"When we evacuated, Winnie the dark elf used charm. I have used the magical technique of tranquility. It is a caveman who is not charmed..."

Lin Chuan pointed out all the mistakes made by Cassandra in this battle, and pointed out that Cassandra had not dealt with it afterwards. In addition, in this battle, none of the cavemen met the standard, so there was no candidate for the paladin this time!

The selection of the paladin ended with zero eggs this time. Cassandra was prepared for this.

Anyone who watched this battle knew that the caveman's performance was extremely poor in this battle.

Even from the eyes of a mortal, it is unqualified.

From God's point of view, it is even more of a play.

But Cassandra didn't realize the mistakes she made, so she also hurriedly reflected and confessed to the idol.

After a while, Cassandra got up and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Lord of the Four Seasons did not punish him, but did not give him anything.

It's just that God said, let him take good care of the prisoner, and let him be careful not to let Winnie be charmed.

Cassandra turned around and saw Tuya standing at the door.

"Just now..." Tu Ya just wanted to say something.

Cassandra interrupted Tuya's words: "My lord has already reminded me, and my lord took action to prevent this from happening."

Tu Ya looked dumbfounded. I'm here to ask for credit. I just want to despise you and let you know that you don't have enough experience.

As a result, your **** has already told you, and he has also taken action to wipe your butt.

Are you an illegitimate child of God? I thought of everything for you.

Are you doing things for God, or is God doing things for you?

Lin Chuan didn't know the idea of ​​Tuya. If he knew, he would definitely kill Tuya by a thunder!

Tell you to dare to think about everything, think about everything, if you don't kill you, I won't be a god!

Cassandra didn't care about it, he still had a lot to do.

Turned around and came to the cave where Winnie was detained, where a caveman warrior stood guard.

Cassandra did not mention this, but Remy could not ignore it.

As soon as he entered, Cassandra saw Winnie's state. She was meditating, preparing to restore her divine power, accumulate strength, and plan to escape?

Cassandra went over and just kicked it.


Winnie was originally meditating, but this time, she left her meditative state and suffered some backlash.

Damn, damn, disgusting and despicable caveman, dare to do this to me!

But Winnie didn't dare to do anything for the time being, because Cassandra was a priest and had a higher rank than herself.

Winnie didn't dare to use the charm technique rashly until she knew what the caveman liked.

Backlash is one aspect, her body hasn't recovered, even if she charms the caveman, she can't escape.

Winnie looked at Cassandra with a fierce look, but Cassandra didn't say much, but called a few cavemen in.

"You look at her, you can't let her close her eyes, don't let her rest. Once she closes her eyes, or is resting, you can punch and kick, or use a weapon to whip, in any case, keep her eyes open!"

Several cavemen nodded and did not refuse.

It's just that the look in his eyes is a bit strange, and the picture teeth outside are the same.

Unexpectedly, you are such a Cassandra!

If Lin Chuan was here, he would definitely be surprised, Cassandra seemed to have awakened some incredible attributes.

You learned this kind of operation without teaching and self-taught?

Don't let people sleep, don't let people close their eyes. This was a method used by some forces to extract a confession when Lin Chuan was still on the earth.

Then Cassandra turned and left.

Winnie is a little weird, but you are asking me questions.

You left without asking anything?

Do you still have any qualities?

What are you asking, why are you kidnapping me?

You mean, if you have a request, I will try my best to satisfy it.

Even if you want me to accompany you, it's not impossible.

Although it is a bit disgusting, it is not something that cannot be discussed.

Hey, how did you go!

Winnie was a little confused, what's wrong?

Didn’t I just grab me before, did I use some charms?

What are you doing? Why am I being arrested!

Also, how can you ambush me?

Damn it, caveman slave, is that arrogant too?

Unfortunately, there is no way, Winnie was arrested, she was arrested, **** in a shameful position, and she was also detained without letting herself rest.

Winnie gritted her teeth, thinking that if she had a chance, she would smash this dirty caveman severely and cut it all.

At this time, there is no way to even pray.

Goddess, have you seen what happened to me?

I hope that the goddess can send someone to save me as soon as possible, otherwise, I will not be able to complete the things the goddess explained.

Cassandra walked to the entrance of the cave and turned around and said: "You can't talk to her. Once she speaks, you should speak directly. During the detention, you should talk less with each other. The only thing you have to do is to look good. she was!"

"Yes, Lord God Envoy!"

Cassandra left, Tuya took a look and turned to leave.

Winnie's eyes flickered and closed her eyes, wanting to think carefully about the situation just now.

Although Cassandra basically didn't say anything, it still exposed a huge point.


Winnie opened her eyes, looked at a caveman angrily, and retracted her slap.

She was beaten by a lowly caveman!

In the caveman's eyes, there was still incredible, and a trace of ecstasy, and the fear in his eyes had faded a lot.

Damn it, it is!

Winnie was going crazy and couldn't help closing her eyes.

Then there was another pop!

This time, it was another caveman's slap!

Winnie could see the same look in his eyes as the caveman before.

this is?

Winnie didn't dare to close her eyes anymore, she remembered that the caveman priest said before that as long as she rests or closes her eyes, she will just shave her ears!

This is not allowing oneself to rest, not allowing oneself to pray, anyway, to cut off all the possibilities of self-recovery!

These cavemen were originally slaves of the dark elves. Even if a priest was born, ordinary people were still afraid of the dark elves.

This can be seen from the caveman warrior who besieged him before or the guard guarding him now.

However, now it is just two slaps, and this fear has mostly faded!

This envoy, he did it intentionally, he wanted to use himself to dispel the cavemen's fear of the dark elves.

They want to rebel!

Winnie felt that she had thought of the point of the matter. Her heart was shocked. These cavemen were so bold. At the same time, there was an idea that was particularly shocking.

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