The Rebirth of the Plant Controller in Online Games

Chapter 1345: Sheng Shi Yunyang whose hands were frozen

This is not a joke. Siege is possible, but the temple cannot be moved.

Even if it is a hostile country, because of the problem of faith, it has captured the city.

This temple can only ask the true **** to leave after the dust settles.

If you attack the temple directly, then the true God will come in person, which is also a matter of course.

It depends on the true god's reluctance, but if the temple is broken, the true **** will suffer heavy losses.

If you suffer a certain amount of loss, it is not impossible to use the idol to descend.

Even if you have a loss, you can't make the other person feel better.

But if the thing is really inside the temple, it makes sense, because the fluctuation of that thing also covers the temple with the power of the **** image.

But if you don't enter the temple, that thing can't be found.

Wasn't the march this time wasted?

Not to mention the matter of retreating troops, we will have to wrestle with the Dark Underworld Kingdom and other kingdoms in the future. Even if the Star Moon Kingdom is powerful, it cannot fight against the kingdoms of the entire continent.

Especially the other party had invited a demigod to gather before, and wanted to resolve this matter.

Other kingdoms do not necessarily hope that Xingyue Kingdom is good.

This world is like this, the separation and recombination are all driven by interests.

The alchemists hesitated for a moment, looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Yes, we are sure. We have searched the whole city, and the temple may be hiding that thing."

Colbert sighed demigodly, reached out his hand to touch his chest, and said, "Then give an order, always attack!"

In any case, strike You Du first, and then ask the Black Death Cthulhu to leave.

If the Black Death Cthulhu does not leave, then at that time, he can only choose to attack.

When the time comes, you will have to call Princess Xingyue to come.

Facing the true god, Colbert's demigod has no confidence at all, so it can only let the goddess descend.

As for the coming of the goddess, what consequences would it have on Princess Ni Fuya?

The army attacked, and the opponent's manpower quickly reacted.

A demigod sighed: "Defensively, if it doesn't work, I will take action."

This matter has actually reached this point.

There was no way. He didn't know why the Black Death Evil God would do this. This was simply pushing the Black Death Evil God in the opposite direction of the whole continent.

At that time, the entire Dark Underworld Kingdom would no longer exist.

But he had to carry it out. He is the pastor of the Black Death Evil God. If he does not carry out the orders of the true God, he may be deprived of his power.

When the time comes, his own power will not be too strong.

"There is no way, I can only take one step, it is one step."


On the ice field to the north of the Northern Kingdom, Sheng Shi Yunyang looked at the breached resident and waved his fists angrily, but there was no way.

"You call someone over first to repair the resident. Others, don't care about it."

After that, let the person take charge of this side, and he walked behind.

"Vice President, the forbidden ground behind is sealed!" a hall master said.

Sheng Shi Yunyang didn't know what he was thinking, but his face was very serious.

Others didn't know what was behind, but he did.

The Shengshi Ice Emperor was born near here and gained the opportunity inside to rise.

Otherwise, everyone will enter a new game together, and there can be no such a big gap.

Inside, there is an image of a true god.

Ordinarily, the idol of the true **** would not be in such a remote place, but that is the case.

Sheng Shi Ice Emperor not only took an elite job here, but also obtained his artifact, the Ice Bracelet.

This artifact is also the reason why the Prosperity Ice Emperor was able to crush everyone.

But now, this forbidden area is actually blocked?

Suddenly, Sheng Shiyunyang didn't know what to do.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the ice layer, as if he was afraid that the ice layer was an illusion, but it didn't exist at all.

A layer of runes lit up, directly freezing Sheng Shi Yunyang's hand in place.

It took a lot of effort before Sheng Shiyun Yang took off his hand, but at this time it was already bloody.

Sheng Shi Yunyang's face was ugly, he actually touched the ice, and he also had the idea of ​​temptation.

If he could also enter and win the favor of the true god, he might not be worse than the Prosperous Ice Emperor.

It's a pity that things are counterproductive, the idea is good, but the reality is still slapped.

The one inside, the true **** who doesn't know the specific name, doesn't like him at all.

Sheng Shi Yunyang was annoyed and wanted to curse a few words secretly, but Sheng Shi Yunyang didn't dare.

Facing some beings who don't know what state they are, Sheng Shiyunyang dare not say anything.

If you are hated by a true god, you can't get rid of it.

No way, Sheng Shi Yunyang can only write it down and report to Sheng Shi Binghuang together afterwards.

Anyway, the Ice Emperor Shengshi couldn't come back, and the matter here had already been told to the Ice Emperor Shengshi.

The Frost Rose of the Rose Mansion is inside. I wonder if it has won the favor of the true **** just like the president?

People who think of the Rose Mansion dared to attack the Ice Age, and some people got the adventures of the Ice Age here.

If someone comes out and gets a magical weapon, then I really don't know what to say.

Thinking of the artifact, Sheng Shi Yunyang felt so tired.

He doesn't have a magical tool. If he can obtain a magical tool, his status in the guild will rise straight. When the time comes, one person is below ten thousand people, and it is not a joke.

"Enclose everyone here, and when they come out, take them down!"

Sheng Shi Yunyang was cruel in his heart. When the time comes, what will happen to the benefits, the player's affairs, the true **** can't control it.

At that time, detain the person and grab the things.

Can't grab a career, can't grab an artifact?

Inside, Frost Rose, no matter what's outside, this one is the frosty world.

There are many ice sculptures, lifelike, just like various people or monsters made of ice.

In the middle, a graceful statue of a goddess stands, and his face cannot be seen clearly, but when people look at it, they feel majestic.

The gods in this world can't see their faces clearly.

The face of the true **** will not be seen by people.

The true **** cannot look directly at it, this is a theorem.

Therefore, the idol is only a rough face, not a completely true face.

Just because of divine power and priesthood, it gives people a completely different feeling.

Frost Rose felt that, besides majesty and admiration, the only thing this idol gave to herself was closeness.

She couldn't help but stepped forward, but stopped when she was only one meter away from the idol.

Kneel down and sit down, chanting words.

She actually didn't feel cold on the ground at all, it seemed that such an environment was very suitable for her.

The words she read were ordinary prayers, which everyone could learn after entering the game.

The prayers of each true God are different, but some are common.

Frost Rose chanted these common prayers.

It's nothing more than willing to believe in the other party, hoping that the other party will show grace.

Gradually, a layer of white light lit up.

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