The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 763: Ling Xingye's identity: No. 6 "puppet operation"

"... Then I will hand over the control of my body to Ling Qianji, but he doesn't seem to have any subordinates." Ling Xingye was talking about his adventure this time.

Although the information can be read directly through memory exchange, Hitomi Shiranui still wants to hear Ling Xingye's personal account.

"Speaking of which, the clown is indeed not here." Ling Xingye looked around the ward, but did not see his puppet.

"He went looking for a place to repair himself," Hitomi Shiranui said, "I was also shocked, I didn't expect the second personality set for you to become like this..."

Shiranui Huotong showed a look of fear on his face, while he was worried about Ling Xingye, he couldn't help worrying about his own situation.

Because the technical prototype of "Second Personality" lies in Hitomi Shiranui himself.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to put down her dignity, went to the school house, and asked Shokuhou Misaki to check it out.

It turns out that there is no problem with the technology of the "Second Personality", the only problem is Ling Xingye himself.

As Ling Qianji said, he is actually the "main body", and Ling Xingye is the later "second personality".

In this regard, Zhihuotong has no choice but to acquiesce in the reality that has already happened.

"Speaking of which, Misaka Mikoto seems to have known Ling Qianji for a long time, and I don't know when it happened..." Hitomi Shiranui said.

"Probably around that time, during the Daba Star Festival..." Ling Xingye speculated about this.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, suddenly someone knocked on the door - it was Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001.

While Ling Xingye was chatting with Hitomi Shiranui, it was already school time.

The Misaka sisters came to visit with a bouquet of flowers and fresh fruit.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto seemed to come to visit when she received Lingxingye's safety email in the morning, but because she still had to attend classes, she had to wait until after school.

—Even if you are level 5 who participated in the world war, you still have to obediently attend class when you return to school.

Even, because of truancy and "smuggling out of the camera", the two were given a warning.

"Congratulations on your recovery." Misaka Mikoto sent her blessings in a regular manner, without being too excited.

After all, she and Misaka 10001 came to visit every day, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Ling Xingye woke up.

"Thank you." Ling Xingye took the flowers with a smile.

"Master, I'm here to see you!" Then Saten Leiko's energetic voice came from the door.

Saten Ruiko brought the snacks she made as a visiting gift, and then reported her "practice" results with great interest.

Because Zuotian Leizi called himself "Ling Xingye's disciple", it attracted Bai Yinyao's attention. So in the past few days, Bai Yinyao also specially taught her a little trick.

Saten Ruiko is now manipulating the puppet and showing it to Ling Xingye.

"Hey~ It really is like this." The girl wearing a wreath swarmed into the door, and said, "Saten-san plays with puppets whenever he gets a chance, and is known as 'the number two puppet operator'." Woolen cloth."

While complaining, he did not forget to send greetings to the others: "Gui'an, Senior Xingye. Gui'an, Senior Shiranui."

Come in with Chuchun Shili, Shirai Kuroko and Gufa Meiwei, and even Liu Jibimei who seldom shows up—all members of the No. 177 Branch of the Disciplinary Committee are in place.

"'Puppet operation number two'...hehehe..." Saten Ruiko scratched her head and laughed, as if she was very satisfied with the title.

"In a sense, it's true." Ling Xingye said, "I remember that for a while, my ability seemed to be misrepresented as 'puppet operation'."

"It wasn't for a while," Chuchun Shili said, "In fact, until now, there are still such rumors, even..."


Ling Xingye asked quickly, and he noticed that when this matter was mentioned, the expressions of other people in the room became a little strange.

"It's the latest urban legend!" Saten Ruiko became excited as expected, her eyes sparkling.

Everyone else remained silent as if giving up, leaving the opportunity for explanation to the veteran lover of urban legends.

"Actually, according to the latest information, there is such a saying!" Saten Saten said, "Master, you are the sixth!"

"The sixth?" Ling Xingye felt confused, "What is the sixth?"

"It's the sixth place!" Saten Ruiko tilted her head, wondering how to explain it.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he pulled Misaka Mikoto next to her, pointed at her and said, "'The third person—Railgun'!"

Then he pointed to Ling Xingye: "'The sixth place - puppet operation'!"

"This... why don't I know..." Ling Xingye was speechless.

"That's why I say it's an urban legend." Hitomi Shiranui said with a smile, "But this rumor is really popular recently."

"I can't help it. After all, the record is there. No one will believe you if you are not level 5, right?" Lily Mezzas came in from the door. "Starry Night, your battle series in Siberia has been spread through various channels."

Isshiki Qianhui and Yaoshi Temple Meixi also came in. High school dismisses a little later, so they're only here now.

The ward was filled with bouquets sent by everyone. At first glance, I thought I had come to a flower shop.

"It's really lively..." Hitomi Shiranui murmured, although she had expected it, but the actual feeling was really impressive... and it seemed that all the girls came.

No, not all of them were girls. I saw a young man standing at the door at some point, wearing a serious suit, which was out of tune with the atmosphere in the ward.

But the other party obviously also came to visit Ling Xingye - because he was also holding a flower basket.

"I'm sorry to bother you." The man's tone was gentle, but he caught everyone's attention the moment he spoke, with a special charm.

"Cough, I'm taking the liberty to come to visit, please forgive me." The man walked into the ward, went straight to the bed, handed the flower basket to Shiranui Tong, and then bowed to Ling Xingye, "I'm glad to see your recovery, 'chief' .”

"You are..." Ling Xingye frowned, trying to recall the identity of this person, but no matter how hard he searched his memory, he couldn't find the same face, "Are you a member of the 'Group'?"

"No, Xingye, he's not." Hitomi Shiranui said suddenly, her expression was serious, her eyes fixed on him, "He's Percy, the spokesperson of the governing council."

"As expected of 'memory construction'," Percy exclaimed, "It's nice to meet you too, Shiranui."

The legendary figure suddenly appeared beside him, which surprised the students present.

The General Council is the highest authority that controls Academy City, and there is almost a world of difference between them and ordinary students, two worlds that do not intersect at except Oafune Monanaka The directors are all existences that are almost impossible to see.

In this case, Passy, ​​as "spokesman" and "secretary," was the highest-level figure accessible to ordinary citizens.

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001, who still had "ex-convicts" hanging on their bodies, subconsciously tensed up, and lightning flashed from their bodies.

"Everyone, don't be nervous," Patsy quickly dismissed people's concerns, and said with a smile, "I'm just here to visit Ling Xingye—on behalf of the governing council."

"I think, I'm afraid it's not just that, there should be other purposes?" Lily asked unceremoniously.

Gufa Meiwei also said: "That's right, don't go around in circles, let's go straight to the point."

Being exposed, Passy was not angry, and nodded: "Then let me also talk about my other purpose by the way——I wonder if Ling has heard of the rumors about the 'sixth place'?"

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