The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1356: Brain devil suffers, retreat

Flying in the sky, this is the sign of the Archmage.

Before the Archmage, there were many ways to fly in the air, but if you wanted to fly in the air, you had to rely on other methods.

Either special flying magic, or some props, in short, it is not an ability of its own.

Those birdmen who originally had wings are not here.

As for the archmage, with the power of the elements, he can stand out of thin air, even change direction, and make flying movements with the power of the elements.

These are the patents of the great master.

There is no way without the great master.

But an archmage wants to get the brain demon out and defeat it, fearing that he doesn't have that ability.

Lin Chuan didn't care about it, anyway, this brain demon was the goal he wanted.

Lin Chuan had hope without being captured by the dark elf.

Moreover, although a dark elf archmage can't catch the brain demon, it can put some pressure on the brain demon.

The battle between the two sides can give Lin Chuan a little help, let Lin Chuan catch the brain demon and provide clues.

Sure enough, after the great mage came, he shot immediately.

A piece of magic came down, and the black arrow hit the puppet.

When the puppets fell one by one, Lin Chuan could also feel a sense of anger in the air.

The brain demon is angry, which is a good phenomenon. Lin Chuan feels more clearly about that trace of soul fluctuation.

Before the puppet was able to gain the upper hand, it was because the strength of the puppet and the dark elf were similar.

If you add the control of the brain demon and the uninterrupted cooperation between the puppets, then the weak can defeat the strong.

The puppet is not painful or afraid.

In many cases, puppets will make the same action, which is something that intelligent creatures with wit dare not dare.

Even if it is that kind of madness, he doesn't dare to fight desperately with puppets without self-consciousness.

People are dead, it's a big deal to change a puppet.

He died, that is really dead.

Desperately doing this kind of operation can only be used on the point that everyone has wisdom and is afraid of death.

Desperately, that is, to see who is more afraid of death.

But now, an archmage arrived, and his attack power was more than a bit more powerful.

Soon, the puppet began to retreat.

If you have a sense of wisdom, you should also run away in a loose sand.

Nowadays, it is still a mess of sand, but it looks more like abandoning the car to protect the handsome, dragging the enemy with the gray dwarf, and saving the dark elf.

However, apart from the dark elf archmage, the other dark elves and gray dwarves are not fools, how could they allow the enemy to retreat?

At this time, a group of cavemen rushed over.

There was no expression in those eyes either.

This turned out to be a puppet!

These were not seen before, because the enemies chosen by the brain demon were not as powerful as the puppets.

Needless to say, there is the bonus of the brain demon, and the dark elf cannot have a winning rate.

These cavemen are hidden tricks of the brain demon.

If it is a true caveman, then I am afraid that it will run away when seeing the dark elf.

But these puppets were controlled by the brain demon, and they were not afraid of death, and they could also mobilize some power. They actually dragged the dark elves except the great master.

He is not afraid of death, and also uses desperate moves. If you slash me, I must also bite off a piece of your meat.

This style of play makes many dark elves unbearable.

After all, his life is more precious. Who wants to die with the enemy?

Because of the delay of this group of cavemen and the help of the brain demon, even if there is an archmage strong, it will only leave most of the puppets.

Finally, the brain demon controlled a small part of the puppets and escaped.

The great master fell from midair, stood on the ground, looking in one direction, his eyes were very bad.

He was very angry. He shot himself personally, but he didn't leave the enemy behind.

Even, he didn't actually pull the enemy out of the dark!

The dark elf elite stepped forward, bowed and asked, "Teacher, can you figure out the details of the enemy?"

It turned out that this turned out to be a pair of master and apprentice.

The great master is the teacher, and the elite is the apprentice.

Saxon shook his head slightly, his eyes were solemn, and said: "I don't know what it is. I have fought each other many times, only knowing that the other party is proficient in spirit magic!"

Proficient in spirit magic, and good at puppets, this is very important information, but the identity of the enemy is still inaccurate.

If it hadn't been for Lin Chuan who happened to meet the puppet controlled by the brain demon, and followed it for many days, he would not be sure it was a brain demon.

In fact, although the brain demon is powerful, there are not many.

The ground world of Io Continent is already a vast area, and in addition to the number of layers of the underground world, just the main material plane does not know its specific area.

In such a large area, the scarce number of brain monsters is really a drop of water in the ocean, which is hard to encounter.

The probability of encountering a brain demon is as difficult as finding a needle in a sea.

"Benson!" Saxon retracted his gaze, still worried.

Benson nodded: "Yes, teacher."

"Go back." Saxon said, already flying in the air and flying towards the tribe.

"Also, let the other squads also close the team, the enemy will not come back in a short time."

Although the enemy's identity is unknown, the opponent apparently relies more on puppets to fight.

Today the opponent's puppets have suffered heavy losses, and in a short period of time, it is impossible to surprise a large tribe like them.

Just after you go back, let someone inform the nearby tribes that there is nothing major and don't travel alone.

The enemy's methods are very good, and they are proficient in mental power magic. This method is too weird, and most people can't resist it.

He could feel that the opponent's strength might not be as good as his own.

But the mental power magic table is weird, he can only match the opponent, causing the opponent to suffer a dark loss.

This is still overpowering others, if it weren't for his own strength, he would almost capsize in the gutter this time.

Several teams quickly withdrew, Benson watched the teacher Saxon Archmage quickly walk towards the big tent in the center.

"It seems that this is an urgent meeting. This secret enemy is too powerful."

Benson sighed, his strength was not good enough, and he couldn't help much.

He turned around, "I have to hurry up to practice, this strength is still a bit too bad."

In fact, he was in the dark elf race, he was still a teenager, not very old at all.

But Lin Chuan had already turned around, he caught more traces of the brain demon, and he had to follow up quickly, lest the brain demon escape.

"This is a golden opportunity!"

Lin Chuan was a little excited. In this battle, the collision between the brain demon and the archmage made Lin Chuan see more information and confirmed that this is indeed a brain demon!

"Moreover, this doesn't seem to be an injured brain demon, but..."

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