"What? You can fight against me while you are dealing with the battle on the upper planes?" Saint Edwin said while condensing his divine power and starting to cast the spell.

The image of the Black Death Cthulhu stared at his eyebrows, but still did not move.

In the current situation, a moment can be delayed for a moment. As long as things are successful, the amount of effort is worth it.

What happened this time was not his own purpose.

Summon the worm mother, which was provided by the **** lords and demon lords of the lower planes.

After it was done, He could get a lot of benefits.

The premise is that everything is done!

But in this matter, I don't know which step went wrong, and it was known to others soon after it started.

It is not a problem for others, but it is a pity that the person who knows is the Kingdom of Stars and Moon.

The Xingyue Kingdom is adjacent to the Dark Ming Kingdom, and both sides are deadly enemies.

When the other party was unsure of the truth of the matter and did not know where it was, he had already brazenly dispatched the army.

This was something that the Black Death Cthulhu didn't expect, and he felt painful when he thought of his failure.

Not only do you have to fall to the lower planes, but the promised benefits of the Lord of Hell and the Demon Lord will not be given.

Even if it is, it will not give so much.

Compared with what I have paid, there is really no alternative.

And Ross, a bitch, these are agreements reached through him as a middleman.

This **** must have received a lot of benefits in the middle, but the payment is just an incarnation, coming to meet himself.

In the end, this avatar can escape, which means that the other party has hardly paid.

Compared to myself, it is really a blood profit.

The Black Death Cthulhu didn't speak, just a battle with Edwin Saints.

Saint Edwin is indeed slightly inferior to the Dark Death Cthulhu, but Saint Edwin can move, but the opponent is a fixed target and can only be passively beaten.

The Black Death Cthulhu felt more and more pressured, and the Goddess of Life no longer waited and watched on the upper planes, but directly started.

Because he was determined to fall, he could no longer stay in danger on the upper level.

If the three gods of justice came, he would not be able to leave.

Those are three lunatics, even if they die, they have to drag themselves.

In this way, the goddess of life began to take action, the goddess of art blessed on the side, the dark girl played against Rose, and the unicorn girl swept the dark girl.

The Black Death Cthulhu was originally inferior to the Goddess of Life. If it weren't for his kingdom of God, he would use his divine power regardless of the cost, he would have already failed.

In this way, the energy of the Black Death Cthulhu was involved, which made up for a little gap between Saint Edwin.

It didn't take long for Saint Edwin to spot the right time, and a magical technique shattered the idol, thus sending the black death evil **** back to the upper plane.

It is impossible to kill the Black Death Cthulhu, the other party just came down with a thought, with some divine power.

In fact, as long as the opponent's divine power is exhausted, the opponent can be sent away.

But things are not so easy. The divine power of the true **** is much more refined than the divine power of the demigods.

The opponent's personality is also higher, and the use of divine power is more efficient.

His own divine power is exhausted, and the opponent may still have some left.

As long as they are willing to resources, the opponent can drop their divine power from the upper plane at any time.

Just when Saint Edwin broke the idol of the Black Death Cthulhu, an evil wave could no longer be concealed, and it radiated from under the broken stones of the idol.

"what is this?"

In the northern kingdom, in the church, a young girl opened her eyes.

His eyes looked in the direction of the Dark Underworld Kingdom, uncertain.

"Is it the fluctuation of the insect mother?"

"The leader!"

There was a voice outside, but the girl stood up, leaving only one sentence: "You are waiting here, I will go out."

Then, the girl moved lightly, stepped out, and disappeared from the place.

Outside, several demigods flickered: "What the **** was the fluctuation just now?"

"I don't know, but that evil fluctuation, I seem to have a little impression."

The North, the Glory Highland, is the closest and most tight place among the Bimun Palace.

Jin Bimeng opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the dark kingdom.

"Emperor Bimen, don't know the fluctuation just now?"

Emperor Bi Meng got up and said, "Wait for a while, I will go back."

Then, Emperor Beamon stepped out and soon disappeared without a trace.

In the West, in the Holy Kingdom, in the Holy See, an old man wearing a crown of thorns opened his eyes, also quickly left a message, and then left.

There are such people in the Griffin Heart Kingdom and Bracada.

There are popes of other deities, all of them.

At this moment, Io Continent was alarmed.

But many people are uncertain and their faces are ugly.

Among them, the pope and demigods of the mother of plague are included.

"How could this be? How could it be this thing?"

At this moment, in the underground world, outside a cave, a man was hiding not far away, his eyes fixed on the cave.

At this moment, he suddenly looked in the direction of the main material plane.

"This wave is so evil, and so similar to the wave in this cave?"

This is really Lin Chuan. Before Lin Chuan decided to go to the Green Grass Tribe and join Cassandra and Tuya.

Lin Chuan had completed the first task assigned to him by the goddess, but he had no clue on the second one.

Originally thought it was a brain demon, but now the brain demon and Fu Zhu, oh no, have been caught.

In the past few days, Lin Chuan also began to study the brain demon.

Lin Chuan has gained a lot from this research.

Not only the physiological structure of the brain demon, but also a part of it.

Lin Chuan also began to analyze some of the power of the brain demon.

This is something that has never been recorded or may happen in history, but no one knows.

Lin Chuan studies this and can gain a lot of experience points every day.

The promotion of a magician was originally the absorption of knowledge to form his own foundation.

What Lin Chuan is doing now is the promotion path of an orthodox magician himself.

Lin Chuan researched while rushing.

Just when he was about to reach the Green Grass Tribe, Lin Chuan once again felt the evil wave he had sensed before.

In this way, Lin Chuan had some enlightenment in his heart. Perhaps this was the second task assigned to him by the Goddess of Life.


Lin Chuan did not find traces of this race in his memory, but the evil fluctuations and the way of doing things let Lin Chuan know that this race should never be underestimated.

Then, follow up and investigate.

After that, Lin Chuan handed over the information to Saint Edwin.

It was also this information that caused Saint Edwin to go a little bit late, and made Corbert a demigod with a thrill.

"Look again and study it. I'm afraid this matter is not that simple." Lin Chuan thought in his heart, but suddenly turned his head and looked at the other side.

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