A mouthful of blood was vomited, and the old man's body became more rickety, and the flesh and blood on his body seemed to be taken away, making the old man even thinner.

This made Lin Chuan feel that the old man had a skinny feeling.

But the immediate change happened too quickly in a matter of seconds.

"It's actually a predictive ability, which is simply incredible."

Lin Chuan immediately discovered that the ability of the old man's eyes was an unparalleled prediction.

Prophecy is an ability that involves time. In all worlds, space is king, and time is honored.

Many people possess the ability of space, and many true gods possess this ability, among other things.

But time is too vague, and basically no one can master this ability.

Even if there is, it is just a fur.

Prophecy is an extension of time capacity, and of course it also involves destiny.

The three goddesses of destiny also involve the ability of time.

It's just that destiny is not so easy to control, even the goddess of luck is not invincible.

The deity of fate has also undergone several changes.

Mastering the rules of fate, but unable to control one's own destiny, this is a joke made by the destiny of destiny and destiny.

Almost subconsciously, Lin Chuan was about to take action.

The abilities of this old caveman are too great, if he can stay, it will be very useful to him.

Now the strength of this old man, at best the bronze pinnacle, is already so useful.

If this old man's strength makes a breakthrough, it will definitely be more useful.

But soon, Lin Chuan stopped his actions.

As Lin Yang, he issued an oracle to Cassandra.

The old man said: "It doesn't matter, this time, I saw more. That is definitely a true god, a **** of the good camp. He is willing to accept cavemen. I saw cavemen do things with evil under his leadership. A picture of the struggle!"

The old man seemed to have seen a lot, and he didn't know how long after the battle.

Crowe suddenly hesitated. He was originally inclined to be a true **** and inclined to sacrifice in the past.

But Crowe hesitated again when he heard the old man's words.

"Do you want to fight? The caveman doesn't have much fighting power. If you want to fight, it's better to stay in the tribe, at least, at least..."

At least it won't die!

Crowe was already old, and he no longer had the urge to be young.

If in the past, offering sacrifices to gods could have a spiritual destination, and the soul could return to the kingdom of the true **** after death, that would be great.

But if you want to fight, you don't know how powerful the enemy's power is, the caveman is going to be cannon fodder.

What is the difference between that and under the pressure of the dark elf?

Hearing what Crowe said, the old man was a little angry, and wanted to say something, but his body couldn't bear it, and he spewed blood again.

He wants to talk, but his body does not allow it.

At this time, Kroll suddenly said: "It's just a battle. Since we want to rise, we will inevitably have to contact war! If we gain strength, we will definitely want to improve our status. In this case, war It is inseparable from us. So, war is only, why are we afraid?"

Kroll is not afraid of war at all. What he is afraid of is that he has no power and is used as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

If they are accepted by the true God, they gain strength.

So what's wrong with going to the battlefield for strength and having strength?

These are definitely two different situations, definitely the ending they want.

Even if he had to sacrifice his life for this, Kroll would never regret it.

Crowe was old, he was scared.

But Kroll is still young and has this own dream.

Every caveman, when he was young, felt that he would be the hero who led the caveman out of trouble and into glory.

Kroll is also such a young man.

Therefore, his choice is completely different from Crowe.

Crowe wanted to say something, but in the face of Kroll, he couldn't say anything.

The old man struggled, wanted to get up, and wanted to say something.

But his body is really too weak. He has already used his ability to predict once before and has already been backlashed.

Now, in order to confirm what he said before, he once again used the power of prophecy.

He was backlashed again, and the two injuries added together, he really has reached the limit.

"Quickly, father. With the elders, we immediately go to the Green Grass Tribe. There is a true God there, and He should be able to save the elders!"

Kroll's guards are clearer, or in other words, his thinking is no more clearer than now.

Crowe reacted and quickly greeted the caveman warriors to come in and bring the elders. They were going to the Green Grass Tribe.

"I just hope that this time, I can get what I want!" Kroll secretly said, his eyes extremely firm.

"The elder's injury, ordinary people definitely can't help it, but the true **** definitely has it. If He is willing to accept the Jinyang tribe and heal the elder, then in this life, I am willing to fight for you!"

Just when Kroll left the Jinyang tribe with the elders, in the Green Grass tribe, Cassandra opened her eyes.

"Remy!" Cassandra called.

Soon, Remy brought the caveman warrior to Cassandra's room.

Next to it is the simple altar. The cavemen currently have no conditions to build a temple, and there is no way to build a formal altar.

So, use a simple altar first.

As for the temple, Cassandra has been included in the plan, but it is not yet time.

When the cavemen around here were preached by him, they believed in the Lord of the Four Seasons.

This matter will be unfolded in secret.

The caveman's strength is not enough, and he cannot proceed blatantly.

Today, the power of the dark elves is not comparable to that of cave dwellers.

Even if the manpower of Wanxing Pavilion was transferred, it was useless.

"My pastor, what do you want?"

At this time, the caveman's name to Cassandra was no longer a simple adult, but a priest.

This will remind them that now they are also covered by the true god, and they can go to the kingdom of **** after death.

With this way of retreat, cavemen can also burst out with a powerful combat effectiveness.

Cassandra nodded and said: "The Golden Sun Tribe is on the way to come, you go out to meet you. I will prepare the medicine for treatment, you have received the people from the Jin Yang Tribe, and let them bring the elders to me. "

This is the oracle issued by Lin Yang just now, saying that the Jinyang tribe is also preparing to be attached to the glory of the Lord of the Seasons, and one of the abilities of one of them is useful to the next situation of Cassandra and others.

In addition, the Lord of the Seasons gave Cassandra a potion to prepare.

Cassandra flipped her hand and a bottle of potion appeared in her hand.

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