Pink Rose said: "Well, no one else knows about this. Don't let it out."

After discussing it for a while, although I still don't know where the battlefield is, it's certain that the battle will start.

The people at Rose Mansion are all ready and will prepare for this in the future.

Regardless of other things, the level must be upgraded, and the resources consumed.

At least, medicine or something, right?

Thorn Shadow Rose said: "Sister, we are not fools, of course we know the importance of information."

The other roses nodded, and the blue rose still unreasonably instructed: "Even if we are ready, the other people in the guild should not say much, just say to deal with the next food shortage."

Others just remembered that this food shortage is coming soon.

Thorn Ying Rose sighed, and Pink Rose looked at her in surprise and asked, "What are you doing?"

Thorn Shadow Rose said: "I have never believed that there will be a food shortage before, but I didn't expect that he really got it right."

Pink Rose nodded. She was reminded by Sister Yao before. Although she had made some preparations, she was dubious in the end.

It is only because the plane joint market is profitable that they bought a lot of hoarding.

Players also have to eat in the game.

Otherwise, after a long time, you will be starved to death.

The blue rose said: "In this case, we will also grab the planting side."

Pink Rose nodded: "Yes, we don't have many other things. As a deputy professional, we have the most Rose Mansion."

Thorn Shadow Rose said quietly: "The Wanxing Pavilion has a special vice professional guild."

Then, all the roses are stunned.

This is nothing compared to others, they have a special guild, and the treatment is good.

If it weren't for the strict collection of people over there, plus it was in the Xingyue Kingdom, I am afraid that many people here would have passed.

Of course, female players are naturally better in the female guild.

But who can let someone have a sister Yao?

Sister Yao's internal affairs is the number one, and Lin Chuan dared to delegate power.

Here, they are all good sisters, otherwise, they would not dare to delegate power.

After discussing for a while, they looked at the list for a while, and the blue rose said: "This time, those about the territory may take a long time to be used. Why don't we pick a few and give them to Wanxing Pavilion?

"Why?" Thorn Ying Rose objected loudly. Those things were taken back by them.

This was the first time to grab something from the top ten guilds, and it was hard-won.

Pink Rose thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

She turned her head and appeased the other roses: "Let's not talk about our opportunity first. It is people who hold most of the people's hands so that we have the opportunity, and this opportunity itself is a reminder of us."

When everyone hears this, there is nothing left to say.

People take the biggest risk, get something and share some benefits, isn't it right?

"Then we took the risk, and we paid a lot of sisters' lives." Thorn Ying Rose muttered.

Pink Rose looked at her and found it funny.

But she also knew that Thorn Shadow Rose was a little unwilling.

One was reluctant, and the other was that Lin Chuan didn't give her face during the arena competition.

But to be honest, Pink Rose felt that Lin Chuan had already given face.

Just Lin Chuan's ability to fight the Prosperous Ice Emperor, it didn't take much time to beat the Shadow Rose.

"Well, don't be willful."

The blue rose calmed down and said, "The eldest sister is right. Besides, we have also gained a lot of benefits from Wanxing Pavilion. Naturally, we have to give something back. You don’t want to be favored by others forever, right? We are girls. , But we are not sucking blood on men."

"That's definitely not possible." Several people were all twittering. They were all female heroes, so naturally they didn't want to be called a vase by others.

Now think about it, the Rose Residence has indeed gained a lot of benefits. It used to be nothing but now there are good things that can be given back.

"Then send it, let's discuss it."


In the High Forest, Reeves leads the legion and attacks every day to attract the attention of the dark elves.

In addition, many people were dispatched, and some monsters who were good at digging mountains and rocks were digging in other directions from the entrance.

This entrance has spatial attributes, not just rocks.

But in other places, if you go further, there are no control attributes, so you can dig hard.

The dark elves will naturally not sit and wait for death, so the battles are fierce every day.

After defending for a while, he threw a few alchemy bombs below, shaking the mountain wall and almost collapsed.

If it hadn't been for the dark elves desperately using divine arts to stabilize, perhaps the mountain wall would collapse.

This is really a swap of offense and defense.

The dark elves had kept this place before, as they prepared to hit the ground world by surprise.

Who knows, this entrance was discovered so quickly, but he was caught off guard.

The big pit appeared before is too weird, and I don't know how it appeared.

Reeves sat down, and someone naturally offered a towel.

Reeves asked, "How are those people?"

Sid sat next to him, naturally knowing who Reeves was asking.

He shook his head and said, "The warnings from those people did not heed me at all. It doesn't matter, the merits that should be given are given, and will be suppressed in the future. These people are just insatiable!"

Reeves chuckled and said, "Most of the Adventers are like this, you should get used to it."

If it weren't for protecting Lin Chuan's secrets, lest Lin Chuan was targeted by the dark elves, these feats would not be given.

But soon, Reeves was comforted again: "However, not all descendants are like this."

This is also true, at least the patron of Edwin-sama is pretty good.

The two nodded, shared their progress again, and then separated.

In the underground world, Lin Chuan didn't react on his face and kept staring down.

There was no trace at all, he could not find the suspected brain demon at all. If he could catch it, it would definitely be very useful.

The brain demon is the best raw material for magic Tata Ling, and it is the fastest evolving and most likely material.

It's a pity that Io Continent doesn't have many records of Brain Demon.

In fact, Lin Chuan didn't know much about the brain demon, and he was uncertain whether he could control the brain demon.

But since the brain demon didn't dare to come out in person even such a small tribe, this naturally proved that the brain demon was not very powerful.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if possible, Lin Chuan will naturally seize it.

Even if you don’t use it, it’s an astronomical figure to sell it.


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