"The right hand...doesn't work?" The fire on the right was full of disbelief.

In that short moment just now, Ling Xingye cut off his right arm; I don't know what happened, but the "sacred right" also failed!

Moreover, the effect of the "unchanged daily life" in its field is like gangrene attached to the bone, lingering on the wound, making it impossible to recover the broken arm.

Compared with the physical pain, the psychological impact of this blow was a greater blow to Right Fire.

He couldn't understand what happened in that thousandth of a second, the only thing he remembered was that Ling Xingye refused his "rescue".

Not only that, this puppet master even wanted to prevent him from saving the world, that's why he completely destroyed the "Holy Right"!

Thinking that the mission that he had planned for a long time, even if he did not hesitate to provoke a world war, failed for such a reason that was almost a joke, Youfangzhihuo felt very absurd.


"How could it end like this!"

The fire on the right roared angrily, and at the wound on the right shoulder, there was a twisted light mass, ready to move.

"No one can stop what my uncle decides!"

Ling Xingye was obviously at the end of his strength, the blow just now had exhausted all his strength, and he fell to the ground with serious injuries.

—Ling Xingye is probably not even able to stay awake now, right?

The fire on the right thought so.

However, the scene in front of him made him speechless...

At some point, Ling Xingye stood up unsteadily.

Like a tattered puppet manipulated by a beginner, the puppeteer in front of him was tottering and tottering under the tug of silk threads, but he did stand up.

String play, human manipulation!

All ten fingers of Ling Xingye's hands were fractured, but this did not prevent him from playing with silk.

Because he is a level 4 powerful person - "phase fulcrum". As long as the brain remains functioning normally, the ability can be used.

Those hundreds of small squares are Ling Xingye's "fingers".

Ling Xingye raised his right arm, and the wrist knife tied to his forearm pointed directly at the fire on the right.

He didn't speak, but his will was clearly and unmistakably conveyed.

—Do you want to continue, Fire of the Right? No matter how many times you come again, I will stop you!

"It's fine if you refuse yourself," You Fangzhihuo said coldly, "Are you still refusing to save the whole world?"

"Then," Ling Xingye's voice was low and hoarse, as if whispering to himself, "what qualifications do you have to make choices for this world?"

"Don't underestimate human beings, don't underestimate this world, bastard!" Ling Xingye said loudly, "This world doesn't need miracles!"

"...Actually, you are performing the greatest miracle right now." Right Side Zhihuo let out a long sigh and collapsed. The light patch on his right shoulder that was about to move also disappeared—he finally lost his "sacred right".

Realizing that the enemy had completely given up, Ling Xingye also fell down like a loose spring.

The aerial fortress "Star of Bethlehem" began to fall...

Sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, Zhihuo on the right looked at the rapidly changing clouds in the sky with some relief.

But what was more on his face was remorse.

"You need to recognize the real enemy..." Youfang Zhihuo said suddenly, "I remember someone said that. It seems that the puppet master and I made a mistake."

Behind the fallen Ling Xingye, the puppet buffoon stood still, silently looking towards this side. On the whiteboard face of the puppet, a smiling face was drawn with blood.

There are silk threads extending from the ten fingers of both hands, submerged in the air, and I don't know where they are connected.

"I agree with Ling Xingye's will." Ling Qianji said, "He defeated you, and I destroyed this 'Star of Bethlehem'."

"That's right..." Youfang Zhihuo casually agreed, obviously not believing his words.

"That's it." Ling Qianji replied solemnly, "Since stepping on the stage, we must perform well—this is our principle."

"Then why didn't you try your best before?" Youfangzhihuo asked him back.

"Because I am a puppet, he is the puppet master."

At this time, the fallen Ling Xingye suddenly said: "Okay, you won. Then I will leave it to you—this body."

After all, Ling Xingye closed his eyes. He knew his current situation, and his injuries could no longer be described as "serious". The blood of silver had been exhausted, and death was only a matter of time.

"It's really cunning to admit defeat at such a time." Ling Qianji was speechless, "What's the use of me wanting a tattered body?"

The "Star of Bethlehem" is falling, Ling Qianji has adjusted its trajectory, and it will eventually fall into the sea, so there is no need to worry too much.

After stuffing the disheartened and incapacitated Youfangzhihuo into the only escape pod and throwing it down, Ling Qianji returned to Ling Xingye's side.

"It's just missing a part of the internal organs. Baiyin will not be killed by this level of injury."

He leaned over and picked up Ling Xingye, and jumped down from the edge of the fortress.

"'Star of Bethlehem'..." Ling Xingye suddenly opened his eyes and said, "It can't sustain the sea."

According to the current parabola it draws, it will fall five kilometers away from the coastline.

"Do you still care so much at this time?"

"This may cause innocent casualties. You are born silver, how can you refuse to save yourself?"

"The iron law of silver is that killing people is forbidden. As for saving people... only if you can do it within your power." Ling Qianji said, "Also, the scripts I arrange never make mistakes."

As soon as the words fell, the clouds in the sky suddenly gathered and deformed, turning into a huge palm, holding up the "Star of Bethlehem", and pushing it towards the sea.

"Elder brother?"

"That's it." Ling Qianji said, "Now sleep peacefully. What I want is my body, not a corpse."

After a while, the two landed smoothly.

"Xingye, you're fine...God, what's wrong with you!"

Finally, Misaka Mikoto's voice was faintly heard in her ears.

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka 10001 jumped out of the car and rushed towards them.

Seeing Ling Xingye's miserable state, the two couldn't help but exclaimed. Misaka Mikoto was at a loss, and Misaka 10001 immediately turned around and went back to the car to get the first aid kit.

"Don't worry, I won't die for the time being." Ling Qianji asked while laying Ling Xingye flat on the ground, "Is Kanzaki Kaori here? She can heal magic."

Misaka Mikoto calmed down a little after confirming that Ling Xingye's life was not in danger.

Only then did he notice the puppet buffoon who spoke just now, tilted his head and thought for a while: "Are you... Ling Qianji?"

"It's me, we meet again, Misaka Mikoto." Ling Qianji nodded.

During the Daiha Star Festival, in order to prevent Misaka Mikoto from evolving to level 6, Ling Qianji once met her as a "second personality".

"Aren't you Xingye's second personality? How did you become a puppet?" Misaka Mikoto still remembers what happened at that time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ With this body now, it doesn't make sense for the second personality to awaken in him, right? Ling Qianji explained casually, and then asked, "Is Kamijou Touma okay?" Did someone catch him? "

"That's right," Misaka Mikoto nodded, "It is said that those three guys identified the wrong person, so they took Hoshiya as Kamijou Touma and arrested him?"

"That's right."

"After Xingye was captured, my sister came to report to us," Misaka Mikoto continued, "Because we were prepared, we knocked down those three guys as soon as they appeared."

After that, Misaka Mikoto and the others spent a lot of effort to repel the Knights, and finally came all the way to chase the "Star of Bethlehem".

"No wonder he didn't wait until Kamijou Touma." Ling Qianji said thoughtfully.

Shortly after Kanzaki Kaori gave Ling Xingye emergency treatment, a helicopter belonging to Academy City arrived and carried Ling Xingye back to Academy City for rescue.

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