The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1427: News of the selection of paladins

At this time, the cavemen remembered that there is a powerful envoy here!

When the divine envoy came, he brought several powerful monsters!

What the young patriarch saw with his own eyes, the divine envoy didn't use much effort, so he subdued the monster!

They also tasted the meat of the beast, but it was delicious.

Thinking about it this way, they were not as worried as before, and they all let go of their hearts.

But how could Cassandra just follow them like this.

Cassandra said: "However, I will give you pressure. You have believed in my Lord for many days. Some people have also received divine feedback and have eliminated some of their own curses. Recently, there are many cave dwellers in the tribe. People took office, and because of their accumulation, many cavemen have reached the bronze level. What I want to say is that magic is not enough. You need to fight yourself and master the fighting skills. Otherwise, future battles , Do you want me to personally suppress the battle?"

Cassandra's words made the cave dwellers excited again.

Yes, during this period of time, the true God’s divine power feedback, the level of piety of everyone, has returned different proportions of divine power.

Some cave dwellers have eliminated part of the curse because they have been exercising.

Therefore, this part of the cavemen took office naturally.

Although it is only the most basic warrior occupation, and has not learned the skills.

But this is already much stronger than the previous caveman tribe. If the current caveman tribe goes to attack the previous tribe, I am afraid it will soon be able to capture the previous tribe.

But after all, they are at most the bronze rank, and they are facing the dark elves of the previous master.

Although it is not the one mentioned by the oracle, the cavemen in the underground world are very afraid of the dark elves.

Cassandra said again: "Furthermore, my lord intends to choose a part of the warriors among the cavemen to become paladins of my lord."

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused the excitement of the cave dwellers.


This is a legendary existence, and it exists in the dark elves.

Dark elves respect women, but male dark elves, as long as they are paladins, will greatly increase their status.

Not to mention those dark elf paladins who were originally women.

These, but they saw it with their own eyes!

Many people look excited when they think that they can become a paladin of the gods.

Among them, Crow and Croll and several cavemen of Borolic looked at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

This is the Green Grass Tribe, and the number of people is much smaller than that of the Jinyang Tribe.

Originally, this small tribe, Jinyang tribe couldn't look down on it.

Even if they are all at the bottom, but the bottom is divided into classes.

The Jinyang tribe is a medium-sized tribe, and the Green Grass tribe is just a miniature tribe with too few people and few warriors.

Facing the Jinyang Tribe, the Green Grass Tribe was not sure at all.

Where is it like it is now, the Green Grass Tribe will never retreat when facing the Jinyang Tribe.

Cassandra had a panoramic view of all this and was very satisfied.

Competition will make progress.

It also allows them to see that it is not God who needs them, but that they need God.

In this way, the previous Jinyang tribe's self-righteous struggle for power will not happen again.

"My lord, what are the criteria for selection?" Gener asked in a deep voice. The population of the Green Grass Tribe is relatively small, and there are relatively few young people.

Although cave dwellers are more able to live, the living environment in the underground world is not so safe.

This is also the arrival of Tuya and Cassandra, and the nearby monsters have been cleaned up by them.

If this is changed before, it will be attacked by monsters in two days.

The meat of cavemen is also delicious, which is the favorite of Warcraft.

Therefore, the population of the Green Grass tribe has been small, and there are also dark elf tribes recruited.

Recently, the Dark Elf tribe has been seldom recruited. This is why the Green Grass tribe preserved the tribe.

But after a while, the mutual attack between the dark elves may begin again.

At that time, as long as the Green Grass Tribe wants to develop in this vicinity, it must respond to the call.

Otherwise, you must have the strength to counter the dark elf tribe.

If you don't have the strength, you refuse to be recruited. That's an act of seeking death.

If the conditions for choosing a paladin were based on population, the Green Grass Tribe would be miserable.

Because the Lucao tribe does not have a sufficient population, the Jinyang tribe has a much larger population!

In addition, in fact, the Golden Sun Tribe and the Green Grass Tribe will actually conscript for the hostile Dark Elf tribe, and the two are actually enemies.

This is the reason why there was some hostility between the two sides at the beginning.

This idea also exists among the three cavemen of the Jinyang tribe.

Although they are all cavemen, they want to make cannon fodder for the hostile dark elves.

It can be said that cavemen like them were the first to attack.

Sometimes there will be some gray dwarfs, or some underground tauren dead.

But most of them are cavemen.

This is the perfect candidate for cannon fodder!

Both sides looked at Cassandra with piercing eyes, wanting to know what the selection criteria were.

Tuya is standing outside the temple, he will not come in.

This is another god's place, and Tuya is also convinced that the Lord of the Seasons is the true god, and he does not believe in it, so it is better not to enter.

Lest you don’t know when you unconsciously blaspheme, you will be punished by God.

It has only been a long time before this temple has been developed.

Up to now, the opponent has actually begun to build a paladin.

Next, it should be the Knights of the Temple.

The training of pastors is also urgent, but because the faith has not arrived, this training still needs to be ranked behind.

The selection of pastors requires mysterious characteristics, which is called perception.

Of course, what Tuya didn't know was that the main body of the Lord of Four Seasons was in the continent of Io, even in this underground world.

Perception attributes don't need to be so many, but Lin Chuan still feels that the selection of pastors must be cautious.

Again, it is too easy to get, but it is not worth cherishing.

Cassandra pressed her hand, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Cassandra was very satisfied with this. The caveman didn't have much discipline from the beginning, and even something happened, trying to fight for power.

By now, I finally have a little awe.

With a cough, Cassandra said: "My lord's paladin, the first point must be faith. All must be true believers or more before they can be selected!"

This condition is both unexpected and reasonable.

The paladin of God, if the faith is not enough, that would be strange!

However, this is also the most basic point. Fortunately, most of the paladins have achieved it.

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