There was a roar of laughter from the temple, and then everyone was scolded by Mu Shi.

"Sister Lucini, I'm sorry." Yao Tongtong blinked his big eyes and said to Lucini with his hands.

Lucini is not stingy with malice towards Lin Chuan, but is very tolerant towards Yao Tongtong.

This may be the reason why Yao Tongtong is both a woman and a child.

If Lin Chuan knew, he would definitely make a laugh: "You like children so much, why don't you give birth to one yourself?"

This act of death might cause Lucini to kill him desperately.

Lin Chuan didn't know this, and at this time he was about to fight the brain demon for the last time.

Lin Chuan didn't know anything about Wanxing Pavilion.

Although Sheng Shi Bing Demon and the others left unhappy, they all waited outside the Wanxing Pavilion.

"President, shall we wait?" Gergil asked, he somewhat wanted to retreat.

In a stalemate here, his strength is limited.

On the contrary, the scattered players took advantage of this time, but the gains were not small.

For the players, the aboriginals are the task publishers, and the Grand Guild used to take over the tasks.

During this period of time, the guild alliance took a shot at Wanxing Pavilion, which naturally relaxed the blockade on scattered players.

Over the past period of time, scattered players have received many good tasks.

Many people have risen during this period, and the Great Guild is very difficult to suppress.

Bartharomu shook his head and insisted: "Wait. Wanxing Pavilion hasn't used these puppets for a long time. It must be because these puppets consume a lot of time. Moreover, the duration must not be much. Otherwise, why do they keep using them? Do you use it until you can't hold on?"

Gergil thinks Barthalómu’s guess is possible.

But Gergil also felt that perhaps consuming us and harvesting our equipment is one of the other's goals?

But since Barcelona has already decided, he doesn't say much.

Anyway, no matter what, even if the individual players get part of it, they will be pushed down by the Grand Guild.

With resources and information, individual players cannot compete with the Grand Guild.

And at worst, the Great Guild can also use its population advantage to pile up scattered people to death.

At the same time, the Shengshi Ice Emperor was not far away. He asked his guild's people to retreat first and stayed under surveillance.

"Go back and block the cave in the back mountain first."

Sheng Shi Binghuang would never forget that his backyard was still on fire.

The decision of the goddess of cold ice, the ice emperor of the prosperous age has no way to beak.

But as long as the entrance of the cave is blocked, the Frost Rose will be blocked, and the Frost Rose will be killed directly at that time.

A patron with no strength would naturally no longer cause the goddess of ice to be favored.

The goddess is mine, no one can rob me.

Sheng Shi Binghuang thought in his heart that he must monopolize the favor of the goddess of ice, so that he could rise quickly.

This time, I united so many people, and even ended up personally, without giving Lin Chuan the foundation to Wanju.

Having missed this best opportunity, the next time I want to dig Lin Chuan's foundation, it will not be so easy.

One trades and the other grows, and there are not so many advantages.

Wanxing Pavilion is getting more and more developed, and the number of people will naturally no longer be a loophole.

Although the number of Wanxing Pavilion is small, the number of deputy professional guilds is large.

Moreover, the opponent will not always be so few people, the game is naturally a crowded game.

The more people there are, the more they get.

Although it does not mean more on average, at least the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid will get much more than others.

In that case, it will monopolize the resources of the goddess of ice.

The other party is the patron of the goddess of life, but if you want to come, the goddess of life will not open everything to Lin Chuan.

Then, as long as you catch the goddess of ice, you still have a chance!

Not far away, the people from Flash Golden Town and Iron Blood Hall were also there.

Because these two guilds are both white and close to each other, there is some relationship between the guild manpower.

Jie Xue said, "Anduin, what do you think?"

Anduin said: "I think there should be a time limit for the other party's situation. Otherwise, it will be too bad for the balance!"

"Balance?" Jie Xue sneered, "Anduin, do you think this is a game as simple as that?"

Anduin was silent for a while, and said, "Yes, the existence of Linchuan already disrupts the balance of the game. But the federal government has nothing to say, and we actually knew it for a long time. Secret."

Speaking of secrets, Anduin looked around and whispered, "How true do you think that secret is?"

Tie Shou shook his head, but said firmly, "No matter how big it is. The existence of Lin Chuan is the most solid proof. The administrative district seems to have sent people to the Huaxia administrative district to find Lin Chuan's whereabouts. There seems to be a lot in him. Secret."


Anduin had not received this message before, but he would not doubt the message of Iron Hand.

After thinking for a while, Anduin said: "This time the temptation almost failed. No matter what price the opponent needs to maintain this unit. But we have already failed."

The Iron Hand agreed and said: "Yes. So, the large troops will hold on for a few more days. If there is no result, then they will retreat. The guild cannot be tied here all the time. The opponent is making continuous progress. There is some retrogression. In the long run, I am afraid that the scattered people will be stronger than us."

Anduin nodded: "There is no way. The manpower has been mobilized, plus the death of this period of time, the loss is a bit big. This action did not achieve the expected goal."

The president of this group of big guilds is not as simple as coming here to kill someone.

The purpose is to contain possible enemies in the future and not allow one more chess player.

But obviously, they didn't achieve their goals, and it was enough to not contain each other.

In fact, they themselves seem to be weakened.

It’s a bit like stealing rice.

"It's not the original game after all."

Anduin suddenly said: "This is indeed worth investing in. My magical power has improved recently!"


Iron Hand looked over curiously, and apparently Anduin was talking about not the magic power in the game.

If this is the case, needless to say, anyway, every day, the strength is definitely improved.

Things in the game are not worth saying so.

In other words?

Tie Shou looked over eagerly, and Anduin nodded: "I tried the meditation ideas I learned in the game, although I didn't succeed. But I still have some clues, and my strength has been strengthened."

Tieshou was very eager: "I will try again later."

At this time, Lin Chuan just finished repairing, stood up and looked at the brain demon not far away: "It's about to start."

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