Cassandra controlled the remainder in the category that only she and Tuya could hear, and could not let these cavemen hear.

Preaching requires means, and it requires others to be in the snow to send carbon.

But this situation cannot be let the caveman know.

Otherwise, let the cavemen know that Cassandra actually watched outside from the beginning, the people who watched them were killed, and watched them suffer in this fear.

Cassandra was watching cold-blooded outside, until they were half dead, and they walked out of the darkness.

The caveman’s feelings were unacceptable.

Even if he is rescued, I am afraid that I will have a bump in my heart.

They are here to preach, not to make enemies.

Just as the shadow fox's paw was about to catch a caveman again, a cold light was felt on the caveman's neck.

This made the caveman terrified and his eyes widened.

He was in a mess, he was afraid he was going to die.

The feeling of dying makes the caveman think about his whole life, from birth to growing up.

After eating blue mushrooms for the first time, he felt that there is nothing better than blue mushrooms in this world.

Then, he ate a lot of things one after another, and one day, he ate some kind of beast meat.

He also felt that there is actually something comparable to Blu-ray mushrooms in this world?

This kind of meat is really delicious.

Even if it is only a little salty, the broth is really delicious.

Served with blue mushrooms, a pot of broth cooked together, and grilled meat that you ate together is the best food in the world.

There is nothing else to compare with this one.

Then, he grew up slowly and saw a girl in the tribe.

He really fell into it physically and mentally. He thought, if he wants to hunt and get rich prey, he will confess to the girl.

He wants to be with her and give birth to monkeys together!

"Katrina, it looks like I have no chance to confess to you!"

"No matter which true God, please save me so that I can survive, and I will believe in you for the rest of my life."

"If there is a true God willing to accept Katrina's faith, that would be great!"

"In that case, we can meet in your kingdom of God."

"Where, there is no fighting, no oppression, only peace and laughter."

"I will have several children with Katrina and believe in you."

"We will live happily and defend your kingdom to the death."

"Everyone who dares to offend you is my enemy."

At this second, Genna recalled his life. He was very sorry and felt that he was going to die with regret.

It's really sad, why is there no true God willing to accept us cavemen?

Obviously we will be the most loyal believers, and we will never change in our lifetime!

Like Garner, there are four cavemen, and they all recalled their short and wonderful life.

Relatively empty, there is hardly anything particularly happy.

The bottom of the society is oppressed by other races every day. Where is the joy of such a life?

They thought they were bound to die this time, and they had already begun to recall their lives.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't have the feeling of waiting until I died.

On the contrary, I heard some cheers, seemed to be fortunate, is the joy of getting out of disaster?

what exactly is it?

Garner opened his eyes and found a touch of green before his eyes.

Yes, green.

How could this color happen in this underground world?

He only knew when he listened to the old caveman's story that it seemed to be the color of the ground world.

It seems that above their heads, there is a huge world, in that world, there is sunshine and green plants.

The sun is warm and the green plants are fragrant.

They have always imagined what the sun is like and whether it will smell.

What the green plants look like and whether they are very warm makes people feel very intimate.

At this moment, he knew that this was green.

Moreover, he feels that this green is his favorite color.

The green plant was still swaying, with a sharp feeling.

Well, that claw seemed to be right in front of his neck, and he could still feel the sharpness of the claw.

Ruoruuowu's pain came from her neck.

Garner immediately backed away a few steps, but because of the vines that popped up just now, these cavemen all backed away a few steps.

So Gena did not step on the other cavemen, nor was he crowded by other cavemen to retreat.

Then Garner saw that it was a few foxes, shadow foxes!

This is the most cunning, difficult, and feared monster near their tribe.

The hidden skill of this kind of Warcraft is very good, and it also likes to play and abuse them cruelly.

But at this moment, the shadow fox was entangled by some vines, and the claws flashed with dim light.

It's only a little distance away, less than a finger's distance, the claw will go through his neck and cut his artery.

Gena could think of his neck being crossed and blood gushing out.

Gena could think that after he died, his eyes would definitely bulge. It is hard to believe that he would die like that, right?

But why are there green vines here?

When this question came up, Genna turned his head to find the reason for the vines.

He forgot about the danger, because those shadow foxes were bound by vines, and it seemed that they had no ability to resist.

Then he saw two people walking in front of him.

A tauren, a caveman?


This is a strange combination!

There are tauren in the underground world, but the skin color is not like this.

Moreover, how did this tauren and caveman walk together, it seems that they are equal?

how is this possible!

The tauren is also a relatively noble race in the underground world, and it is also the top race, even the dark elves do not dare to bully at will.

The tauren is good at arranging weapons, and the dark elves sometimes ask for the tauren.

Of course, there are some tauren slaves.

But that can only be possessed by the dark elves, like cavemen, which is absolutely impossible.

It’s not bad to be a slave yourself, do you want others to be cavemen’s slaves?

And looking at the tauren a little bit behind, it seems that the caveman is not the higher status, it is this matter that is dominated by the caveman.

very strange!

Will cavemen be able to become masters and masters one day?

Then Genna heard a gentle voice.

"Caveman brother, have you been attacked?"

Cassandra came over, Tuya was a step behind, letting Cassandra go ahead.

"My name is Cassandra, are you from a tribe nearby?"

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