The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1451: New Year is almost coming

Sister Yao walked in, looked at the time, and said: "The New Year is coming, and we have to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner."

"Don't you go out for the New Year?" Qian Duoduo asked.

Sister Yao shook her head: "No, let's celebrate the New Year in the game. At this time, this place is inseparable, although most people will celebrate the New Year. But it is not ruled out that those people will take advantage of this time to give us a good-looking idea."

This is the fact that those people in the guild alliance have never given up.

Because of their speculation, those people felt that these puppets in Wanxing Pavilion could not last long.

Now, more than half a month has passed, and those people may also be drumming in their hearts.

But the puppet didn't have much time left, and Wanxing Pavilion and others were also a little worried.

Recently, construction is being done everywhere around Wanxing Pavilion.

It is more defensive than before.

Arrow towers are not so useful anymore. The densely packed arrow towers are still very useful before they are exposed.

This time it was like that, and the guild alliance was caught off guard.

But now, this is not so useful anymore.

The guild alliance is not a fool, and will definitely think of a better solution.

And Arrow Tallinn will occupy too many positions, which is not very suitable.

Although Yue Biling, the territory of Wanxing Pavilion, is well located and occupies a lot of land, it is not that big in the end.

With the development of Wanxing Pavilion, many locations require new buildings.

But there is no new defense. After half a month, it will be troublesome.

"It's not too late. Let the affiliated guilds stop. Next, we should prepare for the annual meeting."

Sister Yao gave an order and asked everyone to inform.

You don’t need to go out, you just need to notify you online. Soon, you will finish your work in various places, so that you can start and finish.

Their work will be evaluated by someone. If they do well, there will be bonuses every month.

Wanxing Pavilion also operates the territory like a company. I have to say that this is a very good idea that can drive the enthusiasm of players.

Soon, the work was stopped, and the players left one after another, gathering the blessings of the domain.

Many people in the guild alliance who were watching outside were taken aback. What is this going to do?

These people leave, is there any conspiracy?

It was the same before. Those puppets came out to clean up the players who were not in the Wanxing Pavilion and the affiliated guilds.

That time, the guild alliance suffered heavy losses.

Regardless of equipment, most players die once, and the lost attributes require time and potions to recover.

And the loss of experience value, it can't be calculated by numbers.

It's too big, there may not be many people, but when the base number of people comes up, it will be an astronomical number.

If it is concentrated on one person, it may be able to make people go from an apprentice to a legend!

If there is no bottleneck for promotion!

The players of the Wanxing Pavilion left, and the players of the guild alliance, not only did not approach, but did not investigate what was the cause.

Instead, their movements are very neat.

They retreated one after another and withdrew very far, then stood still and looked at the situation of Wanxing Pavilion from a distance.

Those who are capable, or summon monsters, or drive some alchemy items, just won't come in person.

Several Wanxing Pavilion players watched this scene from the Observation Tower, all disappointed.

"Too timid, no one came here. I thought I could ambush many people this time." A player wearing a red armband sighed on a sleeve.

Next to him, another player also wore a sleeve on his wrist, exactly the same as the red armband of the person next to him.

He laughed and scolded: "Okay, hurry up and arrange it. Don't delay the dinner. You are willing to sing with the other party here. I miss the food at the dinner."

The companion rolled his eyes: "I don't want to work with these annoying guys, okay? I just think these little mice are too hateful. If I can kill a few, I can add a little elegance to the dinner party."

"You just want to show off!"

Companion exposed him mercilessly, in exchange for a burst of awkward laughter.

In the midst of this laughter, some puppets stepped out, making loud sounds.

The weight of these puppets is too great, and they collide with the ground, and the sound is not small.

This voice seemed to be a curse, making those in the guild alliance nervous.

They had already withdrawn for a long distance, and once again withdrew for a long distance.

Then, looking at each other awkwardly, it was not that they were timid, the power of those puppets was far beyond their level at this time, and it was not something they could handle.

"The people in the Wanxing Pavilion are too hateful, they actually used more than the player should have. There is no victory!"

Some people complained unwillingly, but others said, "If you have, you should take it out too!"

If you can't eat grapes, you can say that grapes are sour, and you can find them everywhere.

The man smiled wryly and didn't say much.

People can come up with something that surpasses the player's level, that's also their level.

These days, they also found some information, knowing that the puppet was exchanged with merit.

Of course, at this stage, no one has such a large amount of meritorious service that can exchange so many high-level puppets.

So there is only one reason!

That is, rent!

The aborigines may not think of this, but what the players can definitely think of is that the players are a group of liberated groups and will not be restricted.

It's just that although the players guessed the method, they couldn't detect the specific date.

It is precisely because they don't know how long these puppets will stay here, so the large troops left, and they dare not stay. If Wanxing Pavilion lets the puppet troops out again, then everyone will die again.

The cost of death is great.

But they will not give up either, the territory of Wanxing Pavilion absolutely cannot exist.

Therefore, someone must be here to monitor.

Those who are monitoring, good equipment, will be put into storage equipment, or simply ask a friend to help save it.

In the storage equipment, there is also the possibility of falling.

Of course, you can't find a reliable friend, so let's talk about it.

Now, seeing the puppets dispatched, the first thought of these people is that Wanxing Pavilion wants to clean up the guild alliance again.

"How is it possible that there are only a few dozen people scattered here, sending out puppets, isn't it too exaggerated?"

Although Wanxing Pavilion didn't say anything, dispatching the puppets was definitely expensive.

The actions of the puppets cost elemental crystallization, and this thing is more valuable than gold coins.

If not, why doesn't Wanxing Pavilion allow puppets to patrol everywhere, instead using a patrol team composed of players?

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