blackened spores are dealt with first, it is easy to attract that pastor.

This requires strong strength to fight against, as if it is necessary to refine the Sun Precious Mirror first.

Lin Chuan believes that after refining the Sun Treasure Mirror, after the balance between Yin and Yang, not a treasure, his own power will also have a strong boost.

But if the Sun Treasure Mirror is refined first, the refining of the Yellow Umbrella must be pushed back.

Lin Chuan felt that this was not right.

Because this will delay the restraint of the blackened spores, this matter can save a lot of people and is the best way to accumulate merit.

No matter which world it is, life is always very important.

Io also wants to strengthen itself and also wants to evolve, so life is essential.

As for merit, Lin Chuan has recently become more aware that there is no merit in saving people.

Understanding the mind is merit, and seeing the nature is virtue.

The acquisition of merit can only be achieved by knowing oneself.

In addition, there is only one way.

To have merit in heaven is to do merit; to have virtue in earth is to do virtue.

Merit is not something that I have heard of in previous lives. It saves one's life and builds a seventh-level Buddha.

There is merit in saving people, and merit is also a very useful thing, which can make Lin Chuan's luck better.

Moreover, this time the blackened spores were only incidental.

Because the direct targets of the melaninized spores are those plants, which will cause the yield of food to drop drastically, and cause a large number of people to die.

The main purpose is to destroy plants.

This is the destruction of the environment. If it can be prevented, it will be meritorious to the heaven and the earth, and merit can be obtained.

In the end, Lin Chuan decided to refine the yellow umbrella first, but he could prepare for the refinement of the sun mirror.

It's not that I don't want to refine the two together, but that I don't have enough strength.

Lin Chuan emptied most of the functions of the alchemy circle, and threw a part of the yellow umbrella material into the alchemy circle.

The first step is to purify the material!

There is also a small part of the material for the Sun Precious Mirror, which will also begin to be purified.

To refine treasures, raw materials cannot be thrown directly in, and need to be purified.

And these materials also need to be melted before they can begin to blend.

This process is a very important and slow process.

In the process of refining, Lin Chuan did not give up other work.

Whether it is reading books, accumulating knowledge, or researching.

These are all ways to acquire knowledge.

The Great Arcanist of Netheril said that knowledge is the most precious treasure of a mage.

Because knowledge brings power, and it is the true meaning of power.

Lin Chuan agrees with this.

The process of refining needs to be watched, but there is no need to watch it all the time.

Lin Chuan put part of his mind here.

But there is no need to devote all of your attention to it, not to say that Lin Chuan can do other things.

At least, some things that require constant attention are not allowed.

Maybe when you need your own regulation, or other things, once distracted, it will easily lead to the failure of treasure refining.

Lin Chuan doesn't have so many raw materials and can provide him with multiple refining.

But Lin Chuan didn't do nothing. In these days, he has reproduced some seeds and started planting seeds in his territory.

Vampire vine, this is a very good seed, allowing defense and attack in one.

Moreover, the blood-sucking vine can also absorb the flesh and blood of the enemy to grow, which is a very good defensive plant.

The premise is that you will not lose control.

These are all deliberately cultivated by Lin Chuan, and they are all the daughters of the plant that Lin Chuan planted in the half plane. Following the orders of the mother, they will not easily lose control.

The plan is to plant another plant at intervals.

After a period of time, these blood-sucking vines will automatically grow, and then connect into one piece, and then they will be able to protect the territory of Yuebi Ling very tightly.

As for some other seeds, Linchuan has also cultivated some and planted some in various places.

But most of them are still vampire vines.

Recently, there are always people from the guild alliance who want to break through from all over the place, whether they want to come in for a peek, or come to sabotage, soon, they will all taste the bitter fruit.

At night, except for some players who watched the night.

The other players all return to the territory, and everyone will have a bonfire party here, and it will last for a long time.

Eating and drinking are the favorites of interstellar society.

Especially in the Huaxia Administrative Region, it seems that God has opened a special window. This nation especially likes to eat and drink, and is also very good at it.

Lin Chuan can testify for them because Lin Chuan is also very good at cooking.

Sometimes, Lin Chuan would also take action and cook some food for them, which was admired by almost everyone.

There was a fighting sound from a distance, and the players in the Wanxing Pavilion and the affiliated guild all turned to look over.

These days, this happens from time to time.

It was either killed by the puppets, or swallowed by some vines.

The same is true at this time. Those vines seem to be a little afraid of the fire and ice magic released by the other party, but they are not completely restrained.

Moreover, the vines are not alone.

Because, not far from the vine, there are allies, or kinsmen.

A vine stretched out, entwining the black shadow, making him unable to stand firm.

The sound of falling to the ground was still very loud, but everyone didn't care.

Because of falling to the ground, he lost his balance, and there was some pain, which made him lose the possibility of casting spells.

Current players, it seems that there is no talent for moving spells, and the pain also reduces the limit of the success rate of spells.

Then, the vines came and entangled the person. After a while, the vines loosened and there were no bones.

This is a bit shocking, but the players of Wanxing Pavilion are not afraid.

Because these vines all have an identification system, as long as they wear the emblem of the Wanxing Pavilion or the Wanxing Pavilion affiliated guild, they will not be attacked.

This is what makes them feel at ease. This badge has no additional attributes for the time being.

But just recognizing this one makes everyone feel that this badge is very useful.

This kind of thing, it's no surprise, it happens from time to time these days.

Lin Chuan is also very satisfied with the effect of the blood sucking vine.

Lin Chuan felt that when he went to the underground world, he was really rewarded.

Among other things, the seeds of these plants are very useful.

Not to mention, I have successfully opened up my faith. Although there may be hidden dangers, I don't have the time and energy to manage it.

No matter what the hidden danger is, for the time being, Lin Chuan can only ignore it temporarily.

Lin Chuan really wanted to go to a few more camps and come here so many times, what kind of equipment and the like, including food, I am afraid that the dark elves will start to suffer from food shortages.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is indispensable.

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