The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1438: The charm of being backlashed

For the first time, Tuya was shaken by the earth mother who he believed in, but soon, he cut off this bad sign.

"Mother Earth, please forgive my short-sightedness."

Tu Ya secretly repented, and then got up to leave.

At this moment, Tuya saw Winnie's eyes light up, and then said to the cavemen: "Brother caveman, what are you doing with me? You hurt me!"

The eyes flowed, a touch of flattery turned, endless charming.

Tia's heart turned a lot, and a coolness came from the earth, which made Tuya stay calm.

"Damn dark elf, there is a means to seduce people."

The dark elf women are very proficient in the means of charm, which is a means of using some kind of spiritual hint.

Tu Ya cursed secretly, and then he was about to make a move to awaken the cavemen.

Who knows, the caveman slapped the dark elf directly in the face: "I am so thin, with few pieces of meat on him, and still seduce people here. Don't you know it will make people blind?"


Tuya's movements were stagnant, and some did not know what happened.

There was not a lot of meat on the body. Tuya heard the caveman say a few more words.

"There are so many black faces on the face, and the facial features are also very strange. There are too many hairs on the head, and the whole body is dark. It is too ugly. And too high!"

These points, except that they are too dark, the other points are actually quite popular on the main material plane.

Of course, some people like black.

But these points are actually so ugly in the eyes of cavemen?

A charm magic technique was used, but it did not achieve the effect.

The dark elves in the past have never used charm on cavemen. Just kidding, cavemen with no power have always been slaves and cannon fodder. Do they need the dark elves to use charm on them?

But this time, Winnie encountered Waterloo the first time she used it.

The dark elves do not fit the aesthetics of cavemen!

Well, the prerequisite for this enchanting magical technique to be effective is that the opponent's mental power is not too high.

This, comparing Winnie and the caveman, can still work.

Then, the dark elves have to construct some cavemen's favorite appearances, so that they can be charmed by the cavemen.

Winnie was based on herself. She felt that her figure was very good. The convex part was convex and the concave part was concave. Nothing was bad.

The magic lines on his face made countless dark elves rush to it.

Humans and other intelligent creatures like them very much.

Who knows, here is the caveman, actually breaking into the sand?

This is a bit funny, Tuya retracted the shaman magic that he was about to use soon, comfort!

To appease is to appease the soul of the subject and get him out of some abnormal states.

For example, the previous charm is one of them.

Winnie became irritated, but she couldn't shake her body, and she was slapped a few times on her face.

This made Winnie's face hot and painful, but it was a pity that Winnie couldn't move, and there was no way to touch her face.

The charm of his unfavorable past has actually failed.

Even the lord was attracted by his own charm!

Winnie remembered that when she was in Antler Village, thanks to the lord, how else could she get away so easily?

Winnie didn't know that Lin Chuan used a long line to catch a big fish, but she let her go on purpose.

Winnie thought that her charm, or in other words, her natural beauty, charmed Lin Chuan.

But at this time, she was actually beaten by a few cavemen.

Moreover, the other party was actually immune to her charm, which was simply the birth of a dark elf who subverted her too much.

This is impossible!

Although she didn't admit it from the bottom of her heart, Winnie had to admit that she had indeed failed.

What can I do?

Just now, she had been severely injured, and the backlash of the charm magic technique made her hurt even more severely.

"Damn it, do you want to pretend to be a caveman? The undead knows what cavemen like."

Winnie thought secretly in her heart: "Simulate like these cavemen? But who knows what cavemen look like."

Winnie used to complain about how humans can't recognize the appearance of elves.

But at this time, she couldn't help looking like a caveman, and she was blind.

"Huh, we don't need to act!" Stinger said, originally planning to get up and intercept Winnie the dark elf.

Who knows, the caveman priest of the opponent is too powerful.

Stinger asked Wind Fox: "Are you sure to defeat the caveman?"

Fenghu turned his head proudly, without speaking.

The stinger understands in seconds, there is no way.

Otherwise, Fenghu will say proudly: "It's not worth mentioning."

In fact, the stinger itself was not sure.

"What a powerful pastor, I feel more and more that this is the pastor of the Lord of Four Seasons. I didn't expect that the pastor of the Lord of Four Seasons is so powerful."

After his previous death on the ground, Lin Chuan also mentioned to them that if anyone wants a part-time priest or paladin, he can consider the Lord of the Four Seasons.

Inside the Wanxing Pavilion, the Lord of the Four Seasons is no secret.

It's just that everyone doesn't know who this true **** is.

But none of these are necessary, as long as there is power, that's it.

"What are they doing?" Fenghu asked suddenly.

The stinger turned around and saw a caveman slapped the dark elf a few times and said something.

Stinger didn't know what was going on, but just muttered: "There is no pity, fragrant, and jade."

Feng Fox rolled his eyes, looked at the stinger and said, "Do you like that dark elf?"

The stinger suddenly felt the temperature drop, and when he heard Wind Fox's words, his back felt cold.

"No, how could it be possible. There are too many magic patterns on the face, it feels like a mosaic, and the skin is too dark!" The stinger has a strong desire to survive, but there are still girls here.

Feng Fox still snorted coldly and gave the stinger the back of his head.

"What did I do wrong? Didn't I just say that a man understands the topic?" The Stinger was a little depressed.

The other men smiled and smirked a few times.

Fenghu's skin is also darker, straight, you may not live long.

"They are leaving now, what shall we do?" Fenghu asked.

Privately, this is a business matter, and she is still very responsible.

Stinger thought for a while, and said: "Let's **** them to the tribe and stay nearby for a while. I will ask the president again to see if we can return to the primary material plane."

They are soldiers, and it is still possible to return the same way, not blind.

The others nodded and had no opinion.

This is a job. I used to be a soldier, following the guidance of superiors.

Nowadays, he is a professional player, just follow the command of the club.

Lin Chuan did not establish a club, but also established a guild, the same nature.

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