In addition, on the upper plane, there are several gods in the realm where the true god's body awakened, opened his eyes, and looked towards the main material plane.

Although they did not see what happened, they knew that something bad had happened.

At the same time, they unanimously issued oracles to their church.

"Something unfavorable to the church has happened, find it and stop it!"

For the time being, I don’t know what happened, but they knew that their rights were threatened.

There seemed to be something unfavorable to him in the source sea.

If the interests of the true God are violated, then the interests of the church are violated.

This is one and two, two and one thing.

The true God represents the church, and the church, to a certain extent, represents the interests of the true God.

Lin Chuan didn't know that because of one of his actions, many churches in Io Continent began to operate, looking for things that were not good for the church.

Green Grass Tribe, every time Cassandra said something, a caveman would repeat it.

Gradually, this voice became louder and even spread out, and it was noticed by a caveman tribe far away.

An old caveman walked out of the cave and looked at the Green Grass Tribe.

There is a kind of doubt and solemnity on his face. He is already very old, has lived a lot of thoughts, and has seen a lot.

A middle-aged caveman walked out and respectfully asked the old caveman: "Elder, but what happened?"

The old man thought for a while, opened his eyes and looked at the Green Grass Tribe.

If you look closely and look closely, you will find that there is a light flashing in the old man's pupils.

The middle-aged caveman looked shocked: "Elder!"

Others don't know, but he knows that this elder once ate a magical plant, which was found from the land of blue mushrooms, especially blue mushrooms with elemental fluctuations.

For hundreds of years, the Jinyang tribe has only discovered so much.

It was eaten by this old man. At that time, the elder convulsed all over and almost died.

The final result was that the old man survived and some changes in his eyes occurred.

This ability, with a little perspective, is not a perspective of space, but a taste of time.

The elderly can see some pictures, some pictures that are not known to be good or bad.

The Jinyang tribe, relying on the old man, has survived the genocide disaster several times.

This ability is very useful, but there is a flaw, that is, each use, it needs to consume life.

The old man waved his hand and signaled the mature caveman not to speak. He opened his eyes vigorously and looked at the green grass tribe.

Then he closed his eyes and let out a muffled snort.

There was blood coming out of the corner of his mouth.

There was blood flowing out of his eyes.

"Elder!" The middle-aged caveman exclaimed, and quickly called someone out and carried the old man in.

The old man's face suddenly became old, feeling even older than before.

The eye patterns at the corners of his eyes were much deeper than before, and the hair on the top of his head became paler.

The skin wrinkled, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and wrinkled.

"Quickly, put the elder on the stone platform!"

The middle-aged caveman shouted, directing the caveman to move the old caveman in.

After thinking about it, the middle-aged caveman quickly walked aside and fumbled for a while in a remote corner.

Then he fumbled for a bottle of potion.

If other caveman tribes knew that this caveman tribe had hidden potions, what would they think?

The middle-aged caveman looked at the medicine, and then at the elderly caveman on the stone platform, gritted his teeth, opened the bottle, and poured the medicine into the mouth of the elderly caveman.

The potion exudes a charming fragrance, is green, and has a feeling of vitality.

When the medicine is poured, the elderly caveman will be slightly better.

The skin has recovered slightly, but even so, as long as it is a normal person, it can be seen that this old man is much older than before.

At this time, a teenage caveman ran in.

He saw the old man on the stone platform, once again becoming more old.

The boy asked: "Father, how is the elder?"

The elder's ability is known to the patriarch, and this mature caveman is the elder of this tribe.

And the boy is the son of the patriarch.

Crowe shook his head, his eyes were full of sadness. He looked at the boy and said: "Kroll, the elder this time, I'm afraid it's really bad."

Even after taking that bottle of medicine, the old man's condition is only slightly better.

But the young man can still see the twilight of this old man.

I'm afraid it's really bad!

"But, how come? Didn't the father give the elders life extension medicine?"

This medicine is very precious.

Even in the dark elf city, there are definitely not many hungry.

What's more, a tribe of cavemen?

It was definitely an accident that their Jinyang tribe could possess such a bottle of life-prolonging potion.

If it weren't for the elder's special status, the elder's ability is important to the implementation of the ministry, and this bottle of medicine would not be taken by the elder.

Who doesn't want to live longer?

Even when it is oppressed, or, it is better than death.

It's better to die than to live. This sentence is universal no matter which world you are in.

Crowe sighed, looked at the old man on the stone platform, and said: "The elder has done too much for the tribe. His ability is powerful, but every time he uses it, it consumes too much life. He didn't have to leave so early. of……"

The life span of professionals is much longer than that of ordinary people, but not every professional can live longer than ordinary people.

Many people died in accidents, but because of his abilities, the elders lost their vitality after using them.


With a groan, the old man slowly opened his muddy eyes.

"Elder!" Crowe shouted, and quickly went to the stone platform, watching the old man struggling to get up, Crowe quickly helped and helped the old man up.

"Kroll is here too!"

The old man's cloudy eyes were very bright.

At least people can see clearly.

Kroll quickly responded, and the old man said, "I'm afraid it will not work."

He really felt the loss of his vitality, and felt that he might not last long.

"From now on, the tribe will rely on you."

"Elder, don't say that, you will definitely get better. Let's think of a way, isn't it just the life extension potion? We will think of a way!" Kroll said hurriedly.

The old man laughed, Kroll had a good heart, and he felt very relieved.

But this matter is not easy to handle. The value of life extension medicine is too great to find it.

What's more, they are tribes of cavemen?

"no need……"

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