The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 778: Peer retaliation

The unique beep of the Gatling electromagnetic gun sounded again, and the barrage splashed out almost wiped out the surrounding driven armor.

Only one high-speed cheetah dodged in time and escaped unharmed.

Ling Xingye didn't get attached to it, and instead concentrated on destroying this "super five category".

Seeing that the situation was not good, the enemy Silver Cross Alpha who was hiding in it popped out of the cockpit and got out.

The torso of the mantis-shaped powered armor suddenly exploded, and the barrel-shaped cockpit was ejected from behind. Then, an armadillo covered in metallic luster jumped out of it, landed on all fours, and quickly opened the distance with a few jumps.

At the same time, the high-speed cheetah that escaped just now came to join him in lightning speed.

Like a robot fused together, the metal armadillo submerged into the cheetah, accelerated and fled far away.

Before he could take a few steps, he saw it turn around suddenly, desperately trying to stop.

However, the huge mass of the driven armor endowed it with the same huge inertia, and the "brake" was not enough, and the high-speed cheetah crashed into the big net woven by the "flying blade".

The beautifully shaped cheetah body was instantly cut to pieces by silk threads, and the metal armadillo inside was not much better. Although it is the best "life armor" at present, the outer armor of the "armadillo" is obviously not " Flying Blade" opponent.

Sliding across the sharp blade, the metal armadillo tried to dodge and still had its left leg cut off.

The immobile enemy was easily caught up and captured by Ling Xingye.

Fortunately, the silver cross Alpha hidden in this miniature powered suit was safe and sound. However, due to living in the "metal armadillo" for a long time, his body has undergone extensive adaptive transformation, and he has basically lost the physical strength to escape and struggle by himself, so he can only obediently catch him without a fight.

"The transformation is really thorough." Ling Xingye looked at the enemy's extremely weak body, and even doubted whether he could survive independently without the "life armor" metal armadillo.

Shaking his head and throwing away irrelevant thoughts, Ling Xingye asked: "I only have one question - who ordered you to attack me?"

The silver cross turned its head and said nothing.

Ling Xingye had expected the enemy's reaction, shrugged his shoulders, and did not continue to ask.

At this time, Hitomi Shiranui who hid behind him took a step forward: "Silver Cross, look at me!"

Suddenly being called by name, the enemy raised his head subconsciously, and then reacted immediately, but it was too late.

There was only a moment when the eyes met, and Hitomi Shiranui looked away.

"It's confirmed, it's Director Shiokishi." She said, "Since the evidence has been obtained, should I notify Hijikata to take action?"

Ling Xingye turned his head and looked towards the southwest of Academy City: "He is already in action, since the target is determined to be correct, there is no need to notify him to cancel the action."

The second school district, the heavy industrial area and arsenal, weapon testing ground, and live ammunition training ground of Academy City.

Director Shiokishi's secret residence is one of the heavily guarded military bases.

But at this moment, the base, armed with soldiers and high-tech defense systems, was deserted and fell into a deathly silence.

On the second basement floor of the base, a room at the core of the defense system is Director Shiokishi's lair that he almost never leaves for his daily life.

At this moment, Director Shiokishi was arguing with Passy.

"...As the host of the council, I am neutral." Passy said, "But I still have to say that your actions are really a bit reckless."

"Neutral?" Director Shiokishi snorted coldly, "I think you are biased towards that brat at all!"

"You know, I'm not biased towards any side." Passy explained calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, this is just a greeting." Director Shiokishi said nonchalantly, "If you can't even pass this test, what qualifications do you have to be equal to us?"

Paxi suddenly let out a long sigh: "You made a mistake, director. I'm not worried about Ling Xingye!"

After all, Percy bowed politely, and then disappeared—it turned out to be a holographic projection.

Director Shiokishi broke into a cold sweat from the last sentence, and he suddenly realized that the guards outside had been quiet for too long.

According to his request, every half hour, the security situation of the base must be reported.

He immediately threw himself aside and climbed onto the custom-made driven suit.

After putting on the armor, the amplified hearing immediately caught a trace of abnormal sound.

Looking up, I saw a few straight cut marks suddenly appearing on the thick armored explosion-proof door in front of me.

Then, the door was kicked open.

"Guards! Guards! Come on!" Director Shiokishi shouted immediately.

But no response.

"Stop yelling," said the young man wearing sunglasses and holding a blind stick, Hijikata Hu. "Now in this building, the only ones who can move are you and me."

He carried the sword in the stick on his shoulder and walked over briskly.

Shiokishi manipulated the powered suit and fired bullets at him.

But Hijikata's figure flickered, dodging most of the bullets like a ghost. The remaining bullets were chopped off by him with a knife.

Shiokishi was dumbfounded. Dodging or even cutting bullets in such a close-range situation can only be done by a specially adjusted and set driven armor!

With only one person and one knife, and not even level 3, how could such a thing be possible?

"You are as timid as the rumors say, and you are wearing powered armor in this indoor environment..." came to the Hijikata looked up at this tall figure, "How scared are you?" dead?"

—If that’s the case, don’t provoke us!

Hijikata said in his heart, while reading the direction of the air flow, he avoided the attack of the driven armor in advance.

Going around behind the enemy, Hijikata used the monomolecular blade in his hand to draw deep scars on the outer armor of the powered suit.

"Tsk, it's so thick!" He complained, "Come out, I can't see where you are inside, what if I accidentally hack you to death?"

Tu Fanghu sneered again and said, "Don't worry, we're retaliating on equal terms. Since the leader is fine, I won't hurt your life... just take your hands and feet as the price."

"Little devil, do you know what you're talking about!" Director Shiokishi yelled angrily. As a director, leading the highest level of Academy City, this is the first time he has been threatened like this.

"You are declaring war on me!" Shiokishi yelled.

Each director represents a power group, equivalent to a prince of Academy City. A conflict between directors is war!

"Equal revenge"? Do you think this is revenge between the extreme gangsters?

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Hijikata pressed down his sunglasses and glanced at the drive suit, "Perhaps Xingye's character and way of doing things have misunderstood you."

Pushing back the sunglasses again, the corners of the mouth curled up: "Many people seem to have forgotten that the group of armed incompetents is an out-and-out extreme organization!"

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