When the plane finally arrived at the Imperial Capital that day, it was nearly one o'clock in the morning.

    Guo Zhi went to the hospital early the next morning. I saw Jing Yi and the second elder of the Gu family. After a night of precipitation, Guo Zhiben thought that his emotions could be controlled, but when he saw Gu Qingxia's mother, she only called out "Auntie" and burst into tears.

    Sometimes feelings are not bound by reason at all.

    Mother Gu was sobbing, she cried for a long time before holding Guo Zhi's hand and choked: "Go and see her, she is cold, and you are just a friend."

    In one sentence, Guo Zhi almost lost control of his emotions again.

    Jing Yi took her and Liao Yuan to the mortuary. But he stopped at the door.

    "I said goodbye to her," he said.

    Guo Zhi nodded.

    Jing Yi is a man she admires very much. He has a successful career, a mature personality, and a steady behavior. He is an important department in the company and has always been very prestige.

    However, even for a man like him, when facing death, his face is pale. When he said this, he gave Guo Zhi a feeling of weakness.

    The administrator checked the records, found the corresponding drawer, and opened it.

    The cold air came, and Gu Qingxia lay there quietly. Her face was still beautiful, but her complexion had changed from fair to pale, and her lips were bloodless. She was seven months pregnant, but her belly was flat.

    After confirming that it was impossible to save the pregnant woman, a man who is said to be the child's biological father signed the signature, and the doctor dissected the child.

    When Gu Qingxia died, her family, friends and even her lover were not by her side. The man beside her, no one knew him.

    The police initially concluded that it was a robbery with a knife, mainly based on the man's confession. Because at the time, he was with her.

     But Jing Yi said that there seems to be an inside story, but it is not clear.

    There is no way to ask the second elder of the Gu family about this matter.

    Guo Zhi doesn't really care about the so-called inside story, because no matter what the inside story is, she can't change the fact that her friend has passed away, and it can't change the fact that she has never even seen her own child, so it must be with regret Facts out of this world.

    This fact is another mental blow to the relatives and friends who care about her and love her.

    Guo Zhi finally couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head and fell into Liao Yuan's arms and cried.

    Liao Yuan experienced the taste of death earlier than Guo Zhi, and faced the disappearance of life. He knew that at such a time, the comfort of words was weak. He didn't say anything, just hugged her shoulders silently.

    When she is vulnerable, being by her side is a comfort.

    Guo Zhi also understood this, so she temporarily put her work on hold and stayed with the second elder of the Gu family.

    She actually needs to communicate with them about some things, but now is obviously not a good time, you can only wait.

    Lin Bo called and said: "You asked Liao Yuan to come back tomorrow night, and only buy him two days off. If he doesn't work the day after tomorrow, the producer will be replaced. Tell him to come back. Come on, I'll go with you."

    Guo Zhi was silent for a while, and said, "I told him to go back, so don't come here."

    Limbottom paused and said: "Guo Zhi"

    "Stop talking, Limbo." Guo Zhidao, "I'm fine."

    He and she fell into silence together, and there were some indescribable emotions flowing in the silence, and both of them could feel it.

    Guo Zhi raised his eyes and saw Liao Yuan not far away in the corridor waiting for her to call.

    He leaned against the window sill of the corridor with his hands in his pockets. The sun shone on his shoulders, and his dark eyes looked at her quietly, waiting for her.

     Said nothing and seemed to say a lot.

    Guo Zhi looked at the young man in the sun and felt that his emotions had stabilized. All sanity has also returned.

    "Limbo" she broke the silence, "Let's live in the moment"

    Hang up the phone, she walked to Liao Yuan and said to him, "Go back tomorrow." She relayed Limbo's words to him.

    Liao Yuan was with Guo Zhi, never disobeyed her, and was accustomed to obeying. At this time, he would not argue with her, but he protested with his eyes.

    Guo Zhi sighed slightly. She took his hand and said softly, "Liao Yuan, don't worry."

    Don't worry about her he or him

    or they

    Liao Yuan stared at her, getting some assurance in her eyes, so he lowered his head and said "um". Take the flight back to Shanghai the next night.

    After two days, Gu Qingxia's child was released from the intensive care unit, and the second elder of the Gu family picked up the child from the hospital and was about to return to Jiangdu.

    Losing her beloved daughter, this child has become the spiritual support for the two old people to survive.

    The day before they left, Guo Zhi went to see them and gave them some documents.

    "It's all signed by Qingxia, I wanted to wait for the first financial statement to come out and give it to her together." Guo Zhi said abruptly.

    "If you two want to withdraw the capital, we will void this. You give me a little time, and I will withdraw the money as soon as possible. But, Auntie," she said, "I still hope you two I can consider continuing to hold shares. I can't guarantee that I won't go bankrupt in the future, and I can't guarantee how much money I will make. However, this is the joint effort of Qingxia and I. What I can guarantee is that I will work hard. Do it well."


    She went there on the day she picked up the child and was discharged from the hospital, and Jing Yi went too.

    The biological father of the child also went.

    He is a handsome, burly man. Gu's mother disliked him so much that she didn't want to take a second look and say more. He was like a shadow-like existence that day, following closely without uttering a word.

    It was another young man who really ran around, went through various procedures, and took care of the second old man.

    "Sister Guo," he said, "I'm Katsuko, Mr. Li's personal assistant. I've met you."

    Guo Zhi remembered that she had seen him, and he was the person beside Li Sheng.

     Her mood was very complicated.

    She knew that Li Sheng had to leave, and that Li Sheng always wanted Gu Qingxia to go to Canada with him.

    She knew that Li Sheng even wanted to be a father to this child of Gu Qingxia.


    She knew that this emotion was irrational, but such things as emotions were often out of control and were not bound by reason.

    Indeed, after she met Li Sheng, she was convinced by this man. He has always been very optimistic about him and Gu Qingxia.

    The results were unexpected and disappointing.

    The child is too young to fly. Shengzi also disliked the inconvenience of the high-speed rail.

    He was instructed by his boss to take good care of the second elder and the children of the Gu family. He arranged for a large and spacious RV, followed by a mother-in-law and a nurse. The others followed in a commercial van.

    In this battle, ordinary people cannot arrange it, nor can they afford it.

    Mother Gu sighed in tears when Li Sheng was mentioned: "Li Sheng, Li Sheng"

    After a while, she said, "He is a good boy."

    It's a pity

     Her love for Li Sheng is beyond words, and she dislikes her granddaughter's father.

    The biological father signed to give up custody of the child, and his eyes were full of reluctance as he stood at the door of the hospital and watched the RV leave.

    There is a kind of infatuation, a bit like Liao Yuan.

    Guo Zhi felt pity for him. But this is a complicated family affair in someone else's family. She neither knows the inside story nor has the right to peck at it.

    The second elder of the Gu family told Guo Zhi before leaving that they were not going to withdraw.

    She is their daughter's only friend and someone she trusts. They are ready to carry on that trust to the next generation.

    "We are old and don't know how long we can take care of her. This is her mother's legacy and a guarantee for her," they said.

    Guo Zhi held Gu's mother's hand and nodded vigorously.

    She doesn't care about those complicated and incomprehensible things, she only cares about her friends, and now it is her posthumous daughter.

    From now on, this child will be her new partner, replacing her mother.

    Her name is Ming Qiu, which is the name Gu Qingxia had chosen before his death. Because of the estimated time, she should have been born in the golden autumn of the imperial capital, where the sky is bright and sunny.

    Although she came to this world early, her grandparents still used this name for her.

    Because it was left to her by her mother.

    After the departure of the Gu family, Guo Zhi's life seems to be back on track. But in fact, she has not gotten rid of the shadow that the death of her friend has brought to her.

    The final determination was robbery and manslaughter. But there's actually a lot going on in this matter.

    The second elder of the Gu family obviously knows, but Guo Zhi can't cut a knife on someone else's wound.

    So later, she almost called Zhao Tianzhuo and wanted to ask him for the contact information of that Shengzi. That person, obviously, is also the insider of the truth.

    But Guo Zhi gave up before the call was made.

    Because it doesn't really make sense.

    Because Gu Qingxia is dead.

    Cannot reactivate.

    Liao Yuan stayed in the Shanghai stock market for another half a month before returning to the imperial capital.

    This time is already summer vacation, and his first serious TV series has already been broadcast in the summer vacation file. It was on fire as soon as it was broadcast.

      In this era of face-seeing, it is very in line with the trend of public tastes.

    The third male Liao Yuan also became popular.

    The popularity has skyrocketed, and the value has doubled. The attitude of the people in the crew towards him has also changed significantly.

    These Liao Yuan can feel it.

    Some friends who are not familiar with him also began to actively contact him to deepen and strengthen the relationship.

     Even David followed suit.

    "If you can't get in touch with you, just contact me directly." He said, "Everyone asked me if I was working as an assistant for you."

    Liao Yuan was noncommittal.

    His popularity finally reached his home. After all, television is the most important information dissemination channel at present.

    People in his family may not go to the Internet to watch a web drama, but as soon as the TV is turned on, they can see Liao Yuan's face in this popular drama.

    His dad called him twice and asked him how he was acting on TV. He always thought he was just a model.

    "I changed careers." Liao Yuan said.

    "It's good, you're a star now" Liao Chengjun sounded elated, "This one will make more money"

    "Well, it's more than before. I'm saving money to buy a house in the future." Liao Yuan said.

    Liao Chengjun became embarrassed: "Oh, yes. You have to buy a house. I said, you might as well go home and buy it, the houses here are cheap, and the house prices in the imperial capital are too scary, Let me see, the price of one square meter can buy a room on our side."

    "You buy a bigger one, and we usually look after it for you. When you come back, you will have a place to live, which is great," he said.

    Liao Yuan's voice was calm and unwavering: "I don't think about it. I will live in the imperial capital in the future, and I will definitely only be able to buy a house in the imperial capital. The house prices here are too expensive, and I have to save money. "

    "If possible, I hope my family can help me." He used this sentence to repel Liao Chengjun.

     Whether his biological father or his "friends" who were unwilling to reach out to him when he was poor, Liao Yuan could ignore them.

    Although he is young, it can be said that he has tasted the hot and cold world.

    These sudden enthusiasm and sudden change of attitude did not move him one bit.

    The only thing he cared about was his mother.

    She also called him, especially happy for his popularity, and felt that he had great prospects. She cried as she talked, which made Liao Yuan feel sour, and spent a lot of time comforting her.

    The shooting of the exterior part of the Shanghai market was finished, Liao Yuan packed his luggage and prepared to return to the imperial capital.

    He has not seen Guo Zhi for more than two weeks. Although he talks on the phone every day and knows that her work is going well, he has always been worried that she will not recover. He was very happy to think that he could see her at home.

    While waiting at the airport, his phone rang and it was a strange call.

    I don't know why, he saw that number familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

    "Liao Yuan, it's me." A young woman's voice came from the phone.

    This voice is also very familiar, but Liao Yuan still can't remember who it is.

    "Who?" he asked.

    The woman on the phone paused.

    "I am Mu Rong."

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