When Lin Chuan recovered, naturally he could not sit back and watch the brain demon escape.

He has been calculating the brain demon for almost a month, so long persistence, to the final harvest season, naturally cannot fail.

"I have mastered the priesthood of harvest."

Lin Chuan thought of the priesthood of the God of Autumn possessed by Lin Yang, which contained the priesthood of harvest, and said something jokingly.

The shackles and injuries of various ancient trees are venting to the brain demon.

The brain demon's figure is very elegant, and the one who turns left and right doesn't let most of the magic fall.

It's just that a part of the magic falls on the brain demon, but the powerful anti-magic properties, as well as the soul and mental power defense, make the brain demon's damage greatly reduced.

"There are more fights!"

Lin Chuan cheered up and looked at the brain demon, and knew that this matter would not end so easily.

The levitation of the brain demon is a kind of natural ability, allowing the brain demon to levitate in the air, turning left and moving quickly.

This made Lin Chuan's magic a lot less accurate.

Hitting a stationary target and hitting a moving target are naturally two different results.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan’s expertise in moving spells has been learned. Casting while moving will not reduce the accuracy and power of the spell.

With the addition of the previously arranged battle plants, the restraint on the brain demon is still quite large.

A red fruit is formed on a blood-red vine.

Lin Chuan walked over and picked the fruit.

This is the fruit of the blood-sucking vine. It is a good material for making healing potions.

Even this is one of the excipients of a self-made potion.

In short, the value of this kind of fruit is very high. Although in the battle, Lin Chuan still has some spare energy.

In this way, nature cannot give up this fruit.

Pick the fruit at will, take out a crystal box, and want to put the fruit in.

This is a relatively advanced fruit. In the future, you can try to design some formulas yourself and try to use this fruit to make some potions.

Later, Lin Chuan tried his best to use these blood-sucking vines to weaken the power of the brain demon.

At the same time, his own power, as well as the power of the ancient tree, are used to limit the brain demon and prevent it from escaping.

The brain demon screamed constantly, wanting to break free from the restraints around him, wanting to escape.

The brain demon can almost have a foreboding that his fate does not seem to be very good.

A scream came, and this time, it was not an attack or an outbreak.

Lin Chuan felt mental fluctuations from these screams.

It is actually a kind of mental communication, but the other party's mood is not very good.

"Elf, you are so bold, you dare to be disrespectful to the great brain demon!"

Lin Chuan didn't care about the clamor of the brain demon, being able to get a brain demon was a huge gain.

Not to mention the precious materials of the brain demon itself, this kind of strange creature, researched out, is also a good supplement to the magic system.

Moreover, the brain demon also possesses a lot of preciousness, blood, etc., which are unfamiliar and possess research value.

There are many spiritual and soul magics that are worth studying.

So Lin Chuan didn't care about the clamor of the brain demon at all, and attacked with all his strength.

The brain demon is constantly defending, constantly fleeing, and constantly clamoring.

"Elf, stop your attack!"

"Elves, you angered me!"

"Great............¥#*I won't let you go!"

This seems to be a series of names, but the language is not any language used by Io Continent, it should be used by the brain demon.

I don't know if the brain demon he is talking about is some powerful brain demon.

Lin Chuan doesn't know whether there is a society among the brain devils, or a network of connections.

Anyway, the brain demons who have appeared in Io Continent all walk alone.

But this is not to say that there is no social system and no communication.

The highly developed spirit and soul, as well as this way of communicating mental power, made Lin Chuan guess that, in fact, the brain demon is actually a race with a social form.

It's just that their communication is not where people can see.

In other words, the way they communicate is very hidden.

Lin Chuan cannot judge how this is in fact, at least temporarily.

The clamor of the brain demon also provided Lin Chuan with a fact.

The brain demon is indeed a smart creature, and he didn't communicate with Lin Chuan before because he regarded Lin Chuan as the raw material for puppets.

Looking at that person now, the brain demon still hasn't given up on this idea.

Even if the brain demon said he gave up, Lin Chuan would not believe it.

But now the brain demon is at a disadvantage and wants to intimidate Lin Chuan.

It's just that Lin Chuan wasn't scared, naturally he didn't care about the intimidation of the brain demon.

"Elves, you angered me!"

The brain demon kept intimidating, but two of the three sentences were such meaningless words.

Naturally, Lin Chuan doesn't care about this, but there are a few sentences that have practical meaning.

"Elf, you let me go!"

"I just entered here by mistake and will leave soon."

"Elves, the people who will meet me will come soon, if you continue to struggle, don't regret it then!"

"Fairy, I left the main material plane immediately and won't come back again. You let me go!"

Lin Chuan didn't know whether these words were true or false. If they were true, it would be a little shocking.

There may be tribes, or even social forms, of brain demon.

But the base camp of the brain demon should not be on the main material plane.

Maybe it is on which smaller plane, or the lower plane, or even the upper plane, who can tell?

And most likely, it should be!

Lin Chuan raised his head and looked at the void.

"There, maybe it is the base camp of the brain demon?"

According to the brain demon, Lin Chuan guessed that there would be danger.

And this danger does not seem to be able to deal with.

But Lin Chuan is not stage fright at all, he can't cope with it, isn't there a taller one?

Saint Edwin is used to lift the tank.

Oh no, the greater Edwin's physical ability, the greater his natural responsibility.

With Edwin's body in front of him, if there is really a powerful brain demon coming, Lin Chuan would really like to inform the Saint Edwin.

Lin Chuan believed that Saint Edwin must also be very interested in powerful brain demon.

This is an excellent research object, which can add enough knowledge to all the strong.

Knowledge is wealth!

knowledge is power!

There is nothing wrong with these two points.

Lin Chuan didn't release water at all, and soon, the voice of the brain demon slowly lowered.

Lin Chuan controlled the blood-sucking vine and bound the brain demon group.

Then, Lin Chuan was ready to use mental power to limit, even restrain the brain demon.

At this time, the brain demon uttered another scream, which was a very powerful mental shock.

Lin Chuan touched his heart: "Fortunately, he didn't go over immediately and was fully prepared. Otherwise, it would be funny if he was finally overturned by the brain demon."

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