A blue halo, centered on the Xuanyuan Stigma, spread to the entire team. Under everyone's feet, there is a blue halo, light blue magic elements, covering every member of the Xuanyuan family.

"Crowd acceleration scroll?" Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, this Xuanyuan family still has a lot of good things.

This is a scroll of the wind system, and a powerful gale horse can also use this spell.

But the problem is that this belongs to the periphery of the gusty grassland. Most of these gusty horses are not very high, and the highest is just the silver tier!

The Golden Stage will only be found in the depths of the gusty grassland.

But there are very few archmage levels, all concentrated on Fengma Island.

The magic of single speed acceleration is not that tall.

This group is the only one, and the scope of acceleration is quite large. At this time, dozens of members around here were all enveloped by wind elements, and they accelerated in an instant.

But Haifengma was interrupted by the previous meteor shower and needed a detour.

Strictly speaking, Meteor Fire Rain is a mixed magic of earth and fire.

When the meteorite fell, it hit the ground into pits and pits, and the huge hole made Hayatema have to detour.

Moreover, when the meteorite of this meteor fire rain fell, the surrounding temperature was raised by the fire element to a point where ordinary people could not bear it.

Even Warcraft could not stand the high temperature.

This gave the Xuanyuan family time to escape. All of a sudden, everyone's speed increased and they fled frantically.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan stopped casting more spells.

There is no need. Seeing that, not far away is the edge of the grassland.

On the outside, is the Griffin Heart Kingdom.

This is the junction of Blast Meadows, Bracada, Southern Cross Forest and Griffin Heart Kingdom.

Among them, the Southern Cross Forest belongs to the Kingdom of Stars and Moons, and the boundary between it and the blast grassland is relatively large, almost as large as Brakada and the northern kingdom in the north.

The Griffon Heart Kingdom also occupies a part of the Southern Cross Forest, as well as a part of the plain, which borders the gusty grassland.

Before long, everyone arrived at the junction.

Ahead, there is the army of Griffin Heart Kingdom.

Lin Chuan's eyes shrank, and he saw the most famous Griffin Cavalry in the Griffin Heart Kingdom!

Griffon Heart is named after this.

"Stop coming!"

Just when Xuanyuan Shenghen and others arrived at the border, an officer-like figure came out and shouted loudly.

At the same time, several teams of cavalry came out, and the other troops were all waiting.

These thousands of galloping horses, although for this army, are not difficult to solve.

But it's really tricky to match up.

And right now, this group of people was being chased by Hayate Horses, and they didn't know what anger and grievances they had done that caused so many Hayate Horses to chase them.

The officer definitely didn't want to carry the pot for the Xuanyuan family. If the Xuanyuan family were allowed to enter the position and escape, then only the army would carry the pot.

Lin Chuan did not go directly, he did not belong to the Griffin Heart Kingdom, and the past was also troublesome.

It's better to wait for Xuanyuan Liehuo and the others to finish their negotiations, and then go there, it's a little easier.

Lin Chuan looked over there, Xuanyuan Shenghen went out to negotiate with the officer. Lin Chuan withdrew his gaze and looked at the horse in the distance.

Thousands of hurricane horses are still very oppressive.

After a standoff for a while, Haifengma was very unwilling.

But I don't know how Xuanyuan Stigmata negotiated with the officers. Soon, Griffin Heart sent troops out, and there was a tendency to advance.

Even if they were unwilling, the Hayate Horses roared hoarse for a while.

Then, it gradually dispersed.

The tense atmosphere gradually disappeared.

After a while, Xuanyuan Stigma came over and invited Lin Chuan over.

When passing by, the officer glanced at Lin Chuan, but didn't say much.

It's just that Lin Chuan still heard him mutter in a low voice: "Elf?"

Not everyone can distinguish wood spirits from elves. Most wood spirits represent people outside of elves.

Lin Chuan originally thought that he wanted a pass given by the temple of birth.

On this road, I was going to the highest forest.

When passing through the border, if it was a smuggling, it would be fine if it was not caught.

If you enter from a normal border, for example, if you encounter an army now, you have to show your pass.

The disaster is the responsibility of the whole continent. As long as you have a pass, you can pass easily.

Lin Chuan did not ask how Xuanyuan Shenghen communicated and negotiated. This was a matter of others. It was useless to ask him, but instead it caused other people's disgust.

All the way out, to a small town.

Xuanyuan Shenghen smiled and said, "Chairman Lin, this is our stronghold in this small town. Please follow me in. The chairman is already here. Prepare some local delicacies. Please don't dislike him."

Lin Chuan smiled and waved his hand: "It's also an experience."

Just about to go in, a cold snort came from the other side.

Lin Chuan looked over, and it was Victor.

He raised his eyebrows: "You and them set up a stronghold in the same place?"

Xuanyuan Shenghen nodded, and said helplessly, "Originally, we were a big guild. Other guilds chose to stay away. That is, some small and medium guilds are nearby, and most of them are attached to us. The Xuanyuan family. Some time ago, these polar bears suddenly moved to the Griffin Heart Kingdom, and they chose a site near our guild, and they were on the bar with us. If you have any tasks, you have to step in and compete. It’s always making trouble. No, we are going to catch Hayate. They have made trouble more than a dozen times.

Xuanyuan Shenghen shook his head bitterly. Originally, the Xuanyuan family was gaining momentum, and there were almost no enemies around here. The small and medium guilds all looked to them for their breath, but now that these polar bears are upset, the Xuanyuan family's status has been affected.

The original position of a dominant family has become a rivalry between two heroes.

Those small and medium guilds began to be ambiguous and divergent.

This is actually no wonder everyone else wants to consider their own interests. Who is willing to work for others by nature? The things that I have obtained so hard, I give my little head or even most of them to others for free?

What kind of protection fee, what kind of payment, who wants this?

There was no way before, but now there is a way. Who doesn't want to get rid of this status?

No one is born to be a slave!

"Chairman Lin, please here, let's go in." Xuanyuan Shenghen said.

There is no way to hate polar bears.

It's better to make good allies.

Just like today, if there is no Lin Chuan, they are afraid that they will lose their money again.

Lin Chuan nodded, and he probably had an understanding of the current situation of the Xuanyuan family.

From the standpoint of the Xuanyuan family, the opponent is undoubtedly hateful.

But from the standpoint of the other side, they are just seeking survival.

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