Catastrophe is also a chance.

If you look directly at the demigod, if you don't die, you can gain something, and you can gain more than you can meditate.

At this time, there are countless experience points on Lin Chuan's panel.

The level of the golden rank is constantly improving, and Lin Chuan also enters a state of enlightenment from time to time, gaining a lot.

Before this, the light of Saint Edwin was directly integrated into Lin Chuan's body, making him feel the disappearance of a certain shackle.

Lin Chuan only had time to glance and saw a reminder that made him hard to forget.

System: The bloodline seal is lifted, and your bloodline improves.

System: Your demigod bloodline improves.

This kind of bloodline improvement made Lin Chuan seem to have taken some kind of medicine, and his spirit was in a certain limit of pleasure.

And the source is the Nine Worlds Tree.

Lin Chuan knew then that he originally thought he had seen it through, and there was a seal in the Nine Realms Tree that he had penetrated.

This was something Lin Chuan couldn't think of, and he didn't have the ability to see it.

A pinnacle demigod, even some true gods can't deal with people, where is the seal under such a demigod that he can find out now?

Relative to the players, he is definitely the first echelon, and far superior to the others.

But compared to the six people in front of him, Lin Chuan is still too shallow.

Even if there is an incarnation of an ancient god, there is a lot of knowledge that even a demigod has to covet, Lin Chuan is still far behind these people.

This is a character who oppresses a world!

In front of Lin Chuan's eyes, the magic net appeared, Lin Chuan strode forward and finally walked from the first floor to the second floor, and it has not stopped!

Lin Chuan moved quickly from the second floor to the center of the second floor and stepped again.

In the late second floor, Lin Chuan walked behind the second floor!

It's only one step away from the third floor!

This time, Lin Chuan has gained a lot, too great!

The magic net is one of the foundations of the multiverse, and basically all spellcasters rely on it.

According to legend, the magic net is divided into nine layers, but each layer is very broad, and it is very difficult to achieve it.

But no one denies that the promotion of Monet's authority is very helpful for individuals to explore world knowledge.

Lin Chuan even felt that the recovery of his body's elemental power had also been greatly accelerated.

He just thought about it for a moment and knew that this was not only brought about by the improvement of bloodline, but also brought about by the increase of Monet's authority.

The magic net of Io Continent, the spellcaster under the Archmage, can cast spells after entering the first layer.

After that, every class must have an extra layer of magic net authority.

In other words, Lin Chuan can almost use magic or divine art at the level of the archmage now.

But some scholars have studied that even so, reaching a demigod is nothing more than a seven-layer magic net.

Are there two more layers?

Some scholars speculate that it should belong to the level of the true god.

But the strength of the true **** level is also very different, not to mention other things, the difference between weak divine power and strong divine power is definitely not the difference between the golden level and the demigod.

Lin Chuan could feel that the blood in his body was boiling, and it seemed that he was walking a long distance on the path of the gods.

This also reminded Lin Chuan of the time when he accepted the supernatural power of Saint Edwin and became the descendant of God.

At that time, everything went smoothly, and Lin Chuan actually had some guesses in his heart.

Now, inside the Nine Realms Tree, a drop of golden blood is floating in the core, letting Lin Chuan know that this is a gift from Saint Edwin.

Too surprised, I didn't even feel the core things.

No wonder the master of the Nine Rings Pagoda would say that he is the descendant of Saint Edwin.

Inside the Nine Realms Tree, it seems that the blood of Saint Edwin was also accepted.

This is not this drop, but there should be more than one drop here, but the others have been absorbed before.

No wonder, the seed of this tree of life can grow into a tree of nine worlds.

This is very difficult to achieve among the descendants of the world tree.

I thought I was relying on my own efforts, but I didn't expect to become the second generation!

At this moment, Lin Chuan only felt that it was so fragrant!

It turns out that the second generation is so happy.

As for the master of the Nine Rings Pagoda, Lin Chuan also has a sense of closeness.

Lin Chuan knew why this was. The scroll of inheritance in his hand also came from Netheril.

The master of the Nine Rings Tower also accepted the inheritance of Netheril before establishing Bracada.

It is said that the master of the Nine Rings Pagoda is actually the descendant of a certain great arcanist of Netheril. This argument is not impossible.

In this way, both of them are the inheritors of Netheril, and it is possible to feel close.

The master of the Nine Rings Pagoda smiled and said: "So, the first time I meet, I will give some gifts."

As he said, the master of the Nine Rings Pagoda reached out a little, and a little brilliance fell into Lin Chuan's body.

System: You are blessed by the Nine Ring Tower Master, and your spell effect is increased by 10%!

Lin Chuan was overjoyed, facing the nine-ring tower master Gladys as a gift: "Thank you for the gift of the tower master."

Naturally, Lin Chuan knew that this was the blessing that the other party gave himself because of the face of Saint Edwin.

This blessing is very precious.

Don't look at 10%, the effect is not much.

But this is a gift from a peak demigod, that is to say, it is very likely that the spells before the demigod will enjoy the effect of this blessing.

As for how much it can increase, it still depends on the actual effect.

The system panel only displays the result of the blessing, but does not say the actual scope of the effect.

Um, the equipment in the player’s hands and the effects of amplifying spells are, in fact, limited to magic or divine arts of the golden rank and below.

This is a limitation of equipment and a limitation of the magic net.

Gladys nodded, actually having some guesses about Lin Chuan.

The leader of the North, Ellastro glanced at Gladys, and smiled, covering her mouth: "In that case, my younger sisters are so generous. And this is also Edwin’s descendant, it can be said to be the only descendant, so I will also give one Bless you!"

With that said, Alasdro was also a little bit, a little brilliance fell into Lin Chuan's body.

System: You are blessed by the leader of the north, Alasdro, and your affinity for the magic net is slightly increased.

In front of Lin Chuan's eyes, the dense magic net appeared again. Lin Chuan stepped out, and he had already passed the second stage of the second floor and reached the third floor.

Countless insights poured into Lin Chuan's mind. At this moment, he seemed to understand a lot. Some things that he could not experience before were all clear and enlightened.

Even, I have a lot of insights about some things in the Star Yao stage and how to be promoted to Star Yao.

Lin Chuan is overjoyed.

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