<script>The next day, the Guo family and Liao Yuan's parents finally officially met.

    Liao Yuan made good arrangements in advance. The two hotels are not far from Guo's house, and the restaurant where they meet is in the middle.

    He asked Guo Zhi to accompany Guo's father and Guo's mother, Guo Heng drove the Cao family of four, and he called a car to pick up the Liao family of three.

    In the taxi, he turned his head and asked, "How much have you prepared for the betrothal gift?"


    Liao Rui's mother rolled her eyes and did not speak.

    Liao Yuan glanced at Liao Chengjun, took out a bundle of money wrapped in red paper from the canvas bag he straddled diagonally, and handed it over: "Eighty-eight, take it." Money bags are ready.

    Liao Chengjun was relieved, and quickly took it: "Okay, don't worry."

    Liao Rui's mother had a smile in her eyes, revealing a certain look of "as expected".

    Liao Yuan ignored her.

    Liao Rui ignored everyone and only looked at the scenery outside the car window.

    At half past eleven at noon, everyone gathered in the reserved dining room.

    Liao Yuan was like a great enemy throughout the whole process, and he did not drink a drop of alcohol. While staring at his father and his stepmother, he also has to pay attention to his own mother.

    Guo Zhi secretly squeezed his hand under the table several times, trying to make him relax a little, but it was all in vain.

    Fortunately, the atmosphere of this meal was quite harmonious. Liao Chengjun and his wife were very honest and did not act as a demon. Liao Yuan's mother just eats honestly. If Guo's mother greets her, she will be polite and not talk much, but she is not rude.

    For her unenthusiastic attitude towards Guo Zhi, Guo Ma ignored her choice with a smile.

    Speaking of which, they are indeed mother and daughter. Seeing Liao's family, she and Guo Zhi had the same idea: You can't look like a person.

    I imagine a cool father, a mean stepmother, a poisonous and bad half blood brother. All of them actually look pretty good. Not to mention the enthusiasm shown by the parents and stepmothers, it is very helpful to promote the warm and friendly atmosphere of this meeting. Even the legendary bear boy's younger brother, who is also 1.8 meters tall, is clean and white. Although he doesn't talk much, he knows that when he sees his elders, he has to call someone, and he has basic courtesy.

    Speaking of which, this family is much better than that mother's attitude

    As for that mother, Guo Ma can understand her feelings, and secondly, she is just like what Guo Zhi said, she is a woman who is so soft that no one can be angry with her what.

    Fortunately, the father and son of the Cao family are warm and polite, and Cao Meng is also well-behaved and cute. The atmosphere at the dinner table was quite good.

     Guo's mother felt that Liao Yuan's mother was actually a blessed woman. Although the first marriage was unfortunate and the family was reorganized, the man and his stepson seemed to be kind people.

    Not to mention the success of my son now.

    She is obviously a woman with deep blessings, why is she always so sad.

    As long as you don't pay attention to Liao Yuan's mother's silence, the atmosphere can be called harmonious.

      Liao Yuan's mother lowered her eyes and said nothing.

    At this time, Liao Chengjun, as the man's parent, stood up and presided over the overall situation. Beier took out the betrothal gift that Liao Yuan had prepared in advance and gave it to Guo Zhi's father himself.

    In fact, in big cities, although there are still red envelopes for the first meeting, there may be three or four golds for engagement, but there is really not much in the step of betrothal gifts.

    In any case, Liao Chengjun came up with the auspicious number of 88,000, no matter who prepared the money, it added a bit of joy to today's events, and also made Guo Zhi's Parents are even more happy.

    Eighty-eight thousand, in Liao Yuan's house, it is the best betrothal gift in ordinary people's homes. Liao Chengjun didn't have to pay a penny himself, and earned face in vain.

    Of course the Guo family knows that Liao Yuan's current wealth is nothing at all. But the Guo family has the property certificate of Liao Yuan's 10,000,000 yuan house lying there, who doesn't care about the amount of the betrothal gift. But it is just a festive and auspicious ritual process.

    Liao Yuan prepared this eighty-eight, and both sides were very happy.

    He watched with his own eyes the banknotes he had wrapped in red paper and handed them over to his future father-in-law. His shoulders, which had been tense, relaxed slightly.

    Guo Zhi saw clearly, quietly held his hand and gave him an encouraging smile.

    Liao Yuan smiled back, holding her hand and not letting go.

    He has been nervous for the past two days, and his nerves are highly tense. After buying the order and dispersing the table, I remembered and asked Liao Chengjun: "Where is the household registration book?"


    Liao Rui's mother just looked at her with a smile and didn't speak.

    Father Mo Ruozi. Liao Yuan stared at his dad for a while before he said solemnly, "Okay."

    The most important meeting between the two parties has been successfully completed, and he is not afraid of any moths.

    He turned to the Cao family and said, "The car I arranged will come to pick you up tomorrow morning. Stay for one more night today, and tomorrow the tour guide will drive you directly to the imperial capital. Have fun for a few days. I will arrange everything. All right, just follow the tour guide. If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, you can go around here first."

    Lao Cao said embarrassedly: "It's a waste."

    "Where, I have to thank you and Yuxuan." Liao Yuan glanced at his mother without a trace.

    Old Cao and Xiao Cao all have feelings for each other.

    Liao Yuan asked Guo Heng to help him take the Cao family back to the hotel. Guo Zhi still accompanies his parents. He himself followed Liao Chengjun back to the hotel.

    "Where is the account book?" Liao Yuan asked when he returned to the hotel room.

    Liao Chengjun was silent.

    "Xiao Rui, you go back to your room first, we'll talk to your brother about something serious." Liao Rui's mother smiled and sent her own son back to the room.

    Liao Rui glanced at them, walked over and took out the laptop charger from his dad's suitcase, took it in his hand and walked towards the door.

    No one in the room cared about him.

    Listening to the sound of the door opening and closing, Liao Yuan took the lead: "What do you want?"

    He looked at Liao Chengjun and said. Liao Chengjun blushed slightly, glanced at his wife, but remained silent. The high-spirited look at the dinner table was gone.

    Liao Rui's mother said: "Liao Yuan, you are about to get married soon, your father wants to ask you, how do you plan to support him in the future?" She was smart not to mention She and Liao Rui, of course, were useless to mention them.

    Liao Yuan saw that Liao Chengjun was not going to speak, and finally looked at this woman.

    "What do you want?" he asked.

    These words completely tore apart the illusion of warmth that morning. Liao Chengjun's expression became embarrassed.

    The woman doesn't have any affection and warmth with him, and doesn't care. She looked confident, obviously making up her mind.

    She smiled and stretched out two fingers.

    Liao Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Twenty thousand"

    The woman stopped for a moment, retracted her finger, and said angrily: "What? It's not ashamed to say it."

    "200,000" she said eagerly, "200,000 a year. Buy a house for your father. We are already optimistic that a new area has been developed in the county, near the lake, all It's a residence. The two-story small western-style building is only 900,000 yuan compared to the house in the imperial capital, which is less than one-tenth of the price, which is very cheap. For you, it's not much. I heard that a star, Millions a year."

    Liao Yuan looked at her and suddenly smiled.

    She stretched out two fingers, he thought she wanted two million.

    200,000 a year, a house of 900,000, he can afford it. But why

    He is not happy

     Today's Liao Yuan can no longer tolerate this woman's continued manipulation of him

    He didn't speak, he took out a cigarette in his pocket and lit one. Leaning back on the desk, he looked at the two people sitting beside the bed.

    The woman and Liao Chengjun couldn't help but glance at him.

    In the past two years, they can also feel the changes in Liao Yuan. But at this moment, the boy they were once familiar with was standing there tall and tall, with two long legs slightly overlapping. He has grown into a young man, and even the movement of smoking has a star style.

    This made them feel strangely strange.

    The young man did not speak, nor was the resentful silence of the past. He just smoked his cigarette slowly and looked down at them condescendingly. There was an aura that made them feel pressure in their eyes.

      She thought she had the master control in her hands, but now, she is not so confident.

    "Indeed, 20,000 is a bit low." Liao Yuan finally spoke, his speech was neither rushed nor slow, calm and unwavering. "I'll give you 50,000 a year from now on."

    "As for the house," he said indifferently, "Let Liao Rui earn money to buy it."

    It is not that there is no house, nor a place to live. They want a house just for Liao Rui's marriage in the future. After all, Liao Rui was already eighteen years old, and in five or six years, it was time to talk about marriage.

    As Liao Rui's father and mother, they are really a pair of qualified loving fathers and mothers, and they started planning for this little son early.

    He sat on the ground to pay back the money and refused. The woman's smile could not be sustained. "Liao Yuan, you earn so much a year to give your father 50,000 yuan, so sorry"

    "I'm not ashamed to give my dad money. Fifty thousand a year, in our place, go ask how many people can do it"

    The woman hummed: "It doesn't matter where it is. The problem is that you are a big star. You earn so much to give your father so much. It's not good to say it."

    "I have nothing to do with other people."

    "You are a public figure. Liao Yuan." The woman threatened, "You can't do this to your father. If you want to do this, I will go to the media to expose you. Filial father, the media like to expose this kind of news, they like to make bad stars. Your reputation is bad, see how you can make money.”

    Liao Yuan smiled angrily: "You go."

      By then everyone will have to scold you"

    Liao Yuan looked at the ceiling, exhaled a puff of white smoke, and looked down at her: "Go. Go anyway. Go and talk about it, send me to the hot search. When the news is hot, I will use Two words can change the direction of public opinion."

    He looked down at the woman who broke into his home, chased away his mother, and took away all the beauty in his life. His lips moved slightly, and he gently spit out those two words:


    It has been more than ten years, and he finally counts, calling her mother.

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