What caught your eye was the fight between the two tribes.

Lin Chuan was hiding on a mountain peak, he didn't go out in a hurry, just watched over there.

It looks like a melee between the two sides.

"The war in this era still seems very barbaric?"

Lin Chuan felt a little strange that the following war, or rather, was just a battle, like a battle between dark elves and gray dwarves.

There are dark elves fighting the dark elves, and some dark elves fighting the gray dwarves.

The same goes for the gray dwarves, partly fighting, partly attacking the dark elves.

In the limited memory of "rebirth", the dark elves have conquered several races after reaching the underground world, one of which is the gray dwarf.

The gray dwarf is a subspecies of the dwarf and entered the underground world a long time ago.

A gray skin is in the underground world, where there is no sunlight. In order to adapt to the environment, the skin becomes gray.

This is a protective color. In this dark environment, gray is similar to the surrounding environment and can effectively protect gray dwarves.

This is a kind of stealth, blending with the environment, making the enemy invisible.

And the skin of the gray dwarf is similar to that of rock, which is a natural stone skin technique.

"This is a battle of subjugation?"

Lin Chuan just came up with this idea and felt wrong again.

If it is a subjugation battle, why would the dark elves themselves kill each other?

Moreover, the interior of the gray dwarf is like this, which makes people feel dazzled, without knowing what the situation is.

Lin Chuan is also the same, temporarily confused.

Under this circumstance, it is impossible for Lin Chuan to go out.

If this goes out, use your own force to suppress it?

First of all, Lin Chuan is not without this ability, but this will expose Lin Chuan himself.

Lin Chuan's current feats are all because Lin Chuan is hiding behind his back, which is a huge advantage.

Lin Chuan is not the kind of person who is invincible and can ignore other strong people.

If so, he doesn't need to value these things.

For example, Saint Edwin, who is a powerful demigod, would not value these things.

Therefore, even if there are clues, Saint Edwin just reminded Reeves to let the people below check it out.

At the level of Saint Edwin, what they value is the understanding of the rules and the spread of believers. There are many things they need and value, but they are definitely not what Lin Chuan and the others are fighting for now.

Lin Chuan was hidden in the dark, and soon discovered some strange places.

Some of the eyes of the dark elves attacking each other are godless.

It's like the kind that is very empty and seems to have no soul.


Lin Chuan was a little surprised, he quickly turned his head to observe the gray dwarves.

Soon, Lin Chuan also discovered that many of the offensive gray dwarves had hollow eyes.

Is this controlled by spiritual magic?

Or something else?

Lin Chuan carefully figured out that although there are not many things like this in Io Continent, there are many.

Among them, there are several things that make Lin Chuan react immediately.

There is also a kind of magic called puppetry.

But this kind of puppet requires a much stronger person than the subject to force it to release.

Otherwise, the subject needs to be completely obedient, willing to accept the magic, and there must be no resistance, otherwise, the magic or divine art will fail.

In addition, there are several kinds of magic and divine arts, and necromancers will use several of them.

But the magic of Necromancer and Necromancer has a side effect.

That is the subject, who can't stop turning towards the dead.

But Lin Chuan carefully observed for a while, and found that whether these dark elves or gray dwarves, there was no such trend.

"However, it is not ruled out that the other party has some props, or some magic and magic to stop this trend."

Lin Chuan knew that there were several kinds of magic.

For example, the false life of the magician has a certain resistance effect, and some healing magic of the priest.

Of course, it must be targeted, such as the priest of the goddess of life.

But Lin Chuan basically ruled out these possibilities!

"Then there is one kind left, one of the most terrifying creatures in the underground world!"

Lin Chuan observed carefully, for fear that there were such fearful creatures around him.

In Lin Chuan's memory, there are some terrifying creatures in the underground world, so-called brain demons!

This is a kind of monster that is similar to the brain, the appearance is the human brain, but it is slightly larger.

But the shape is the human brain, just the color and appearance, which makes people feel a kind of horror and disgusting.

The mental power of this monster is very powerful, and its attack method is relatively simple!

But don't think that a single attack method is easy to confront.

This kind of brain demon is definitely very difficult.

Because the attack of the brain demon comes from the spirit, or in other words, from the soul!

The soul of the brain demon is very strong and can easily use a kind of magic called slavery.

The effect of this magic is to control the creature as a puppet.

Right now, the dark elves and gray dwarves below are representative.

Lin Chuan seemed a little cautious, but not too worried.

If it is really a brain demon, it is definitely not a powerful brain demon.

If it is a powerful brain demon, just use the soul storm to kill everyone, and then you can calmly enslaved.

Or, just forcibly enslave all creatures.

This kind of creature, even in the void, is very tricky.

"This may be a new brain demon, or a group of destroyed brain demon, only one weak brain demon survives?"

Lin Chuan suddenly realized this, and immediately became excited.

Brain demon is definitely a very good research object.

Not to mention the powerful mental power, and the terrifying soul.

"If you can catch it and study it, it will definitely be a big gain. Not to mention, the cultivation of spiritual power, as well as the strength of the soul, can be peeked out of it."

In Lin Chuan's mind, hundreds of research topics popped up. If the brain demon could be caught, this would definitely be a very big gain.

Even more than the previous harvest in the underground world, more than the harvest from the dark elves who searched several material warehouses and got the seeds of those ancient trees.

There is so much!

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan suddenly realized that he and the Netheril scroll had become closer, as if he had refined this scroll in a deeper level!

"Sure enough, this is Netheril's killer character!"

Lin Chuan didn't know how he came up with these research topics, but he also knew that this concept was indeed the style of Netheril's group of great arcanists who were not afraid of death.

He faintly discovered a shortcut to inherit Netheril.

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