This is a bit shocking!

Lin Chuan couldn't see how Winnie covered up the facts. This is a very strange ability or prop.

But Lin Chuan thought of the cunning of the spider queen Rose, for this, it seemed that it was not unacceptable.

Among the gods, who is the most cunning.

Then it must be the master of fraud.

But the cunning of the spider queen Rose is no less than him!

Now the spider queen Rose has fallen, and among the gods, there are probably only deceivers.

However, the deceiver is a Cthulhu, and the Spider Queen Ross also belonged to the Cthulhu before.

Most of the elven gods belong to the good camp, and a few who are not in the good camp belong to the neutral camp.

It's just that the spider queen Rose is so weird that he actually belongs to the evil camp.

Now the spider queen Rose has fallen and belongs to the abyss evil god, and is no longer the camp of the upper plane.

But whether it is or not, this one will be the top figure in the multiverse, stirring the situation and leading the coquettish.

Lin Chuan didn't think that anyone could easily kill this goddess who was only of medium power.

Rose’s cunning, you never know Rose’s hole cards before you kill him.

Lin Chuan watched this cave while thinking.

Soon, another group of Zerg came out.

The elder thorn on the top of the head looks like a puppy, but the whole body is uncomfortable with the skin, but the carapace of an insect.

The defensive power of this carapace is much harder than the skin of a puppy or even those low-level monsters.

This is a type of combat unit, and Lin Chuan actually thought about it. If he could also have such a violent weapon, then Wanxing Pavilion would soon rise.

However, this kind of zerg seems to be very evil.

Lin Chuan could feel a kind of evil power from these zergs.

And some faint disgust!

This is not Lin Chuan's own feelings, but the emotions emanating from the main material plane.

Although the world consciousness has no specific emotions, it does not have specific senses.

But some general senses are still there, such as like or dislike.

Lin Chuan guessed: "Perhaps, if I can find these Zergs so quickly and find their lair so easily, the consciousness of the main material plane also plays a role?"

Some things or places that are harmful to the main material plane are easily discovered by people who favor the main material plane.

In this process, the main material plane will give these favored people some benefits.

Usually, these people are called protagonists.

In the process of confrontation, many benefits can be obtained and rapid rise.

Of course there are failures, and those that fail will soon be forgotten.

The car is not enough and it fails, so naturally there is no good record.

This process is a bit like investment. World consciousness makes it easy for the protagonist to find these evil things, and during this period, he will give some support.

But in the end, it depends on the protagonist.

Even if Lin Chuan could turn around and leave, the world consciousness would not hinder him.

Perhaps the world consciousness will lead more and more powerful people over until the threat is lifted.


The main material plane, the dark kingdom, and the capital.

Saint Edwin put away the artifact inscription pen, got up and breathed a sigh of relief.

The sealing circle was finally drawn, and the next step was to slowly seal it.

Edwin got up and took over the position of Colbert in the past, and asked Colbert to summon some ordinary elves to entertain the peak demigods.

Sura has cancelled the summoning and returned to the upper plane.

Colbert left his soul mate, and there were no other things. To do these things, other people might think that a demigod would do it, and the price might fall.

But facing the six Io continents, the power is the most important, and perhaps the six strongest.

An ordinary demigod, there is nothing to be reserved.

Although Colbert is in the demigod, he is not weak.

But any of the six people on the scene can beat the team of several demigods.

In the words of the player, this is the boss!

When Colbert went out, he soon brought back a team of elven beauties and handsome guys, carrying the table, and drinking elves and elves. These are the highest quality and worth a thousand dollars!

But here, it is not surprising at all, and there is no need to be cautious.

Saint Edwin smiled and said: "I didn't have time before, but I finally got a little free. Please sit down and take some snacks and drinks."

There is a small table next to every strong man, and a sofa under everyone.

Alastre smiled and said: "This sofa seems to be brought by the Adventer. But it is indeed soft and feels very comfortable."

In fact, a peak demigod, even the hardest metal, will not give him any uncomfortable feelings.

But as a woman, He still likes to enjoy it.

Everyone is served by someone. Next to Ellastro and Gladys, there are handsome-looking elf men, or professionals, as waiters.

Next to the others, there are elven beauties, and every one is extremely beautiful.

Although Pope Brandon of Thorns does not like to enjoy it so much, the pastors of the Glory Church all take penance as their daily life.

But all the peak demigods were present, and he couldn't force others.

However, in contrast to Elastro did not make a concealment, from the hand of the handsome elf, he took all kinds of exquisite snacks, or some drinks.

Sometimes, the handsome elves are asked to take a drink with his mouth first, and then feed him mouth-to-mouth.

Pope Braden of Thorns just asked the elven beauty to bring herself bread and water.

As the Pope, Braden naturally leads by example, and his life is the hardest.

Of course, He would not eat black bread or drink bitter water just because he wanted to cultivate hard.

This is not necessary, as long as ordinary people can eat, He will not refuse.

Even at certain banquets, Pope Braden of Thorns would enjoy some exquisite snacks.

That is a social need, but now, in the face of several beings at the same level as yourself, this is unnecessary.

No one said anything about Alastre's performance.

Everyone knows the virtues of this northern demigod, the elect of the goddess of the magic net.

Alasdro is open-minded and has many faces. It is said that half of the demigods of the Northern Kingdom are the guests of this super demigod.

Of course, the public partner of this female demigod is also a very powerful demigod and a voter of the goddess of the magic net!

Compared to Ellastro, Gladys has a lot of restraint, but in many cases, she will have skin contact with the beautiful elves, and there are various emotions in her eyes.

The beauty of the elves is that the mainland takes it all. Regardless of men, women, children, young or old, as well as race, they all admire and like this race very much.

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